Episode Description
What shop out there hasn’t received a phone call from a customer who looked up the price of a part or service on Google and got frustrated that the shop didn’t match their unreasonable search results? In this week’s episode, we are talking about price shopping and ways to reach customers who may appear to be fixated on price.
Fred and Jessica Gestwicki from Fix It With Fred in Canton, OH, join us this week to tell us about a project they have been working on that flips the conversation about price to a conversation in value.
Episode Transcript
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Tom Dorsey (00:00):
Alright, good morning and good afternoon. Welcome to Digital Shop Talk Radio. I’m Tom Dorsey. We got a great show for you today. We’ve got a follow up. You probably heard a teaser a couple episodes back. I got Fred Gestwicki and Jessica the boss, Gestwicki from Fix It with Fred in Canton, Ohio. And Fred, if you remember, teased us a little bit, a few episodes back talking about he was doing some experimentation or let me put it a better way, innovation when it comes to price shoppers and so we’ve got a fantastic episode before you get a sharp pencil and a notepad because you’re going to want to take notes because I got to tell you, this is probably one of those challenges that affects everybody listening today. You guys always are looking for a better way to handle those price shoppers and Fred and Jessica are going to come in and drop some knowledge on us today and tell us a little bit about their innovation. Welcome husband and wife team. Awesome. Fred and Jessica. And just remember it’s Jessica the boss, Gestwicki,
Fred Gestwicki Jr. (01:02):
It’s everywhere. But on her business card, I’m just saying, but it makes life easy. If you ever want to know what to do, I just ask her and she tells me and it makes life simple. Yeah, that’s a big realization. We were talking about Tom, you realize who’s in charge and who’s not, and then we have specific roles. When you work with your spouse, you have to establish who’s in charge of what and who’s the leader and who’s the follower in each situation. We build a really good network. It works well
Tom Dorsey (01:29):
And we could tell from the name tag the boss, I guess you guys got it figured out and you made a decision
Fred Gestwicki Jr. (01:35):
And act on it, man. And that’s kind of leading into our topic today. That was something that came up on our service meeting is price shopper, price shopper, price shopper. And in every Facebook group and any conversation they have with a shop owner, they’re talking about one of two things. How do we find more techs and how do we get rid of the price shoppers? Those are the two main problems in our industry. And then we have found a way around our tech issue, so we’re able to keep our tech staff, but the more important thing is getting those customers in the door, the people calling, asking questions.
Tom Dorsey (02:07):
For sure. And so you were telling us a little bit, you’d had some really interesting, I think maybe it was a script that you had created and just how you were managing those price shoppers. Tell us a little bit about it.
Fred Gestwicki Jr. (02:22):
What we did, we started by trying to make a phone script and make it where you say basically the same things every time. And the problem we ran into Tom is that every phone call is not the same. Every person’s not the same. We couldn’t find a cookie cutter method to fit every situation. So we’re going towards a set of phone guidelines, things that need to be covered in the conversation. And the realization we made is when somebody calls your shop and says, how much do you charge for brake pads? There’s a group of reasons why they ask that question. There’s the reason that all shop owners including us think that is the reason is I’m really cheap and don’t want to spend any money, so I need to know how cheap, what automatically price up receive, am I right? Then the second reason is they just don’t know.
They don’t have this unlimited car fund in the bank where they can just come in and not care how much it is until you call them and tell them. So they have to be financially prepared and there is a third one. It’s really, really rare where somebody’s trying to be relatable and act like they know something. They don’t want to seem like a complete dummy on cars. They want to seem like they have some kind of knowledge to back that up. But if we make a phone script and it’s the exact same approach to every phone call, those three different people, they’re going to need a different scenario if you treat all of them like they’re just being really cheap and not wanting to buy anything. The person that just doesn’t know, they could have plenty of income to pay for breaks, pay for maintenance, but they don’t know how much money to bring. They don’t know how much money to tell their wife, the boss that they’re spending. They have to know something. And that second group is the one that really opened our eyes.
Tom Dorsey (04:06):
Yeah, and it’s funny, I mean if you go online and you look, I mean there’s copper and lifetime and extra asbestos or whatever. I mean there’s just so many options out there. I mean, let’s cut to the chase. I’m going to call you up and say, how much is it to do some brakes and which ones would you recommend for my car so I get the best deal for my money?
