Episode Description
So many businesses are built upon the foundation of expectations that have been delivered time and time again. Why should an auto repair business be any different?
The challenging part is adapting to the motorists’ evolving needs, dictated mainly by smartphone use. In this episode of The Digital Shop Talk Radio show, our guest Greg Buckley (Buckley’s Auto Care, Wilmington, DE) walks us through his journey to discover what the customer is looking for, and how to give it to them time and time again.
Episode Transcript
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Tom Dorsey (00:00:03):
Good morning and good afternoon. Welcome to this week’s edition of the Digital Shop Talk Radio. It’s episode 71 and it’s part six in our 10 part series of transitioning to a full digital shop. We’ve got a great show lined up for you today. As always, I’ve got my expert panel of experts, Bill Connor and Uwe Kleinschmidt joining us, and we’re honored to have, I think, first time we’ve ever had you on the show. Greg is Greg Buckley from Buckley’s Auto Care in beautiful Wilmington, Delaware. Yeah,
Greg Buckley (00:00:32):
That’s good. Yeah. Well, I’m really glad to be here. Yeah, it’s first time for me after all these years, maybe even a decade. But yeah, it’s a lot of fun. Great to be here. I know you guys have got some really awesome stuff going on. My coach here, Mr. Connor, yes, sir, really knows how to beat my hide and he’s been doing it quite well. So I’m excited in a sense, I’m going to learn a lot as much as I try and talk about the benefits of what we have here for DVI and why digital is so important. So
Tom Dorsey (00:01:07):
Yeah, we’ve got kind of a unique opportunity with you. You’ve got long chops in the industry and you’re not shy, right? I mean, matter of fact, I think the first time really you came on my radar, other than we’ve been chasing after you for quite some time, but you had this whole thing going on with aaa, right? You kind almost became a household name at some point. And so you’ve got a really great deep perspective from mentoring other shops and kind of leading the way in this industry. And then also we’ve got an opportunity where you’re kind of green coming in from a digital perspective, not unfamiliar with the technology, but I would say maybe play it a little bit more conservative and see how things weed themselves out over time. And then now we’ve got you committed. And so we’re going to be able to learn some insights from your wisdom and knowledge, but then also, like you said, hopefully provide some help and guidance not just to you, but to other folks that are looking to adopt or get over some of those initial hurdles.
A matter of fact, we’ve got a great show coming up with a shop that’s just getting out of that initial work with Bill and Chris Maggard, and now we get to see, it’ll be neat follow up to this show. And then of course, we’re going to twist your arm to have you back on soon, Greg, so that we can then talk about these results that we’re having. Sure. But before we jump into all that, I want to just get a little bit of time, give us some insight on how has the shutdown been affecting you? How have you had to maybe learn some new tricks to weather it and to stay competitive and how’s things going for you?
Greg Buckley (00:02:51):
Well, actually we’re staying fairly. We’re pretty flat. I mean, we had had a little bit of a decline. Our area in Delaware and the Northeast sector seems to be a little bit slower. Well, at least for us, we’re a little bit slower on rebound. We have spurts, and I’m really trying to gauge when and how the heavy weeks are coming in and light weeks are staying away, that kind of thing. But overall, we’ve weathered it as best we could. It has taken a tremendous amount of marketing, customer communications, staying up with them, creating platforms or areas where you can be pretty fluid with communicating drip campaigns with email, those kinds of things. Active social presence, letting them know the updates, diving into community events that resonate well with the times that are going on, and also what you’re doing to help a community along. So all that was really condensed in a period of maybe two months where that may be a year’s worth of campaigning where you’ve structured it out and you look at your marketing campaigns and it’s a year long, and here you are, you’ve got to really, one, you’re pivoting almost every day.
Fortunately, it goes back to the tools that we have with the digital inspection and digital technology, the way we’ve always been adaptable. And my hat’s off to the crew because we practice what we preach. Maybe not to dive into what we’re going to get into, but we’ve always been one to excel at communicating, being on top of the game. And I really think that that is super key and it’s really helped us weather the storm and we look forward to building on this. And now moving into Q3 and Q4 and in the 21, they’re going to be very critical components. We’re really going to be dialed in, and our marketing campaigns are really going to have to be not only measured, but really critical to who we reach and where we reach to. So,
Tom Dorsey (00:05:08):
Okay. No, no, it’s great buddy. And we’ve gotten that because you’ve had to adapt and you’ve had to do some things that you might not have done in the past, and you had to actually take some risks and try some stuff out and some things probably failed and some things became successful, and it’s really a lot of folks had to go back to the foundational best practices, really had to brush up on our fundamentals. And now as we’re starting to come out of this thing, those things that were successful that kept you in the game during the shutdown, how do you continue? I mean, did you discover something maybe that you didn’t do in the past or it’s something that you had done and maybe just started doing less of, or we kind of evolved out of things that were successful in our past, especially
Greg Buckley (00:05:57):
Tom Dorsey (00:05:57):
Good long career. What did you pick up and what are you going to continue to carry forward as we come out of this?
Greg Buckley (00:06:03):
Well, I think one, I’m going to be hyper focused hyperlocal, and I believe that the range where some shops can think that they can stretch and it’s practical to go 10 miles out of a highly dense area, your three to five mile range may be the best that you can achieve, where you should really start to build out again, also really want to study, and I really talk about this a lot to other groups, but you want to look at miles driven per capita, and you really want to know where your client base is moving to, or even if they are moving, it’s a metric that’s available from insurance companies or like myself, I get involved with transportation committees like Will MAPCO and the state of Delaware. And I really kind of find out basically how the population is shifting and moving and that way whether or not you can be more aggressive in marketing or where to, and then you got to get down granular to see what’s going on.
So I think that’s some of the things that we’re moving more towards. That’s why we’re trying to dial in with the DVI platform. And then the other thing is I felt that I’ve been a little bit laxed on retention and really getting the handshakes and the hugs and the fist bumps. That’s pretty much not allowed right now. So we’re kind of void of the physical type of touch, shake hands, kiss babies, all that stuff. We got to go back to the thank you cards, the emails, and the retention pieces that are really more important. So I think if there’s one area that I admit that I took for granted, it’s the retention side. The acquisitions pretty much has always been there, but the retention is pretty critical. So that’s what I want to expand on. Tom needs to turn his mic on. Yeah, I can’t hear
Tom Dorsey (00:08:10):
No lip reading skills here, Tom. Sorry, how about now?
Greg Buckley (00:08:14):
There you go. How about now? Good. Yeah.
