Episode Description
Today on the radio show we are talking Digital Inspections and are taking questions from Facebook to discuss on the show. The question for today’s show is: What is the most surprising way in which switching to digital inspections transformed your shop?
Did it signal a shift in culture? Were you able to spend more time on the beach sipping umbrella drinks? Did you receive more positive reviews? Share your thoughts and we will discuss them LIVE on today’s episode
Episode Transcript
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– Good morning and good afternoon. Welcome to digital shoptalk radio. My name is Tom Dorsey and today we’re gonna be talking about how to capture more value from your digital inspections. And we’ve got a great guest with us today. All Star’s Automotive’s Devin Kelley. Devin, welcome to the show.
– Thank you, I’m excited to be with you guys.
– Yeah man, and we’re real excited to have you on. And the reason is, and also out there in the audience, make sure you have a notepad and a sharp pencil. You’re gonna want to take a lot of notes because this guy’s metrics and performance that his shop has had becoming digital is something you’re gonna want to replicate in your own business. And, as always, chat in questions. We’re live streaming on Facebook. Go ahead and ask some questions and engage, and we’ll answer those right here live on the air. So Devin, tell us a little bit. I’m looking at your metrics man and it just looks like over the last year has been nothing but a rocket ship of success for you month over month. How are you making it happen?
– Okay, a big part I would say is that I acquired this company last year and it had auto vitals for several years. I think they have been using auto vitals since it’s inception, but the last couple of years the management didn’t really know how to leverage what auto vitals had to offer. And I think a lot of it had to do with their, with their culture. And I think that’s a big part of what’s been able to create some of the changes that we’ve had in a positive way. And so, for me, a lot of things come down to culture. I support a culture of learning and progression. And so when I saw all the tools that auto vitals had to offer, for me to progress as a leader, I got really excited. And I just started diving in. So learning what to leverage what auto vitals has is a big part of it also. You know supported by a culture of continued education. When we started to shift the culture in the company a little bit, for people to understand what preventative maintenance is all about, why we even do it. They start to understand it’s really unethical to remove a customer’s choice. We really need to make sure they know what the choices are. As they start to understand where I was coming from there, and we started to leverage some of the learning tools from auto vitals, there was some changes happening very quickly.
– Yeah you know there’s some, we like to say it a lot here actually, we ran across a seminar with google. I think it’s SEMA one year. I can’t, actually I don’t even remember when we got this. But you know in the digital age, transparency is the new currency of trust. Like you said, it’s a cultural thing. We had an episode on with Russ Crosby where he talked a lot about building culture within the shop, sharing the big vision of where you want your operation to go and how you’re staff fit into there. And I couldn’t agree more, and it’s evident. You see it across the board. When you’re able to establish that culture in your shop that says we’re gonna give an exemplary level of service, we’re gonna blow our customer’s minds every day and we know what we’re trying to accomplish as a team. Then a lot of times you just get out of the way right. If you give them the plan and you give them the tools, get out of the way.
– Yeah, micromanaging will not help things that’s for sure. That’s something I work hard not to do, is micromanage. But guys like Bill Connor and so many other people I look up to that have been helpful as mentors, help me understand the value of one to one meetings with my team. So my goal is daily to touch base with my technicians and say here’s our goals and here’s how we’re doing on those goals, here’s what working what isn’t. So I’m not micromanaging every decision they make. But I’m always making sure they know where the goals are and they know what is and isn’t working. And so by checking in very frequently I’m always helping them move the dial a little bit more. But then standing away the rest of the time and letting them progress for sure.
– And so how does your team like that? I mean, I’m sure they like it right. But are you using the data in your shop meetings and have you gotten the feedback from the team that says thank you for giving me a clear path to success?
– So from some personalities it is a very open thank you, I love this communication, I hate being in the dark about what I’m doing right what I’m doing wrong, it’s uncomfortable. Some people don’t communicate that way and I can just see it in the way they work and in the way they respond, the way that they approach things. I can tell they all appreciate it because without knowing they can only guess maybe I’m doing it great, maybe I’m terrible. And a lot of us, the high performers, can be very self critical. And so I think it takes someone coming in and says here’s the goal we set and you’re absolutely killing it. Or we’re not killing it but if we do this, do you agree that we can progress. Getting their feedback, getting their buy in. You know that’s great.