Fred Gestwicki Jr. (04:24):
Well, if you can take yourself out of being in the automotive industry, take all your knowledge and try and forget it. I did this exercise with my own car. I drive a Hyundai Sonata and I looked up how much is a water pump on a Hyundai Sonata? I googled that and the range started in the $60 range and went up to 800 bucks.
Tom Dorsey (04:43):
Fred Gestwicki Jr. (04:43):
Some of it was only parts, some of it was parts in labor. There was such a variety that if I was clueless and I saw my car leaking coolant and I knew cars have a water pump, so it must be the water pump leaking. So I’m going to call a shop and say, how much is a water pump? And in the shop owner’s head they’re like, oh, it’s a price shopper. I’m getting off the phone. You got to talk to ’em, find out why they’re asking. Find out what’s going on with the car, show us some empathy. And even if you can’t give them the answer, because at our shop we do not give prices over the phone. It’s almost hard to give prices on an oil change unless you build the person’s entire vehicle. It could take extra oil, it could take a goofy filter, could take synthetic, could take semi.
I mean the days of accurate pricing without having a car are almost over. You have to have the car in front of you or choose to have a menu price that sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Those are the options that we have. So we want to try and find out who we have on the phone. I want to ask Jessica to tell some of the methods when she gets that price shopper. How much are brake pads? How much is a water pump? How much is an alignment? What is it, nine out of 10 calls? How do you overcome those? When you get those phone calls,
Tom Dorsey (05:55):
How do you flip ’em? How do convert ’em into check writing and customers?
Jessica Gestwicki (06:00):
Right. Well, I mean it all starts with having a conversation. I mean, definitely you want to have some sort of empathy with them. They could be calling, like Fred said, how much are brake pads? Well, you want to start with some sort of question of why are we thinking we need brakes? Are we having noise or are they grinding? Do we have a pulse or something like that? Thank them for the opportunity to allowing you to quote, not necessarily quote them, but thank you for calling. Let’s have a one-on-one conversation and get them off of the price and start to actually get into the problem of why they think they need this. And once they actually see that you’re there caring for the problem and caring for their vehicle, then in their mind they’re like, maybe I do need them looked at. Maybe I do need them inspected before because like Fred was saying, a lot of people are like, oh, I must need breaks. And then put the doubt in their mind of it could be more than just pads. It could be a caliper, it could be hardware, it could be a rock.
Tom Dorsey (07:31):
All of the above.
Jessica Gestwicki (07:31):
Exactly. So that’s where the conversation starts is definitely showing some empathy, showing we’re there to care. Let’s inspect it, let’s get to the bottom of it and then roll in your amenities. Where we used to have a guideline or a script of we have this, we have this, we have this, we have this. Well, now you’re overloading a customer of all your amenities and they’re like, wait, I called about brake pads. I don’t care about this. No, let me check it because you might have this, you might have this. And then once you’ve opened them up, then roll in your amenities. And then they’re like, oh, so now you care and you’re going to take care of me by you have loaner vehicles and you have a warranty on top of that, that’s awesome. Now I’m ready to really listen to you and you’re going to take care of me on top of that.
Tom Dorsey (08:28):
Yeah, because that makes sense, right? I would never call up the doctor on the phone and be like, Hey, I am coughing, doc, what pills should I go down to CVS intake, right? Hey, the guy just pulls a card out of the deck. I think you got whooping cough, buddy. Good luck with that. Right? You would never do that. And so if you just relate that conversation and you start doing those probative questions, it’s like the doctor diagnosed and hey, does it hurt here? What happens when you cough? Turn your head. And if you can do that, then you get into a conversation because then you’re developing credibility, right? You’re saying, oh, you’re not just going to, and if I am truly just some price shopper, I’m trying to check a quote for somebody else. I see that you’re not just, you actually, like you said, it’s the empathy for me.
You’re taking the time out of your day to give me customer service, and you’re not just going to throw out a number and hang up the phone and say, well, maybe I see you again, or maybe not. Once you start having that diag conversation, well, like you said, then it, it opens up the door and then it becomes obvious, Hey, you have to come in here so we can take a look because of all these variables. I don’t want to give you a misservice or even worse, tell you some wrong information based off of a four minute phone call. Here’s my address.