Tom Dorsey (00:08:16):
Yeah, I dropped my microphone anyway, but what I was saying is really brilliant points there. You really got to keep it local, right? It all comes back to staying local, but then also you have to be able to target and provide a unique experience to those individuals, folks that live on the north side of town and maybe they’re driving different vehicles or have different commuting habits or those types of things. Then focus on the east side of town. And as you expand out that market, you really need to get very, I think, connected and aligned with that customer base. And it’s a perfect segue into really what we want to talk about in this episode is then that’s managing your customer’s expectations, right? Winning them over, not only from an approval perspective, selling more today, but keeping those folks loyal to your business and coming back over time.
That’s really winning them over. And we have a unique opportunity because with the digital shop and the digital shop operating process, you really get to say transparently, here’s what we do at my shop. Here’s what you can expect. You’re going to get this type of an inspection, it’s going to have this information. Here’s how you engage with this inspection. When you receive it by text or email, here’s the process for your decision making. Here’s what we’re going to do at pickup. Here’s how we’re going to do your quality assurance and those stuff. Here’s what we’re going to do after the visit and on into the future to make sure we take care of you as a customer. We can really define that. How have you adapted, Greg, since you’ve gone digital to managing those customer expectations from the whole cycle, the life cycle of the customer, not just today’s appointment?
Greg Buckley (00:10:04):
Well, I think what’s unique is that the digital process has allowed us to use it for selling and explaining, but also education. And when it’s archived, we can always go back historically and confirm if there’s a warranty issue. Hey, what’s even great about if there’s a dispute, it’s a huge CYA tool in case there is a dispute somewhere along the line. One of the things I find unique, and I’m not comfortable with this, but it’s the way it is, is that the counter will have everything explained to the client before pickup and the exit where the exit used to be an explanation and a personal thank you and all that stuff, it’s now detached. And for me, that’s difficult. But in today’s times it’s understood. But that is what is the expectation of the client. Now, the covid situation where we don’t have a physical contact, contactless is pretty much where we’re at.
And it’s, to me personally, this is a disconnect because I’m not that way. I’m not built that way, but yet we have to understand it. And that’s the same premise that I originally made me dive into AutoVitals round one, because I thought that we didn’t need to have as much digital processes as what we did. And the thing that got me was somebody mentioned to me, he goes, well, what happens when you’re not there? You’re doing all of this, Greg, and you’ve got your forms, you’ve got a history of building stuff for me and working that way. But what happens when I’m not here? Well, the digital process gives me that platform to say, okay, guys, now I don’t have to be here and I still know everything’s going to be covered. So I dunno,
Tom Dorsey (00:12:16):
The details are right there,
Greg Buckley (00:12:17):
Right there in. Yeah. You know what I mean? The whole thing. I’m just a big believer in using digital technology as an amazing tool. It’s quite the utility, and I think it’s now more than ever, very much appreciated by clients of all ages from your 99-year-old grand. Look, here’s the thing, and the one thing the shop should understand is that now with what we just experienced, I personally went out and purchased a new iPhone and a new iPad for my 80-year-old parents to use it for telemedicine. So now they have a platform that I, let’s say that they drive or they, well, they do drive. I can communicate now with them, and they’re getting more adaptive to that digital technology where they used to fumble around an iPad. Now it’s like, okay, I get it. I’m talking to my doctor, I can talk to my technician. So all age groups now and demographics are fully digitized and it’s not going to stop. This is actually kind of like a breakthrough situation for us. So I think we need to take advantage of, I’ll shut
Tom Dorsey (00:13:33):
Up now. A hundred percent, right? As a matter of fact, I’d like to introduce because U has been, I dunno if he’s ever not working, but he put together really a gift. I really think that this is a great kind of an overview and timeline for folks what to expect, whether you’ve been with us forever or you’re brand new, and I’d like to kind of jump into it, get your feedback on it. Greg, if we could Bill, if you could kind of kick us off on that, because I’d really like to hear, because you guys have been working together now for some time, and I’m sure you’ve gone through the analysis and you’ve gone through the planning stages and you’re really starting to get into the implementation stage. And we’d like to hear if we could, what led up to where we’re at today and what are the goals and what are we doing to get there?
Bill Connor (00:14:24):
Sure. So Dustin, if you go ahead and bring up the screen on there, what I’d like to do is just kind of start about talking about the overall process you use with all shops to go ahead and actually bring them on board and make sure nothing gets missed. And so in around week one, when we first make a contact with a shop, we talk to them about doing shop meetings and so on, getting everything set up. And that first week is actually spent getting everybody wrapped up in rolling forward. So Greg, if you would go ahead and maybe just give us a minute or two on what that first week was in your process as far as demeaning in your shop. Did you just say, we’re going to do this and like it, or did you explain to them what’s in it for them and invite them to come along on your journey with you?
Greg Buckley (00:15:09):
Well, it’s kind of different, but at the same time, here’s our experience. We’ve always been very easily, we’ve always adapted well to new technology. It’s just our culture. And when we jumped into, we decided to go full bore back into AutoVitals, we decided that let’s take advantage of every bit of tool. So what we did was first we took the time to get the counters, get the sales counters back up to where we were before. And everybody fortunately was very familiar with the old theme or the older version of AutoVitals when we were first involved. And then getting back into the second one, we realized that, wow, there’s so many tools here. And a lot of those tools fell on me to understand and utilize. And that’s when I go, okay, Bill. Fortunately, I remember Bill from back at Craig Zales place down in Texas, and Bill, I was so blown away when I walked in, there’s Bill masterminding behind Craig’s counter and getting everything done from web to digital to everything.
And when I said, look, I’d like to have Bill because I know your stuff. I said, okay, well, let’s start training. Let’s start getting involved. So we set things up to a minimum level. And I admit that through the weeks and all that stuff, I’ve been kind of lax on not the commitment, but the actual execution of it. So Bill and I can share stories on it. So anyway, a couple Saturdays ago we sat down, we had a two hour training situation, and it was great. And it allowed me to get back in to understand, okay, the feel of the new AutoVitals for me, it’s new again, but the feel of what I’m getting into again. And I was literally blown away by the metrics that were there for me to study. And I go, wow, okay, now I really got to get involved with it and Bill and I are slowly starting that process again, and it feels good. Really, the back end’s amazing. I just never realized how in depth it is. So that’s where I’m at in this journey number two. And with Bill’s help, we’re coming along. We’re coming along with it.