– Yeah I mean you couldn’t have a better formula right. And when you’re able to have a team that gets it and is willing to, and sometimes it’s even taken risks. Because if it’s unknown and you say to some people, gosh 10 years ago in this business you know you’d never go in and say well if you just take a better quality zoom on your pictures your sales rate will go up. They’d think you’re nuts right. But then if you can take that data and they can set a bar and then they can go forward. And then even if you apply for a pay period. You just look at data to see is it working, should we do more of it, or hey that wasn’t quite the answer let’s go back to the drawing board but let’s think analytically through that data to make a determination. So do you have instances where your team comes to you and says hey in my data maybe we should make this process change or implement some other type of process to help improve?
– Yeah and that data is really valuable ’cause a lot of my guys, being technicians, are very analytical. I can tell them something but when I show them the data, it’s a totally different conversation. And so once they see the data and where the data is collected from, they do come to me and they can say so I can see where I’m doing my pictures in this way and I’m editing them this way. We can clearly see the customers are spending more time on the report. I think that if I make this change or this improvement, I think I can turn it down more. And he’s closest to the car so he knows how to implement at the tablet level and I show him the data from the sales side. So it does, it creates a really successful loop. So they do come to me and help me understand what they can do on their end or what I should change for them to improve that data. But man the data is everything. We couldn’t probably progress without the data. There’s no basis of measurement and they really want to see it. It’s their, it’s the results from their scan tool for our performance.
– Yeah I just wanna come through the screen and give you a hug Devin. You know we preach and we try to enlighten people, gosh look at the data, use the data. These things make sense. If they do this step it influences this step. And when you influence this step, it influences your customer. And your customer makes more decisions in your favor. And I mean it really is a pretty digital recipe. So you said that you look up the bill, your working with auto vitals there. You kind of inherited our program when you bought the business. How did you come to that? Did you jump in with both feet and say oh I get this, let me go for it? Or did somebody have to kind of drag you kicking and screaming and show you what we would like to call a quick win? And if so, what was that quick win for you to get you to go to the next level?
– My previous business I had for about seven years. And in the past year and a half before acquisition of All Star, I did have a digital inspection program through a different company. So I was already bought in on the concept. It was different. It was apples to oranges because it’s just different. So I was already bought in on digital vehicle inspections so that part was intuitive for me. But auto vitals I wasn’t totally sold on at first because I hadn’t had much exposure to it. To me it was evident it was a great company and had a lot of value, but I really needed to dig in a little bit. So I just jumped in with both feet. It was already deeply established within All Star and all of the processes the technicians were already familiar with it, so I knew it was gonna be most advantageous to at least give it a shot. So that’s when I started jumping in the continued education. The DVI part that was easy for me and then how auto vitals does it, because it is a little different than a previous company I used, that I’m not gonna say it took convincing but it took some time to understand how to leverage it. And I just kept getting my mind blown by how many different ways there are to leverage it. And I’m really analytical so when I started to see how much data was available, I was just overwhelmed. I mean in a good way. I just kept digging in and digging in and I could customize everything the way I needed to. I guess for me, seeing the continuing education that’s available and seeing all the ways to analyze data, I just started digging in to learn how to understand, you know how I was gonna leverage it.
– Yeah, you know that’s fantastic. Yeah because like you said there’s a lot there. You unpack a lot and we always like to say hey you know how do you eat an elephant one bite at a time. And you have to, if you look at it from a solutions oriented perspective is to say what do I need to do now to, you know what needle do I need to move to get my business to the next level, to the next level. And then a lot of time shops can incrementally add on some of those benefits that auto vitals brings to kind of, now that I have a good structure in place now I can kinda crack the throttle open, get some more return customers, work on my CRN, really boost up my retention rates, work on my acquisition and start getting new customers in the door. Once we kinda have that machine running. What’s the next big goal for you? I mean ’cause you’ve pretty much doubled your weekly revenue. Doubled revenue in a year is what it looks like from where I’m sitting.