Jessica Gestwicki (09:50):
And if the phone call starts to get a little, if they start to back, they’re standoffish even in the conversation, that’s when you could stop and even ask them, let me ask you the hard question here. What’s more important to you? Quality or price?
Fred Gestwicki Jr. (10:10):
Draw a line in the sand. Don’t tell them where these paths go. Take the car out of the way and ask that hard question, where are you at on your brakes, Tom? What’s more important to you? Is it price or quality? And then listen. And they will tell you if they are, I have six kids, I’m a single mom and I have 30 bucks. I am looking for the absolute cheapest break job in the entire world. And then that conversation, well, I’d love to help you, but I’m not going to be the cheapest job. I’m not going to do the cheapest job. Or do some things like where in the world can you find the best work for the cheapest price that doesn’t exist, whether it’s on the internet or not, that with drawing that line in the stand that lets the customer know, I’m trying to help you tell me where your value sits so I can see if we’re the right shop for you.
Tom Dorsey (11:00):
Yeah, I mean, that’s brilliant, right? I mean, because then you qualify, you profile your customer, you get an understanding of what exactly is their main buying priority, because then from there you can just start to talk about options. It doesn’t mean that because you have a low budget right now, it doesn’t mean you can’t get a better quality pad or whatever the component is. We just start talking about options about how and why if that’s going on your soccer shuttle, it’s going to be driving kids around all day. Do you really want to go the cheap route?
Fred Gestwicki Jr. (11:40):
And when you say if somebody, let’s say they’re being cheap right now, they know Christmas is coming and they’re buying the Christmas present, then they have a bonus coming in January and you get to talk to ’em and they’re like, normally quality is the most important thing, but this next three months is really, really hard for me and I just don’t have the money to do this, but my car broke. You can open that conversation when we have financing with six months, same as cash, where you can defer this expense till you get your bonus in January. And now by being willing to talk and then listen, we’ve opened the opportunity to build a relationship with a shop and that new customer.
Tom Dorsey (12:15):
Yeah, no, that’s exactly right. Right. You can never prejudge. I mean, it’s just like somebody you say drives in with a car and you’d say to yourself, if that was my car, I’d just light it on fire and kick it off a cliff. Hey, you know what? That’s their pride and joy. That’s how they get their kids to school. That’s how they get to work and earn their food on the table. And so you really have to put yourself in that prospective customer’s shoes and find out what is their most important drivers, like you said, what is their profile? And then from there, the conversation is just about options. It’s just really about providing customer service and value. And here’s the deal is that the customers you want to do business with will make the right choice. And the ones you don’t go whoop and you’re like, sayonara, let me give you an address.
Fred Gestwicki Jr. (13:05):
You brought something up when you said with profiling your customers, that is dangerous, but it’s good. You’ve got to be open to everything and anything. My, ATI coach Kim has taught me that be open to everything and anything when you ask a question, be ready for every single answer Jessica had, was it a, what was it? A Corolla, an older Corolla. Can you share the experience you had with the car that looked like it was ready to go to pull apart? I mean, it wasn’t rusted out. It’s a car that’s a $500 car. You can buy him online for 500 bucks all day. And she had a new customer with that. How did that experience go?
Jessica Gestwicki (13:38):
Yeah, he came in and he told me that he had a fuel fuel smell, and I was like, it was a 98 Corolla. And I was like, I’m going to condemn this. I mean, we live in the rust belt. I mean, let’s face
Tom Dorsey (13:55):
It. Yeah, it’s probably coming up from those holes in the floorboard,
Jessica Gestwicki (13:57):
Right? And it was a first time customer. I explained exactly how we do things. He was all about it, and we went over the inspection. I sent it to him, he loved it. This turned into repairing his vehicle and it wasn’t rusted through. I mean, this really wasn’t, it actually was a good solid car. It turned into, I think it was a $3,000 repair. I mean, to get everything done that he authorized, right, that he authorized maintenance and all
Fred Gestwicki Jr. (14:32):
Done picked up, gone,
Jessica Gestwicki (14:33):
Turned into a five star Google review, and the guy is already scheduled his follow up. I mean, he’s an advocate. He’s about it.