Bill Connor (00:17:31):
So one of the most important discoveries we made on that conversation, I think, and you tell me whether you agree or not, was going ahead and starting out with a really good inspection sheet that has good bones. Yes. So one that speaks to the customer and educates, and we want to go ahead and roll that out. And so now that’s when we get into the next, where we start talking about quick wins. Quick wins is actually making sure your inspection sheet is dialed in a hundred percent properly, and make sure you have the labor codes or canned job service packages in your management system actually mapped to your inspection sheet. And then work with your staff to go ahead and define exactly what that topic is supposed to look like as far as picture, note, arrows and so on, so that we can produce some approvals early and often on there.
So a good inspection sheet, dialing in and making sure that your shop understands what pictures they should take and so on. And then more importantly, by the second week, you should be inspecting a minimum of 40% of the cars that come through your shop. That’s a key component to go ahead and get off the ground and get it processed properly. And if you’re doing inspections and sending pictures or taking pictures and editing them and so on, there’s really no excuse not to send out a hundred percent of them inspections to the customer. And believe me, over the last bunch of years, I’ve heard every excuse that there is, as why as I don’t send them, but I’ve never found a valid one yet. So if you’re doing the work, send them out. Even if the customer is in your front office, we want to make sure that we get that done and sent to the customer. And so Greg, that was one of the things we actually talked about as we’re looking through your data and making measurements is that in the past, you haven’t been sending them through our platform and you’ve been missing a lot of the metrics. So share, now that you’ve discovered the power of it, share your commitment to where you’re going to go on the following weeks.
Greg Buckley (00:19:19):
Well, that’s a really good point, Bill. And yes, before we jump back in, well actually since we were digital way back when, we really were utilizing Google Voice for everything, we had the vanity number on there. I used to preach about how great it was for texting and keeping up with things, and we utilize it significantly. But then when you showed me why we need to contain that within the AutoVitals platform, it made much more sense because we were able to derive a lot more key metrics and the better understanding of what the client is actually doing, how long they’re watching the video, if they open the video, if they open the inspection, whose inspection did they open? So all of these little things mean a lot when you’re starting to decipher the client profile. I believe that once we, it’s a big conversion for us, let me tell you, because we’re so ingrained with Google and its properties and how we’ve managed all these years, it’s going to take a bit, but nonetheless, the purpose is there and it shows so much. I think that alone, that metric alone will be so key into understanding your client profile, how they interact, what they do, so forth and so on. So that’s
Tom Dorsey (00:20:51):
Our goal. And drive that number. It really starts at managing that customer expectation. That’s really sets the foundation, sets you up for success to get that number moving the way that you, because the data doesn’t lie. We know that if you’re driving a motorist research time of X, you can expect about this amount of approval rate. And if you get it up to here, it’s significantly higher.
Greg Buckley (00:21:13):
And I think some of the things that I look at, I mean from other analytics and let’s say my YouTube or different properties, the analytics I like to see is, well, what age group looks at video for how long? What’s their intention span? That’s pretty key simply because you know exactly how much time you have to secure a sale or to have their attention, their commitment is what it looks like. So if you make, let’s say you make a one minute video to send out and they watch it for a full minute, they’re committed to a repair. If they watch it for five seconds, five minutes or don’t open it, then there might be a difference in response. All that stuff comes down and I don’t know, it blows me away. I really, I’m impressed, very impressed.
Tom Dorsey (00:22:00):
But it’s smart because then you can chop it up and you can give a personalized experience because it’s how I respond. And so you communicate, it’s really, it’s efficiency of marketing, it’s efficiency of communication to just tell me on the format that I want and the way that I want because I’ll respond that way. Whereas somebody else, maybe they need smoke signals, maybe you got to go knock on the door, who knows? But they respond differently.
Greg Buckley (00:22:24):
And I think that there shouldn’t be a fear in any of the shop owners who progress to the point where they can actually see a snap. They can look at a snapshot of what has transpired in terms of demographic to time used and all that other stuff, and they can really start battling through my whole customer base, my profile, this kind of thing. It’s like looking at a p and l. If you get good at it, you’ll know right away in a dashboard or whatever you want to call it, quick view. Same with your numbers, with this kind of stuff. So when Bill showed me the true backend, I go, okay, I’m only hurting myself by not diving in and getting it done. That’s the thing. That’s the key. As much as
Tom Dorsey (00:23:08):
It’s, yeah, that’s a great point. And Bill, Bill won’t let you get away anyway.
Greg Buckley (00:23:14):
I know he won’t.
Tom Dorsey (00:23:15):
And real quick for folks, if you’re looking, if you didn’t see, so a couple weeks back is when we did the quick wins episode. It’s episode 69. So in there, if you’re looking at, gosh, what’s a quick win? Make sure you catch that episode, watch the recording of it, and then talk to your trainer because that’s something that you really want to implement because those quick wins, drive that momentum and get that team, buy-in that push you to that finish line. So make sure you get that and watch that.
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:23:44):
So the first I was, yeah, go ahead if that’s okay. Morning.
Oh, good morning, Dustin. Could you share the week one please? I want to just give another option to help you manage expectations. You can create, for example, with our help a webpage on your website, which talks about what the digital shop is going to accomplish. And you could even put that up on a screen and prepare your customers, this is what we’re going to do from now on. You can turn that into a campaign you send out and link that page in that campaign and help you or customers to embrace the new technology they can expect, right? So there’s definitely, before you go and change your shop procedures, it might be a good idea to send out a campaign, introduce it at the counter together with here is what you’re going to get in the future from us on your phone, and this is how it’s going to look.
Tom Dorsey (00:25:08):
Educate your customer,
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:25:09):
You educate your customer on what you’re going to send them. That’s going to create excitement. It’s going to create expectations that you deliver back to the a hundred percent center rate you.
Tom Dorsey (00:25:21):
That’s a great point because here’s the thing folks, is if you’ve been struggling at implementation and you got this part down, but gosh, I can’t just get this, my picture edit rate’s terrible. What happens is if you build a website like this and you tell your customers and then you link that in your appointment confirmation and all your communication and follow up, and then you nail it when they come in, new customer or returning customer, doesn’t matter, nail it at the front counter at dropoff, guess what happens? You’ve committed to making sure you tell ’em, I’m going to send you this by email and text. Well, there goes your scent rates through the roof. Now, hey, this image is how you use the inspection. We’re going to mark up, we’re going to identify the problem areas and tell you right in the picture and video what to do about it. Well, there goes your edit rate because hey, we’ve committed to it. We’ve put it out there and we’ve made that promise publicly. Now we have to deliver. So if you’re struggling to get your goals, to get your edit rate, your scent rate, your motorist research time, whatever it might be, say you’re going to do it to your customer base, then you have to do it because you’re going to have to deliver it.