– There has been a significant change in the profitability and the gross income in this company over the past year. This company is on its 27th year and some of the people internally seem to almost have been overwhelmed. They’re like wondering is this right, what’s happening. This is something new, it’s very exciting. It’s very rewarding. I do look at our revenue goals as well as other goals. Average hours per repair order is something I’m always working to figure out how we can improve. That has not moved as much as the revenue overall. You know we slowed down the car count quite a bit when I did acquisition. The car count was through the roof. The concept was more volume. We get more volume in, just make everybody happy, do whatever it takes. Is what it seemed like to me. And I’m still working to reduce that car count so that we have time with each vehicle and each customer. So I’m working to improve the hours per repair order because it has such big implications. In my mind I see the change in revenue and I’m just blown away, couldn’t be more excited. But I keep seeing our average hours per repair order and it’s not climbing at the rate that I’d like it to. It’s slowly climbing. But there’s just so much on the table still when I see where our average hours per repair order are. So that’s also exciting ’cause I see how much is still there ‘Cause I’ve seen some of my other friends in this industry just do such an amazing job and their average repair order is higher than mine. But every shop is different. But I’m always watching that one, always working to move the dial there. But at the same time with profitability and revenue is way up, I gotta decide where my balance is gonna be. But that’s one that I’m excited to move forward on as well.
– Yeah you couldn’t be in a better spot, there’s a lot of meat left on the bone. And you know when you’re looking at that, that again is one of the most powerful things about the business control panel and that data to provide because you can say okay I need, I’m gonna focus on hours per ticket. What influences hours per ticket? Well number of recommendations, picture edits, motorist research time, we know these things because the data tells us so. And then we can go right where the plan to say hey technician A on average year you’re giving me five recommendations per inspection. Let’s do a couple weeks of six recommendations per inspection. Just one more. It’s that baby step, that incrementation and then we do that across the board. Well now we have 10, 12, 15 more opportunities to sell and add to that billed hours. And there you have it because it’s like you said, in a lot of times 27 years in that business location. I bet when you came in there folks had, you know they start to stagnate. They start to plateau. I’m sure you had folks who had been in there a long time and to come in and see the potential when you just kind of set some goals. And they don’t have to be big crazy goals. We’re not gonna sprint to the moon tomorrow. But we’re just gonna do one more than yesterday and then one more than the day before. And low and behold, you’ve doubled your revenue in a year.
– Yeah and you know the data helps me think logically instead of emotionally. And there’s always the fear of the unknown and I think the data, one of the most valuable things it does is it creates really valuable questions. And that helps me ask the right questions to my team and to my mentors. So I think that’s really important to recognize too. The data helps us be logical instead of emotional.
– So then, yeah no exactly. That takes all the, you know that makes your shop meetings productive. They actually become productive because a lot of times, right, yeah it becomes a complaining session if you don’t, if you get into he said she said I observed this. But data doesn’t lie. Data, like you said, takes all the emotion out of it. Now all of a sudden we have a very productive team meeting. Where we can go in and just go here’s the results, here’s the goals, here’s what you need to do to get there. Go team. And then, like you said, get out of the way and let them go do that. Because yeah 99.9, well maybe 98% of employees are all they want to do is know what they need to do and out there to deliver it and make you proud and make themselves proud in their profession. You just have to give them the clear path and the transparency and they’ll go after it. So what about from a customer’s perspective? Your not in small town. So you must have, are you booked out? How are the customers reacting to that level of service and transparency in your operation?
– There was a big transition at the point that I acquired the company. There were a lot of customers that weren’t really a good fit in my opinion. But the good thing is there was way more customers than what we can service. That’s been a challenge. There’s some customers that I needed to help them understand that they weren’t really a good fit. You know help them understand that mutually it wasn’t gonna work well if we couldn’t meet each other’s goals A network of a lot of shops in town. But yeah that’s been a bit of a transition and so, the right customers, the ones I’m working to strategically market to they just love the process. And they are very dedicated to coming to us because they would be very disappointed other places and they know that. They know other places would have a hard time competing with that sane level of communication. And so the customers who aren’t really a good fit, it’s not really for them. Some of them people are reactive and not proactive just in life in general. They’re not really looking for any communication. They’re just looking for one simple thing. They know what they want and don’t want anything else. The right customers, it’s everything to them. And we build a strong relationship quickly that’s a long lasting relationship. Not just a transaction.
– Yeah then you’re seeing them three, three in a half times a year also because they’re following a maintenance plan with you. And so once you kind of capture that customer base, fired some of your customers, what have you seen as far as how is that plan working out for you? Have you noticed a significant increase in your retention rate and visits per year?