Tom Dorsey (14:41):
He’s all about it. That’s awesome. He likes the way the seat feels. Who knows, right? He likes the distance from the steering wheel to the chest bone. Who knows why people love their right. My mom used to have an old dodge pickup. The thing was a pile. Man, I still wish we had that truck because one of the best things about it is you could drive it through anything, right? Oh, there’s a wall or a fence there, who cares? I’m going right through it in this dodge. And so we loved it. We maintained it and we took care of it. We had it for probably 30 years or something. It was insane. But like you said, you just can’t prejudge people what they use their vehicle for and why it was a hand me down from a relative or something. It’s super important to me and I’m going to invest in it. Right? So let’s talk about this. So have you been tracking some numbers? Are you marking somewhere in some data, a spreadsheet or something when you get those price shopper calls and how much you’re converting them?
Fred Gestwicki Jr. (15:39):
Since we’re still in the development stage, because with advisors, most advisors work with their guts, not with their calculators. That’s why they’re good advisors. That’s why I’m not a great advisor. I like calculators and spreadsheets, and she smiles because I’ll answer the phone if she needs me to. I found to try and write this bulletproof set of guidelines, set of topics that need covered, set of amenities that need to be mentioned to the new customer and then go here, here’s how we’re doing it. We’ve done that before and it didn’t work as well. So what we were doing wasn’t producing our results. So what we’re doing is taking notes and we’re forming a process. We’ve been working on it for a couple weeks. We’re not a high volume shop. We’re 25 to 30 cars a week. So for us to take in 40 calls a week is a good bit.
40 phone calls acquisition calls would be an amazing amount. We want to see what’s working and what’s not working, and we’re taking notes, but we don’t want to start compiling data when it’s still a shifting work and process. It’s still evolving, and it will always evolve because our market’s changing with online parts suppliers, Google answering everyone’s question, we’re not going to find an answer. And that’s bulletproof. It’s going to last the next 10 years. No, it’ll last like a month, then we’ll have to change it. But we’ve noticed right now, most shops overall phone activity has slightly decreased for September, and that’s just from any of my 20 group friends or shop owner friends. Everyone’s activity was less and our new customer number either stayed the same or increased, and our web activity with our AutoVitals web advisor decreased, but our new customer number increased.
So I mean, using the BCP, I can see the maintaining or increase in the new customer count when the KPIs that support that have gone down. So I do feel having that, having that conversation instead of that script, having different ways that phone call can go, not only is it doing a higher conversion rate when she has a price shopper that is just literally price-based, so they don’t need to come here. You get off the phone quicker and it doesn’t ruin your day. You’re not getting to the part and you make the appointment and then you text them and they cancel. You know what I mean? Do you have less of a defeat by doing this method? How does it help you feel?
Jessica Gestwicki (18:04):
Oh, yeah. I mean, I’m not, oh, great, I’ve got ’em coming in Tuesday and it’s a no-show or the text reminder goes out or whatever, and it’s a cancel. I don’t get near as much as that anymore because that conversation’s happening and we go through it and either that line is drawn or like I said, we have this conversation and I’m like, this is how we do this. This is what we’re looking to do. We’re here to take care of you. We’re here to get to the root of the problem and they’re with it or they’re not. And a true price shopper,
Fred Gestwicki Jr. (18:50):
They’re never, they’re not with it.
Jessica Gestwicki (18:52):
They’re not. They’re out there. Of course, they’re out there. You can’t convert ’em all.