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:26:26):
And it also brings the team together so you make a promise to your customer and the team’s going to deliver both in the back shop as well as in the counter. So it’s a good idea to create that on the website and then in the first shop meeting, say, here’s what we’re promising our customers. Let’s deliver.
Tom Dorsey (00:26:46):
Yep, each and every one.
Greg Buckley (00:26:49):
Very true. I mean, we try and get at least 2014 to 21 pictures for every service, and we have goes back to the client, they see everything. And that is part of the expectations when they get them. For folks who haven’t had it, for clients who have not had that experience, it is a big win and you just build on it from there.
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:27:14):
And if I may Bill, we implemented a new feature, which is not even live yet, but I thought I used the opportunity to introduce it to you guys. See this little, we’d love your feedback button on the inspection on the right hand side, and when you click it, it should be even live. So we had the following interesting phenomenon with service advisors who go from phone selling to digital. Some of them are hesitant to switch the process, but if you can encourage them about positive feedback from the customer, that’s a self-fulfilling prophecy in the best way possible. So if you get direct feedback and immediately that’s going to create a higher momentum. That’s why we implemented this feature. Thats
Greg Buckley (00:28:17):
Cool. I like the last one. I might not have time to research all the details, but I appreciate how you guys care about that. That’s huge,
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:28:25):
Right? And
Tom Dorsey (00:28:27):
To your point, Greg, that gives you that insight that you’re talking about now. You know, put a little customer note in there now next time you’re going to put some more educationalist stuff that’s easy for that person to do quick 92nd video or something that adds that extra layer to help them do the research, right?
Greg Buckley (00:28:44):
Yeah, absolutely. Yep. You just stamp trust right over that last comment.
Tom Dorsey (00:28:51):
Yeah, buddy.
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:28:54):
And this message to submit feedback lands directly in the service advisor’s task manager, which we’re going to talk about later. So the service advisor cannot miss that immediate feedback from the motorist. Dustin, if you can click the X, then it should go back to the old one, I hope. Perfect. The other thing we have implemented, which has been live now for a few weeks, is we encourage your customers to share the inspection results with their friends, creating new clients or at least create awareness of what’s possible. So that should be another interesting aspect of it that your customers talk about or proud of the way you deliver the inspection results and how transparent it’s and how it helped making decisions.
Greg Buckley (00:29:49):
Another side of that guys is that we’ve had clients share the inspection. Now, if I sent, I have a practice of sending an iMessage to a personal video of what we’re doing. And in most cases, in some cases they don’t mind sharing the train wreck. That’s their car at the moment because they go, look how torn up my car is, and these guys are going to do a great job putting it back together and all this. So it works both ways. Yeah, they’re great with the transparency, but they also can have fun with it. Okay, look what my car did, that kind of thing. Both ways it works.
Tom Dorsey (00:30:28):
Sure, some people just want to be victims. Oh, woe was me. Buy me a new car. Mom, look at my car. I’m terrible
Greg Buckley (00:30:34):
At it. Will you go there you go right
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:30:42):
Back to you, Bill.
Bill Connor (00:30:44):
So we transitioned through the first couple weeks. We’re completely paperless in the shop. We’ve taken the paper way, they don’t have the bottle to work with anymore, so that’s good. And now by the time we get into third week, we should be focusing on the quality inspection. We can measure how good that is in the eyes of the customer by doing an inspection result audit in the shop. But more importantly, by looking at the business control panel. If your motorist research time is good, then a lot of things have went right, you’ve done an inspection, you’ve documented it properly, the customers are spending time looking over with. So that’s your gauge as far as how well you’re doing. So if we’re going to diagnose a performance problem on a vehicle, we always want to look for a high level KPI, this would be your one to go in and watch for.
And then if you go ahead and randomly pick a few inspections and look ’em over, Dustin, if you move over to the right hand side and you scroll through the sample inspections here, that’s kind of the quality that we’re looking for. We want to be able to see if the customer goes through, are they getting areas that are good with some measurements so we can show customer where over time and we tell the customer, we do this, we want to do this three or four times a year. So you can not only see what’s wearing, we can predict the rate that it’s wearing at in case you’d like the budget. So that’s all about what’s in it for the customer and go through these in your meetings in your shop. So by now you should be having weekly meetings and let the staff, you’ve explained to them what good looks like and now let them help you pick apart some of their inspection sheets, your own inspection sheets to actually go ahead and have them tell you what you could have done better. So this is a good thing to go ahead and be working on. And by that third week, this is the level that you should be at. And Greg, is there anything that I just said that you pork on, you’re always be communicating is where you actually live. So do you buy into the fact that if we can go ahead and convince the customer that we want to see you three or four times a year, we want to show you what’s wearing over time? Is that the mindset that we want to develop in our shop?
Greg Buckley (00:32:55):
Yeah, we want our frequency to increase. I mean, most of us, well here I’ll have at least almost a two point per year term. You get it at two and a half and you’re just raising the overall value of the client, what you’re doing for services and stuff like that. Yeah.
Bill Connor (00:33:16):
And can you see in a weekly meeting, going ahead and getting your staff together, picking two or three inspection reports and having them tell you what they could have done better to make it more engaging for the customer,
Greg Buckley (00:33:27):
Right? Absolutely. That’s what your weekly meetings are all about is you study the jobs that you were successful in and the jobs you maybe could have done a little bit better. And that’s where you look at it and go, okay, well how many pictures did I have? Did I get it out on time? Was there a delay in the parts? All those come forward when you have the information in front of you and it’s easier to explain to the team in a meeting instead of guessing and showing them papers of numbers and this and that and all that other stuff.
Bill Connor (00:33:58):
Yeah. So one of the things I really like to use in a meeting though is use the live business control panel. Because if your motorist research time is low and then you go ahead and look down a little bit farther on the list and your number recommended actions is two, and you’re not editing any pictures and the service writer sends it out to him and then picks up the phone and calls him five seconds later, then we know some processes are broke down and we can go and fix them. So having that data right at your fingertips without having to go ahead and follow around behind your people and sit there with a stopwatch and all this other stuff, it just makes it a lot easier for you.
Greg Buckley (00:34:34):
Bill Connor (00:34:35):
Do you have anything else you want to add on week three there before we go into week four there, Uwe?
Tom Dorsey (00:34:41):
Hey Bill, real quick, I’d like to say, I’d just like to reinforce a point that you made, and this is really important folks, is that you in your shop have to define what bad means and you have to communicate that to your team. You have to define what good means and what do you do about it, and what do you do about what bad means because that gives you the standardization, the consistency across inspections. You’re not leaving it up to somebody to guess. They have an understanding and they know exactly what bad means.