– Yeah, yeah. Because the process gives such good communication to the different items that are there for them, that are available for them to choose from, as they understand what options there are. You know we’re not a high pressure sales type of company. We just communicate and teach and help people get what they’re looking for. So as we understand their goals for the vehicle, we can show them everything that’s possible to do to prevent things from happening. Which that speaks to them. They’re proactive people and they choose to schedule some things out sometimes. And we can do it on their oil and filter service intervals or as they are capable. And so just them knowing what’s able to be done, they realize there’s a lot of things they can do to prevent problems. And since that’s what they want to do we just start getting it scheduled out.
– Yeah and if you didn’t take anything away from this show other than that. Write that down. Because that’s pure gold for you right there. Is you don’t have to sell, we don’t sell, we educate. We show them, you know because it’s just the alignment. That’s how you buy now. That’s how you’re conditioned to buy now. There’s so much information online. If there’s something that you don’t know about something, you don’t buy it or until you can get that information. And they’re gonna get it one way or another. They’re gonna get it from you or they’re gonna get it online. You don’t want them getting it online because that’s a dangerous dark place out there. You have to be careful. You don’t want your customers to be online unescorted. At least not when they’re making purchase decisions in your business. And so, but seriously that’s how you do it. You get that information package right there in that digital inspection. There’s a video for you, there’s pictures, there’s information from the technicians to help you understand. Why do I have to go google it? I can make a faster decision and I make an educated and informed decision. And that leads me to the sale because you provided me the education that I needed to make that decision. That’s the way we do it on amazon. So why would your business be any different? And so do you see then, are you guys, are you able to set now custom maintenance plans with folks? Are you using the canned job scheduler? And are you noticing that they’re starting to become more digital in their responses? I mean again, your lucky enough, you told me you’re living right there in a college town. And so you would assume a good portion of your customer base is gonna be highly digital. –
– Yeah a lot of it is. Most of the appointments that we set for the future, we are able to help them determine when certain things are a good fit and get them on the schedule. You know based off that inspection.
– And so do you see more like they’re texting responses? Are you getting more feedback through like, the appointment confirmation and the service reminders so that you cut down … let me ask you this then. Are you seeing a reduction in time on the phone for your service writers?
– At this time we aren’t leveraging that part of it enough to see that improvement. As we learn how to leverage it better, I guarantee we will for sure. We do try to find all those little things that reduces our time on the phone. And the digital side of it is very effective at doing that.
– Yeah it’s really exciting right is because you have, like you said there’s a lot of meat left on the bone. There’s a lot of improvements that you can make in your business and really, you haven’t hit the ceiling. So that’s gotta be an extremely exciting position to be in. I know there’s probably a lot of people out here listening that are jealous but you know what, you can do it too. You make a plan, you develop that culture, you put a repeatable process in place, you leverage the digital tools that auto vitals provides you. And you just watch, from that point you just watch the numbers. If the trend is going down, correct it until it’s going up. Keep the trends going up, business grows. You get happy, folks are happy, customers are happy, crew is happy. And you know pretty soon you’re whoo hoo. You get to start running your business from a cruise ship or a bass boat. And you know that’s the American dream. You know if you’re not doing it now, if you’re not an auto vitals customer, get in there and start to get that data figured out. Give us a shout out. Talk to us on Facebook. Ask questions, we’ll help you out. There’s plenty of videos on help.autovitals.com that will help you start putting a base plan together to start looking and managing those shop meetings using the data. Because the results Devin is telling us is just overwhelming. And it’s not 100%, I’m not gonna claim auto vitals is the reason for Devin’s success. Devin’s a brilliant guy. He’s using the tools and the data to develop a culture in his shop that’s gonna be forward thinking and hungry and aggressive and grow vs running around in inefficient kind of chaos all the time and burning out and stagnating, and kind of we tend to drag our feet and be less productive when we have to operate in an environment like that. So Devin, can you expand your business? Do you have plans to go nationwide? Are you gonna franchise this success?