Tom Dorsey (18:59):
No, and it’s like you said, I mean, if you just start asking those questions, it’s simple to identify which type of price shopper they are, right? Is it somebody who’s really trying to find out a budget or is it somebody who’s just looking for the cheapest deal or trying to compare you to somebody else and they’re going to be gruff and they’re going to be short and they’re not going to want to answer your questions. And so then, I mean, you get an idea right off the bat. Take your time, nurture the folks that are looking for help and sayonara to the ones that are just trying to chop you up. And I’m sure you get it even from competitors and people like that, that are just trying to find out where your pricing is versus them. And so you have to be able to identify all of those calls. Let me ask you this, Jessica, how do you position the digital inspection into that value proposition when you’re talking with a price shopper, or do you
Jessica Gestwicki (19:56):
Oh, absolutely. Every single time I talk to somebody, I tell ’em that we are a digital shop, and not only are we going to get to the root of your problem and find out exactly why your vehicle’s here, but we want to look at your vehicle as a whole and we do a vehicle inspection, so we want to look at your vehicle as a whole. And that’s how I do it. And some people might be a little standoffish at first because when they’re calling as a price shop, they’re like, oh, you’re going to get me as a, so I take it a few different ways. If some might take it as, oh, you’re trying to get me as a sales tactic. And so I might take it as, this isn’t a sales tactic, I just want to make sure your vehicle’s safe. I want to check it. This is something that you would expect a shop to check while you’re here. And they’re like, oh, yeah, absolutely. They take it very well. Some I do. We just want to check the vehicle over as a whole, make sure your brakes look good. Make sure you’re not leaking any fluids. They’re like, yeah, that’s great. Every phone call is different. You have to take every single person different, just how that conversation goes.
Tom Dorsey (21:08):
Yeah. Hey, I’m wondering, it’d be interesting to see if you can capture the lead is to say, Hey, why don’t you give me your cell phone number or an email address and just go for it to see if they’ll give that up. And I’ll send you a copy of a sample one or something like that so you can see what it looks like and see if you can’t do two things. Set the value prop and let ’em get the inspection in their hand and see if that doesn’t influence. And then if not, you capture their contact information for follow up and market.
Jessica Gestwicki (21:37):
Dustin Anaas (21:39):
Hey, I got a question from the audience out here. Is now a good time, Tom? Of course. Okay,
Tom Dorsey (21:44):
Great. Good time for you anyway. Did you drive this question over, by the way?
Dustin Anaas (21:49):
Yeah, I didn’t crash it. Don’t worry. We can talk about that later. Hey, Candace Dixon wants to know how you handle customers who want to bring in their own parts, and how do you handle customers who say, Hey, I can get that part at X amount of dollars at AutoZone. How do you handle that?
Tom Dorsey (22:06):
Great question.
Fred Gestwicki Jr. (22:09):
Very common in automotive, we hear people use, take a steak to the restaurant, take your food to a restaurant, have ’em cook it. And in my opinion, there is a disconnect in that analogy. When you go to a restaurant, most people know how to cook. Most people know how to go to the grocery store, buy food, take it home, cook it needed. They just know how. There’s no special skill there. They might make the steak better, but you know how to cook a burger when you buy fast food or prepared food, you’re making a conscious decision to buy something that you know how to do yourself, and you’re saying, I’m going to pay more for the convenience. Automotive is not that way. A better analogy is if we look at electricians, plumbers, some of the other service industries that are blue collar service industries. So let’s say when I need a water heater at my house and a water heater online is $200 for me to get one, but I call the plumber and he wants 800 bucks installed.
When we get those people that say, I can buy this at AutoZone for this amount of money, we say, yes, you can. That’s exactly right. To buy the part to do it yourself is much cheaper. And we shift it to another industry. We say what we found is in most of the industries like us, automotive, plumbers, electricians, if you take the cost of the raw materials times four or five, that gives you the end result. If you need a new breaker panel in your house and they want $2,000 to put the breaker panel in, I bet you the materials are between four and 500 bucks. You’re getting a water heater installed for 800 bucks. That water heater’s around 200 to 250 bucks. And there are some extreme cases that don’t fit, but we let them know that that is normal. And another thing we’ll say, everything you’ve purchased in the past week has been marked up by the company you bought it from, the bottle of water you bought at the gas station this morning for a dollar costs them 9 cents.
So yes, we do mark our parts up because all businesses do. We like to make it relatable to something we may have experienced and be the same as other businesses. So that’s how we overcome the markup thing. The people questioning, you’re marking my parts up like, oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. I did not mean to charge you like every other business in the entire world. That’s what we all want to say. I’m so sorry. Am I supposed to give it to you at my wholesale price? Is that what you’re expecting? But we don’t do that to people. Now, how do you handle the bringing their own parts? Because you get that that is huge common and it’s going to become more common as time goes on. So how do you overcome that?