Bill Connor (00:35:10):
So Dustin, if you would go ahead and flip back to the screen on there with that inspection report and then go ahead and show us that inspection report and I can show you an example of what we’re talking about. So go ahead and go down into the area where it says immediate attention on the inspection report itself. And go ahead and expand that and go ahead and scroll down. And so you see what good looks like here by design is the technician has recommended a scenic condition. They’ve said what they want to do about it. There’s a picture taken there that has information on it, and if you’ll scroll down to that picture with the eye on it and tap on it, then we’ve got everything the customer needs to know right there. So if the customer was in your shop and you were showing them at the side of the car, I promise you you’re not going to let them phone a friend.
You’re controlling the whole conversation, everything they need right there. And now we’re doing the same thing here with the inspection result, pictures, notes, and so on it. So again, there is no reason for them to go anywhere else. You’re controlling the content that they get to be educated and the timing they get it, which is right after you’ve finished the estimate, if something goes wrong, then you’ve done everything you could to go ahead and actually make it happen. And even if they don’t buy it today, it’s okay because we’re going to repurpose this information on the next reminder that goes out anyways to go ahead and jingle that customer’s bell one more time. So again, we’ve got a process that’s tried true and proven. Alls we need to do is make sure the implementer, the shop, shares the division of what’s good and asks everybody to come along with them and then measures their progress.
And then by the time we go ahead and get down into week four, if you’ll scroll down just a little bit farther there, Dustin, by now we should be going ahead and demonstrating the value of what’s going on by our processes to our staff. And your inspection rates should be going up, your inspection sent rates should still be everyone that’s inspected, we should send it to the customer, no exceptions. Your picture, edit rates should be high and your motorist research time goes up. And now you can use the business control panel to go ahead and actually dial down and make sure not only is the whole shop on target, you can start going ahead and identifying maybe areas that a individual employee needs to work on. So that way if you’ve got superstar employees, don’t hold them back while we go ahead and get the other stragglers to come along. So using the data to manage your business is probably one of the most important things. And by the time you get to week four, it’s just a matter of rinse and repeat. Analyze the numbers and praise and correct is necessary.
Tom Dorsey (00:37:51):
Develop that muscle memory,
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:37:52):
Make it a habit, and do some inspection audits in front of the team. Pick inspections which worked really well and discuss why they worked well. But also inspections where, so for example, the picture you see there, it says oil leak. What would’ve been nice is to add how do we fix it? Not just the condition, but also the recommendation. And those are things. The shop meeting then becomes the perfect place to do those inspection audits. Don’t drag it out, just pick one before the meeting and talk about it. And that creates reinforcement of best practices as a team.
Bill Connor (00:38:45):
And so they’ll learn when they go ahead and see our guided inspection sheet on TVPX, what good looks like because it’s built into the sheet, but basically what we’re looking for is everything the customer needs to know on the picture. So area focus would be a circle or arrow. What is the picture of what needs to be done and the reason to buy today, if that’s all on the picture, which is where it would be if you’re talking to customer at the car, then you’ve got a solid win.
Tom Dorsey (00:39:11):
And it’s so critical because when we’re talking about managing customer expectations, having that defined is so important because I come back next time, no guarantee Bill’s going to be my tech again. And when Greg is working on my stuff, he better be communicating and telling me the same stuff Bill was telling me or we’re right back out the window.
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:39:32):
It produces continuity.
Tom Dorsey (00:39:34):
Exactly. It’s critical. And the nice thing, what Bill’s saying is it’s all built right into the, you have to turn the thing off to not follow that consistency as it’s built in the guided.
Bill Connor (00:39:51):
You know how you’re going to find out when somebody deviates from the tried and true plan when the customer calls you up as a shop owner and says, Hey, them guys didn’t do this this time and they’ve been doing it all along. So customers, at a certain point in time, they’re going to go ahead and steer the bus. They’re going to say, I expect this, now I want to have it and I didn’t get it, why not? So that’s a good thing.
Tom Dorsey (00:40:14):
That’s a great point. It’s one of those funny things about them, service experiences, you might not hear anything about it when you’re doing it, but as soon as you stop doing it.
Bill Connor (00:40:24):
And so by this time we’re already into our fifth week and now it’s time to start talking about workflow configuration. So you might have a specialist position in your shop as far as a parts department or whatever, and then you can start going ahead and busting up your workflow and making sure it’s dialed in precisely. But by now, you should be able to take your old process in your shop, your old SOPs, and by now you should be able to go ahead and define changing that into the digital world. So examples of that would be is that all the cars getting inspected and so on. We used to educate the customer at the side of the car. Now we’re going ahead and doing it digitally. We want the same result. We also, in the past, we used to go ahead and the technician on the paper repair order.
They put their initials on every labor line that they finished it. Now all they have to do is go ahead and press the a hundred percent done button as they go along. And if they do that, there’s a lot of extra added benefits for the service rider as far as being able to manage your labor inventory, which is a whole other episode in itself for sure. Using the workflow status notifications to go ahead and take that burden away from the service advisor. As far as calls by now, you should be used to going ahead and changing the workflow step and having it automatically send a notification to the customer, letting them know where it is in the process. So these are all things by week five that you should be dialed in on, and you can see a picture of a workflow, step notification down there a little bit to the right in the green. These are all messages that if you just have these set up and configured to go out automatically, that’s one less thing that service writer has to think about, not missing. Anything else you’d like to add on there, Tom? Greg?
Greg Buckley (00:42:16):
Think Greg muted. Yeah, I just got that right now. Yeah, I think you covered most of the bases. I look at it from where I’m, I still consider myself almost in step one. There’s so much to put back into this and at the same time trying to work a new version of my shop management system, but combined the information and the, it’s just pretty phenomenal. It’s a lot of work for me, but I’m getting there.
Bill Connor (00:42:49):
You just actually took yourself back to week two with what you said also because you’ve got a really powerful management system at your disposal and you have been making zero use of the labor codes and canned jobs in the past. And I think you covered after our conversation the other day that that’s moved up pretty high on your list.
Greg Buckley (00:43:05):
It really has. I’ve seen more of a value in having the canned jobs and making it easier for the techs and the system to do itself to take advantage of the automation key in the metric, right? You’re trying to eliminate steps for your service advisor so that they can have a better process, a better sales process. And the only way to do that is to really, like you said, digitize or I guess format your shop management to the DVI bring them together, use those canned work orders and make it very convenient and easy. So that’s one thing off their plate. So that’s a whole thing in itself. Hey, it’s work, but it’s worth it.