– I do plan to have more than one location. In our town I waited several years to have an opportunity to get into a better location than what I had. This was a win win for the previous owner of All Star and I. He was ready to retire. I was ready to expand. It was like a glove. So as other locations become available, ’cause a lot of us know there’s a lot of people retiring unless people entering into the industry are expanding. There’s gonna be some of those opportunities that come up. As they do, I’m just trying to leverage my company to be ready financially and be ready with my system and procedures to be able to, once again, scale. Because I had a, I went from a four bay shop to an eight bay shop for this acquisition. And we scaled the processes and procedures. So I’m looking forward to being able to do that again, but into a second building. And my goal is three locations in the next five years.
– Very nice, very nice. I mean that’s how you do it. You could write a book buddy. You know put your processes in place, repeat your success. Once you do that, scale it up. And you know you’re in a great location. Missouri is a fantastic you know, growing business focused place. And so you know like you said, if you had to turn away customers, it only make sense that you got your processes down, you got your success down, you’re gonna expand that out and go get a bigger share of that market. If you could, you know tell the people out here, maybe they just signed on with auto vitals, maybe they’re on the fence with it. What would you say is the most important thing that they need to focus on initially to be able to get kind of to a place where they can breathe and start to manage it and see the results of the digital shop?
– Oh that’s a great question and I’m excited to answer. It’s actually gonna touch on culture because auto vitals does a great job of providing the resources for us to be able to implement all that they have for us to use. But if you don’t take some time with your team, to help them understand what preventive maintenance is and why it’s really unethical not to give the customer all the options that are there, they’re not gonna be bought in enough to help you move this ship. There’s just so much you can implement. And if everybody is not on the same page, it’s gonna be an uphill battle. So just taking that time to talk with the technicians and your team so you understand where their heads at. It’s just so important. I had technicians that I couldn’t get them to recommend, things to me that were just obvious, even into a safety area. And when I started talking to them that we’re working to prevent problems. You know I’m gonna be bringing the right customers who are proactive. But I need you to understand that we’re gonna lose those great customers if you didn’t give them the choices that they had and then something falls apart or fails. And they find out that you could’ve prevented it. We’re gonna lose their trust forever. And so once I start to dig in and help them understand what we’re talking about, why we’re doing it and what really is ethical and what isn’t, I had their buy in. That made a world of difference. Auto vitals provides the great resources. And so if you can get your team to be receptive, it’s gonna make a big difference much more quickly. So I think that’s where I would say focus on the culture and what everybody’s understanding of this is. Because auto vitals has got the stuff you need.
– Yeah give them the big picture, empower them to go out and go after it. You know, incentivize them to get it done. Make it in quick wins right. . It’s like riding a bike. You just take them step by step until they see the return. They will, you know, and like in Devin’s shop, I’m sure there’s a big piece of it, probably Devin, that felt like a waterfall, but then you probably have also noticed that you’re busier and better and higher over time. Because I’m not even kidding guys, this guy’s metrics just go on a complete, it’s just on a complete up slope over the last 12 month time frame across all of your metrics, all of your profit centers. Revenue is up, ARO is up, car count, return customers, inspection rates. I mean it’s just fantastic. Like I said, I wasn’t kidding, you could write a book. Oh gosh, you know oovoo should probably give you a call and see if what you’re doing in your spare time if you wouldn’t want to come to work at auto vitals. Because man I tell you what, we can change the world if we had an army of guys like you out there that just tend to get it, understand what it takes to be competitive in today’s market. How to attract those customers. Because customers want to be loyal to you, they want to. Digital doesn’t mean anything different from service. As a matter of fact it’s more critical, in my opinion, to capture loyalty. Because, like you said, it just takes that one little bit of hey you guys were really 100%. Boy they’ll roast you on yelp, not only will they never come back, none of their friends, anybody who reads those posts. You can do so much damage to yourself now days online if you’re not careful. But on the other side of it man, if your transparent and your just honest with people and you give them great service, boy will they brag to high heaven about you. And you know you don’t have to worry, your business will come. Devin, what would you tell folks to avoid? What pitfalls would you tell the new guy to look out for as he’s getting started?