Jessica Gestwicki (24:37):
As far as supplying own parts? I nip it right in the bud, and I just say for insurance and liability purposes, I don’t accept customer supplied parts just flat out. I just say, no, normally I don’t have any pushback. Once I say that, I mean, I have a couple that, what do you mean? And I would just say, my insurance does not allow me to install customer supply parts, and they leave it alone. And
Tom Dorsey (25:15):
That’s pretty straightforward.
Fred Gestwicki Jr. (25:16):
I encourage every shop owner to call their shop insurance agent and say, Hey, I got this guy that brought me brake pads and I’m going to put it in. If I put these brake pads on, am I covered? And listen to what they say, I did that. Yeah. He’s like, well, that would be a really long court case and pretty good chance we would drop you because having consumer supplied materials is in our contract or our, what’s the word for the
Tom Dorsey (25:45):
Fred Gestwicki Jr. (25:46):
The policy, yeah. It’s in our policy that you have to supply the materials for the jobs you’re doing. So I mean, when I know people are going to still try and buy their own parts, people are going to try and buy their own water heater and have a plumber put it in, the plumber goes, Nope. Until the day comes where our industry chooses to as an industry no longer accept, do it yourself parts in a service industry. We will still have those people asking. But yeah, we just tell ’em up front and she’s converted a lot of those customers into the, I have my part in my hand. I bought it on Amazon, and I want you to put these breaks in, converted ’em to real customers.
Tom Dorsey (26:23):
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because I mean, you just have to shift the conversation from a cost perspective because look, the amount of money you pay, let me double up the part. Whoopty do. Oh, $20 parts now 40. It’s the quality of the installation. It’s the quality, it’s your warranty. It’s the fact that if something’s wrong, I can come back and get it fixed and I’m not crawling around in the driveway. I mean, there’s so much more value that you can talk about when he’s trying to argue over a little couple bucks here and there on a part. Hey, me, I’ll tell you what, let finance the thing. Here’s some options right here is a maintenance plan. So you buy less parts over the life of your vehicle. How about that one, right? There’s so many other conversations that you can have there. I mean, it almost becomes moot when you really boil it down to what is necessary for the safe, reliable operation and longevity of that vehicle.
So how does that work? So I mean, what’s kind of the ratio? Do you get a lot of folks that are, yeah, I already bought my part, I can’t return it, and then they’re off they go? Or do you tend to see more success converting them to say, oh, that makes sense and great, and then how much would it be? And then I mean the price shopper call and then we convert ’em to come in for the inspection. Which way do you see it? Do you get more that say, have a nice day or do you convert more?
Jessica Gestwicki (27:50):
I would say when someone already has their partner hand, that’s probably a 50-50 because some on the overheating side that I get to convert a lot of those because they think it’s just a thermostat. They think it’s just a water pump. And I’m like, you let me check that and I can convert that. But when we are talking about brake pads, that’s a little harder of a conversion. But when it’s a hard failure, that’s a little easier to convert because you’re like, we’re talking about a big repair here. So when someone’s got, like I said, a big failure and they said, well, I’ve got the part in my hand. Well, that’s great. Let me check it. Let me see what I have. Yes, I know you’ve got that part in your hand. What if that breaks? Are you going to call Amazon and be mad at them?
Tom Dorsey (28:58):
Jessica Gestwicki (28:59):
Who’s going to warranty that? Is someone going to come out and fix that for you? So then they get it and they understand and then they know that now I’ve got a two year warranty to back it and I’m here. Who’s going to come out and fix that in your driveway? It’s not going to happen. And so I’m able to convert that a lot easier than, like I said, than someone with a brake pad in their hand or a control arm in their hand or something like that. That is a 50-50.
Tom Dorsey (29:27):
No, that’s awesome. So I got to tell you, I’m excited. So are you guys going to come back on as you start to refine this and start to compile some data and start to give some actuals? Maybe we kind of do a case study and have you back on in a couple of future episodes. I mean, I know we’ll have you back on eventually, but I’d really like to see the results of this effort and see some hard numbers on how it’s impacting your ability to convert and things like that.