Tom Dorsey (00:43:53):
Yeah, that’s a great point, Greg, because that’s exactly, once you have your best practices, you got your standard operating procedure, your digital SOP defined, now you have to start to connect it with your standing processes, with how you’re doing intake, how you’re doing marketing. If you’re not doing it through your CRM or if you are using our CM, you start to dial that in. And really, that’s where you tie the knot folks. That’s really where you tie the knot. We’ve done the expectation management now. We’ve had our first service with these folks and we’ve delivered on those expectations. Now we bring it full circle and we follow through and we go for that exit schedule. We get ’em to commit it and on the book before they even drive away. And if not, at least we’ve planted the seeds and then we make sure we’re following up with those reminders. And we run that same campaign consistently on each and every person that comes through the shop. So they have that consistent experience and they know what to expect, and then they’re back. They stay loyal. It’s not if it’s when,
Bill Connor (00:44:56):
And so what Greg, what I tried to get across with him on our last call was basically he’s got some best practices that are stored up in his nogging. And what we want to do is we want to take him out of there, build a inspection sheet. It’s in there, it’s a little piece. We want to build
Greg Buckley (00:45:12):
Bill Connor (00:45:13):
We want to build them into the inspection sheet. We want to leverage the management system and we want to automate everything we can based on getting what’s in his head into the system. And then he can actually take a day off and go play with his granddaughter and not have to worry about his business.
Tom Dorsey (00:45:27):
Yes. That’s the key.
Greg Buckley (00:45:30):
Well, there’s my inspiration. Yes,
Tom Dorsey (00:45:35):
All the motivation you need,
Greg Buckley (00:45:36):
All the motivation I need right there telling you. No, but it’s true, Bill. It’s very true. When we have our talks as owners, and it’s not like I have a 1825 Bay facility. It’s five bay solid crew, long time, and you develop habits that just the other day I walk in and I’m telling my son the reasons why yesterday I said, the reason why I want to have this processes down is because I don’t want to be here or if I’m not here, the knowledge and awareness that you’ll have at your fingertips will be the experience that you have to have in order to run an effective shop. I mean, for me and maybe some other owners, you can walk into a shop of my size and within, I don’t know, maybe a half an hour or just by walking through the service space, you pretty much can dial in what’s happening.
I mean, you just know from experience, the efficiency that you’re having, the jobs are getting done, the ones that won’t get done, the technician, the way they feel, all of that stuff. It’s experience built. But when you’re trying to transfer that information and that experience, you just don’t have, well, now you do have the tools to do that. And that’s where I’m trying to explain to the third generation that’s coming up on why all of this hard work is and will be necessary, but just imagine what will be like when we get over that hump. We took on a lot in 2019 through 20, I mean from the equipment side that now our hunter aligner dials into AutoVitals, which is great. We’ll have that done. AutoVitals is with us, and we have new Trax Enterprise. So we took on a big burden to prepare for the future. And again, once we get through all that, we’ll have an amazing suite of tools that will guide the business between now and geez, another decade or so to come.
Tom Dorsey (00:47:45):
At least.
Greg Buckley (00:47:46):
At least. Yeah,
Tom Dorsey (00:47:48):
It was just getting warmed up, buddy.
Greg Buckley (00:47:50):
Yeah. Yeah, it’s just getting warmed up. I mean, there’s just a lot of cool things that are coming up, man. I know a lot of guys don’t really get into dive deep into what’s going on. I know Uwe does, and I have a tendency to go off the deep end, but there’s so much awesome stuff coming down the pipe from both inbound and internal, from our software vendors and suppliers and stuff. It’s very exciting. Very exciting.
Tom Dorsey (00:48:19):
Yeah. I mean, like what you said earlier, it almost is a blessing in disguise that this shutdown happened not from folks getting sick, but just having us really be introspective about our businesses and what we’re doing and how we are managing customer’s expectations and what the market is expecting and demanding and how that’s evolving. And to your point, I mean, it just opened up the barn doors to opportunity. There’s so many things that need to be improved and can be adapted digitally that we’ve just taken for granted for so long, and we’ve done ’em this analog way that, hey, it’s a brave new world. And like you said, folks of all ages, you can’t put ’em in buckets anymore. You’d be surprised.
Greg Buckley (00:49:08):
There was a lot of times when, well, there was a lot of prejudice out there that says that if you’re 85 years old that you’re not a digital native. Well, that’s a total
Tom Dorsey (00:49:18):
Greg Buckley (00:49:18):
And people cannot, you just cannot believe that anymore. And what this last two months have done is completely obliterate any old thoughts about no one’s connected. Everybody’s connected. And now is the time that if you dial in your processes and have the tools available to you, you are part of the conversation. And I think for most of us, at least, my premise has always been how do we get to the pocket of the client? And I don’t mean that in a money grab situation. What I mean is you’re connected to the client. What is a way we can do it? And with the phone, with the advent of the phone, the smartphone, we made our first inroads, we were able to communicate on demand in the pocket, we’re on demand, so forth and so on. But now we get into something a little bit bigger where my belief is that we have the ability to be part of a lifestyle, their lifestyle, and we can form different tactics and strategies where they depend upon us as a resource, not just as a one-time thing or a one-time repair, but more of a resource as a go-to source of information, repairs, community, whatever we need to do.
And it’s even getting better when we go right down here to the launch. So kidding. I mean, the ecosystems that we get into will be critical, I think, to us having that relationship, that deep, deep, deep relationship with our client base so that if we look for one and a half turns per year or two and a half turns, but maybe we get three cars at two turns, we start developing this referral situation because you know why we’re there. We’re in your dash, we’re on your wrist, we’re in your pocket, we’re everywhere. So that’s what I look at. That might be big stuff, and you shouldn’t get me on these things. I just get going. We
Tom Dorsey (00:51:27):
Have you on
Because you bring up a brilliant point. That’s the hook, right? You set that hook because we’re turning into, we have so much information at our fingertips. We’re turning into this kind of analysis society. We’re measuring our sleep patterns and our heart rates with our little gadgets and how the wind is blowing across my hair at this hour, whatever. We’re measuring it all. Well, people love that they’re eating it up. If you give them that and they’re able to measure their vehicle, the expectations for the components or condition or however, what their driving habits will inevitably do or what that might cost, we’ll analyze all that stuff. And if you provide that, that’s a huge value to me. And I’m going to become loyal to you just like I would I Apple or whoever that provides that experience to me.
Greg Buckley (00:52:21):
Well, you’re right, Tom. And the thing is, a lot of people get confused. What do you mean by lifestyle? It’s like, okay, how do I sit in my car? Well, ergonomics is just as important. Driving healthy. You got to know how you’re going to sit, and they’re going to be monitored. I mean, cars now will have oxygen levels, and they’ll have all kinds of sensors that will evolve around that. The same with seat position, spine, all that stuff. I don’t know. I’m going to be quiet. I’m going to shut up because No,
Tom Dorsey (00:52:50):
You’re right. It’s for alertness. It’s for your response rate if you’re sitting in a specific position.
Greg Buckley (00:52:57):
But how much information can we now be of value to our client base if we know how they should be? Where can we take that value? Does the service advisor now understand, well, Mrs. Smith, if you sit properly here, you have lower heart rate, you have better function, you have peripheral vision that’s better. Is that as equal to having a well running car? Ask yourself if you’re in the car, you’re part of the car, we’re part of the car. We are the technician around the car. Exactly. So these are parameters that we’re not there yet, but stretch it out, broaden your horizon a little bit and see where we can go if it’s practical, if it’s not. But these are areas that I constantly go through and that’s why I probably don’t
Tom Dorsey (00:53:48):
Sleep it. And they’re like pro tips. And you catch those all the time, right? In your day, you interact with folks and they give you a little bit of their wisdom and you’re like, Hmm, it doesn’t really apply to me today. But that’s interesting. And that’s just a nugget of information that can help benefit you. It’s a pro tip,
Greg Buckley (00:54:05):
And it all starts with just getting back to digital. It all gets back to getting this dialed in seriously. The more that we have digital processes within our own businesses and how we can utilize them and extract the value out of it, we become more adaptable and open to other areas that we connect with or we can connect with. It’s not done yet. I think there’s a whole nother situation coming our way, and it starts here. It starts with a solid vehicle inspection, knowing the vehicle, knowing the client, knowing what you’re doing and getting it dialed in.
Bill Connor (00:54:47):
So really what we’ve done in the first five weeks, if we’ve started out from paper and now we transitioned all the way through from having to go ahead and magically sell to the customer over the phone actually selling them. Now we’ve moved to a position where we’re getting authorization through education, and that’s really want to be, and the market kind of dictates that. And also we put ourself in the position where the customers are going to be expecting it. So that’s why one of our new features comes in called the task manager. So that’s going to make it virtually impossible for a service writer to go ahead and miss something. So Dustin, if you go ahead and switch back to the screen, basically we want to make sure that when an inspection comes in from a technician to service writer knows to look it over, browse through it, edit the pictures, create an estimate, and send it.
So all these things, we’re putting tasks in there to make it very hard for the service writer to go ahead and miss. And if the service writer does miss it, there’s always a way for somebody else to help them with some accountability through using data and other means. And now, by the time we get into the six week, what we’ve really done is we’ve moved into process where we can manage our shop and motivate our people using just specifically data. So if Greg wants to go stay at home and play with his granddaughter, or somebody else wants to go move out to an island, or if somebody has multiple shops to be able to see everything for everything that’s going on in one place without having to be there, that can become a beautiful thing, especially if you’re old like I am, and maybe Greg is and some others, that we’re working on an exit strategy, having processes in place that are tried, true, proven, and also bankable. If we want to sell our business to somebody, that’s what we really want to look for. And so shops that actually follow the process and stay on path, don’t duck their calls with their trainers, like some people on the screen there might’ve been known to do, then we can get this done in a logical manner that can be duplicated over and over. And I wasn’t poking fun at you, Greg, I meant it. So
Greg Buckley (00:56:52):
I love you too, Bill.
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:56:57):
Yeah, I would actually like to point out this awesome review, which is screenshotted onto week six as Tom, or as we all mentioned before. So the first time you experienced this incredible transparency, you’re wowed. And then from the next time on, as Ken pointed out in the chat, you set some expectations. But getting reviews like this, I mean, that is what this is all about. Very informative, making the repair decision much easier because all the facts. Another way of illustrating how important transparency is,
Tom Dorsey (00:57:53):
Know all the facts, right? All the facts. You couldn’t ask for a better perception from your customer than them saying, the things that you send me are facts, right? And if I say no, I’m denying facts.
Greg Buckley (00:58:11):
And I think what’s important is now I know that some shops won’t abide by, or they cannot engage with A DBI, they just don’t see it as part of their business model because they say that it’ll slow you down. And I think we should be honest and said that until you hone your processes, it might be a little bit of delay. However, when you get your first one done, and I think I thought I saw somebody in the comments, the first one is, excuse me, is the wow factor and the other one, the next one is an expectation, and that’s for the client side. From the shop side, if you’ve done a thorough DVI on the first event, the first time with the client taking your time and done a really good review and inspection and have all your notes, well the next time you see that it’s easier, it’s an easier inspection because then it’s just something that could either be a second time event, which is it’s not as heavy. You can address things so that time in discovery on the second event is reduced. Now you know what’s going on, you have a background and then your ticket sizes can still maintain a healthy level. Like I said, there’s some guys just want to work it that way. And I’m a believer that you should definitely get involved with the DVI situation.
Tom Dorsey (00:59:33):
Bill Connor (00:59:34):
And retention starts with your customers, right from that first inspection, especially when we’re telling them we’re going to be using this to show you things that wear over time and helping you predict in case you like the budget. Now we’re actually using that inspection sheet as a retention tool right from the first time we ever seen that customer.
Greg Buckley (00:59:53):
Exactly. Like I said, that’s part of the history of things and when you do a great DVI on the first event and let them know they have it in front of them, you can easily draw it up. They can draw it up and say, okay, well yeah, Bill, like you said, let’s budget towards that. Send ’em a reminder, a rec service, and boom, you got ’em in the basket.
Tom Dorsey (01:00:12):
Yeah, and that’s that. I mean, you couldn’t be more pressing, right? Is that when you set those expectations and then they become expectations and so back to Frank’s review here or the folks gave this review, is that as long as you deliver that insight, that information, well, I’m going to deliver what you expect from me and that’s my decisions or my plan. And yeah, you might catch it all today, but I bet you can exit schedule ’em and you’ll catch the rest of it in some follow-up appointments, right? And it’s just having that alignment with what are our goals and what are we trying to get accomplished and what needs to be done and it’s facts and then after that it’s just plans. It becomes pretty simple.
Bill Connor (01:01:02):
And so when we do this properly, what we’ve done is on the customer end is we’ve moved any pressure from them. It’s not a pressure sale anymore. They’re educating themselves and them calling and being ready to go and engage based on it. We’re not going ahead and calling them and interrupting their life when they’re working with their kids or trying to right now they could be trying to teach ’em their homework because they don’t go to school anymore right now we’re not interrupting them and then they’re coming to us and there’s no pressure whatsoever. That’s what it makes for a really good conversations.