Fred Gestwicki Jr. (29:54):
Yeah. You good with that, right? Yeah, for sure. I’d like to see the online listings because it’s all online. That’s the world. Everything’s online listings versus new customer rate, the conversion rate of phone calls to new customers, those types of numbers. I really like to see us capture more and the ones that we don’t get rid of ’em faster, get off the phone faster and do something else.
Tom Dorsey (30:16):
No, exactly
Fred Gestwicki Jr. (30:17):
Your time.
Tom Dorsey (30:17):
Exactly. Just filter ’em right out and then like I said, then try to capture that. Just go for it anyway, if you’re going to bounce ’em off the phone, just try to capture that email or try to capture that cell phone number and then send some nurture, follow up to ’em and put out the push out your digital inspection, like you said, your amenities and things like that. And see if you can’t convert ’em in the long run. Doesn’t cost anything to try.
Fred Gestwicki Jr. (30:46):
Absolutely love it.
Tom Dorsey (30:48):
So fantastic. Well, I look forward to that. I know, it’s amazing. We’re already up on the hour. I think you guys have a shop meeting to get to, don’t you
Fred Gestwicki Jr. (30:57):
Coach? Call.
Tom Dorsey (30:58):
Oh yeah, coach call, yeah. Yeah, I know you’re always at hard break on here, so I’m going to let you get, but if you want to take this conversation onto Facebook, you guys know where to find Fred and Jessica and you might want to ask for the boss. That’s just a tip. Whatever you do, don’t get a ride from Dustin. So real quick story, I just got to pick on Dustin a little bit. Dustin’s our producer. We were out at the Drive Expo last week and this guy, I mean talk about heart and dedication, he’s about a mile. He’s about, he can see us across the parking lot. He’s on his way in from LAX. He flew in from Minneapolis in a rental car, gets in a head-on collision. We call him. We’re like, oh my gosh, freaking out. What help do you need? About an hour later they brought him a new car, he was okay, he was okay. And then comes in and just knocks it out the whole rest of the day, standing on his feet helping us out at that drive conference. And I just really want to give a shout out to Dustin. I mean, the guy is incredible, does great work for us and I’m just glad you’re safe, Dustin, but I’ll never drive anywhere with you for as long as I know you
Fred Gestwicki Jr. (32:01):
Bumper car champ. Just saying bumper car champ, man. He is.
Tom Dorsey (32:05):
He is. It was incredible. But thank you very much Fred and Jessica, it’s always a pleasure to have you on. I’m really looking forward to seeing you soon. We’re going to come out to Ohio and do a workshop soon.
Fred Gestwicki Jr. (32:17):
Are you really?
Tom Dorsey (32:17):
Yeah, we are. I was talking to a guy at Drive and we’ve got a couple other people, so we want to come out and get in your backyard and I haven’t seen you guys since super conference, so I miss you and looking forward to coming out to Ohio. I
Fred Gestwicki Jr. (32:28):
You, Tom, be perfect, Tom. Thanks. Only
Tom Dorsey (32:30):
Some meat on a stick.
Fred Gestwicki Jr. (32:33):
Steak on a stick will change your life, brother.
Tom Dorsey (32:36):
I dunno. I dunno if it’s the stick or the meat, but one of ’em I’m going to enjoy, but nah, like always, man. Thank you very much. I really appreciate you guys coming on until next Wednesday. Get out there and make some money. Get on the Facebook forum, pick these guys’ brains. They’re going to tell you great ideas. Put your ideas and push it out there. I mean, the whole point of this show, what we’re doing is trying to help shop owners, helping other shop owners learn from each other and get better at the job. So don’t be shy. If you want to come on the show, hit up Dustin, put it on Facebook. We’ll have you on until next Wednesday, 10:00 AM Pacific, 1:00 PM Eastern, and we’ll talk to you then. Oh, and the show’s going to be, it’s great. We’re doing a case study, so we’re having Matt Fowler, Doug Bracket, and Jamey Whitlock back and they’re going to be joined by Bill Connor, one of our great trainers. And we’re going to be talking about best practices for pickup, so you don’t want to miss it. See you next Wednesday. Thanks a lot everybody.