Tom Dorsey (01:01:36):
Then what happens in week six, Bill?
Bill Connor (01:01:39):
Week six, like I said, that’s when they start managing just using numbers. If they’ve done everything properly at that point, basically they’re going to be using the business control panel to identify maybe one or two things to work on. They’re going to document what everybody’s going to do as a team and they’re going to put a due date on it and then they’re going to exceed expectations to keep knocking it out. And if they fail, they’re going to go back and find out using the business control panel where that hole is, without having to watch behind anybody, just look at the number and say, Hey, this is what we need to do. Our number of recommendations down, it’s normally six per inspection on average. Now this week we’re at two. Something’s wrong here, we’re using the same inspection sheet. Did somebody get a black eye and they can’t see out of the other one what’s going on and then fix it and move on. And we don’t wait until we get a p and l at the end of the month or the end of the second month when our accountant finally gets it done. We’re actually making good decisions on a daily or weekly basis.
Tom Dorsey (01:02:38):
Correct. Yep. Highly adaptive. Right.
Greg Buckley (01:02:44):
Wait a minute, I missed something here. When I complete week six, Bill, you promised a free year of service of AutoVitals. Is that still true?
Bill Connor (01:02:54):
I think you’d have to go ahead and address somebody over my particular pay grade, but
Greg Buckley (01:03:00):
Bill Connor (01:03:01):
Welcome to ask.
Greg Buckley (01:03:02):
I thought that was your incentive to me to get everything completed. A free
Bill Connor (01:03:05):
Year service. If you follow the process and you do it in six weeks,
Greg Buckley (01:03:09):
Bill Connor (01:03:09):
Be able to more than enough pay for your thing because of the processes you put in place. It won’t be a problem.
Greg Buckley (01:03:16):
What I was waiting
Tom Dorsey (01:03:17):
For and you misheard, what he said is it’s a free year for you to serve us.
Greg Buckley (01:03:23):
I hooked myself back into that one. I
Bill Connor (01:03:26):
Well, we’re going to invite you back whether you do good or bad,
Greg Buckley (01:03:29):
I think
Tom Dorsey (01:03:30):
No escape. I
Uwe Kleinschmidt (01:03:31):
Think what’s going to happen is that Greg is going to reach out and wants to pay more money, so Bill stays as his teacher.
Bill Connor (01:03:40):
He’s only got me for a certain period of time until he graduates. So that’s how it works.
Tom Dorsey (01:03:45):
Yeah, because that’s the other thing that could happen in week six. Once you get your metrics in, you graduate, it should say week six plus because you never really are done. There’s always something that you should be testing, analyzing, improving, set that bar incrementally higher. That’s how you make it to the Super Bowl. You don’t just win the season games. You got to really be training and preparing for that championship round and that’s incremental. That’s one second, faster half a second faster is how you get there.
Bill Connor (01:04:23):
So I actually prefer to teach the shop owner to become an evil referee like I am. Every time they break the goal line, I want them to move the goalpost until they can’t run any farther or faster.
Tom Dorsey (01:04:34):
Make it harder.
Bill Connor (01:04:34):
Be that evil referee, move that goalpost.
Tom Dorsey (01:04:37):
Greg Buckley (01:04:39):
That’s fantastic. I’m now officially afraid
Tom Dorsey (01:04:45):
You should have been from day one.
Greg Buckley (01:04:48):
Tom Dorsey (01:04:48):
Can’t you enough for coming off.
Greg Buckley (01:04:49):
Listen, I asked for it. I asked for it. Yeah, you did. Yes, you volunteered. Remember that. I know what I need. Just
Tom Dorsey (01:04:57):
Remember that we’re actually getting some shirts printed out for Bill that says, just remember you volunteered for this and he’s going to send ’em out to all of his shops. But at the end of the day and at the end of the six weeks, and it’s all about how we improve your service to your customer, the value that your customer takes away, the safety that the customer takes away and really giving back to your team and the folks that support you and your business and your community so that you can continue to do that and provide that service regardless of the situation. Doesn’t matter. Natural disasters, manmade disasters, shutdowns, whatever you want to call it. We’re prepared because we’ve got a loyal group of customers and we serve their needs and hey, that’s the name of the game. Why would they go anywhere else? Greg, I can’t thank you enough for coming on with us, buddy. This was fantastic. I know it’s helped a lot of folks.
Greg Buckley (01:05:55):
Hey, well thank you. It’s helped me. I really do appreciate it. I’m really enjoying the time with AV on this one here on this round. A lot of great tools, a lot of great features. Something that I sorely needed as a shop owner to actually take a next step and I know that my team needs it as well. And again, this is something that I’m using to build the third generation in order for it to take over. So in all seriousness, it’s kudos to you guys for making a platform that really is quite in depth for what you guys, for what we need to shop owners and I look forward to the future being more adaptable, more open. I don’t think Eva’s done masterminding some more options for this thing as long as he can squeeze down everything into those tiles, but I think again, it goes back to what we wanted to look at for the future and what will be expected as professionals to be actually our expectations as professionals and what tasks ahead and who we’re going to work with and stuff like that. So long range, it’s all good. And Bill, I do appreciate, I don’t know how many other people you coach here that are on the webinar, but in all seriousness, Bill is a great, great coach. He is so knowledgeable and it really does help me. We can joke around like we did, but in all seriousness, man, dude, you are, you’re a rockstar, so I thank you.
Bill Connor (01:07:28):
Well, and I appreciate people like you that keep me on my toes because the sharp ones are the ones that are more fun to work with because they challenge me all the time and you have definitely been a challenge.
Greg Buckley (01:07:42):
See, is that the backhand you’re telling me or is that, what is that? Is that a backhand compliment? It’s a thumbs up. Thumbs up. Okay. Alright, thanks. That’s
Tom Dorsey (01:07:51):
A two thumbs
Greg Buckley (01:07:51):
Up. That’s a two thumbs up. Okay. Alright guys, it’s
Tom Dorsey (01:07:56):
Great. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Next week, same time, same place. We’re going to be doing kind of episode seven of our 10 part series, episode 72. If you’re counting 10:00 AM Pacific, 1:00 PM Eastern, make sure that you’re registered right. Get over there to AutoVitals.com/dst and get registered. That way you get the notifications and we automatically send you the recording. So if you can’t make it in to experience the brilliance that it was this episode with Greg, we’ll send it straight to your inbox and you can watch it on your own time, but you still learn, you still get the information. So get registered and then we’ll see you next Wednesday.