– Trying to implement too much change too quickly maybe. I got really excited when I started to dig in and learn what was available through auto vitals. And Bill Connor was really good about helping me just pace myself and pace the right of change. That was really valuable because I’ve implemented too much change too quickly before and had everybody frustrated. They didn’t know what they were supposed to be doing because they really hadn’t got down what I wanted to have done last month. And here I am changing something else. And I’m really passionate and I have to pace myself. Some of these changes I think we should implement and follow up very routinely. And check on them and make sure we see some success before we make another big change and have expectations to have other things change greatly. I don’t know, I think I had to slow down my right of implementation to speed the whole process up so that people got it. People all learn their own way and I think they really should make some mistakes along the way to figure out how it’s gonna work for them. Not trying to implement too much change too quickly. I mean if you’ve got those things that you know are way wrong, that aren’t gonna work, sometimes you have to put your foot down and say all right guys I know this is how we’ve been doing it, this is gonna have to change and next week we’re gonna change this too so just get ready. If you identify those few big fundamental things that have to change, don’t be afraid to do it. Just be careful about how much you’re changing and how quickly because some of those things should develop slowly I think.
– Yeah you know that, you know great advice. Is you have to communicate effectively. You have to have a plan. You gotta have the buy in. And then you go for the quick win. The best way to implement change is to show that it’s working and that its’ a win. And once you do that then they’re ready and eager for the next step because hey more winning. Who doesn’t want to win? And if you can then, you know, just build that roadmap out and say here’s where we want to get to. And that’s why, again, that business control panel inside of your shop meetings is so powerful is because you see the bar. Here’s the goal today. And once we hit it, hey let’s celebrate. Now we’re gonna move the bar. How high should we move the bar up? And you get them involved. Let them tell you. Because you know what, we’re competitive people. And we want to say 10%, heck no. Let’s go for 20%. Now what do you have happening? You’ve got internal, you’ve got your staff motivated to do more and raise the bar and the goals higher than even your expectations. And then when they get out there and they’re successful, celebrate it. Fill their pockets up, make them happy. And then they’re just gonna keep going for it. And low and behold you’ve built a culture where, because that’s the key guys. You want to become absentee owners. You want to be more remote in your business. You gotta trust. When you think it’s about security cameras, it’s not. It’s about building a culture of team work. Team work makes the dream work. You have their back, they’re gonna have your back. Whether you’re in the shop all day or not. Devin, brilliant man. I’m super excited to see the next year of your success. Can’t wait to have you back on and talk about how some of those next steps work out for you and what those results look like. Folks if you want to get in touch with Devin, hit him up on the Facebook forum. He’s at All Star Automotive in Missouri. You can’t miss him. If you got questions about today’s episode or you want to talk about, give us some topic ideas or come on as a guest, reach out on Facebook and keep that conversation going.
– [Dustin] Hey now Tom might be a good time to get some comments that we got from Facebook here to share with them. Somebody who’s been really active today is Kathleen Jerosik, one of our favorites from Expertech in Florida.
– Hi Kathleen.
– [Dustin] So she’s pumping up the education piece. She said yes educate. She likes all the education your doing, both for your employees and for your customers Devin. We are the professionals. Our job is to show them the good parts as well as the failures, right. That’s what Kathleen chimed in. So thanks Kathleen for that. John also shared a great customer review. This is from one of his customers, John Jobs. “I cannot be more impressed with the service I’ve received. I was provided with an entire document, with photos, that showed every single thing that was checked on my car and they gave me genuine advice about what steps I should take first. They are so customer focused and have the utmost integrity that I will never bring my car elsewhere.” That’s like just preaching to digital inspections right there, right. It doesn’t sound much better than that.
– Yeah that’s gold. That is solid gold. But you know JJ is an outstanding operator. He probably has stacks of reviews like that. That’s just one more success pin on the lapel that’s full of success. I wouldn’t expect anything less from JJ. And actually JJ, you gotta come on the show buddy. Dustin you better reach out to JJ.
– [Dustin] We’ll reach out to him. We’ll get him on real soon.
– You gotta get him booked. I miss JJ.
– [Dustin] All right that’s what we got for Facebook interactions. Thanks for the notes there on Facebook gang.
– Yeah, and thanks Dustin. I appreciate it. Looks like you spurred some inspiration Devin. So like I said, get on Facebook, let’s have a chat, let’s talk about it, come on the show. Until next Wednesday, we’re gonna be here same time same place 10 am Pacific, 1 pm Eastern. Dustin, what are we talking about next week?
– [Dustin] We’re talking about the importance of building a good team of service advisors.
– Fantastic. Good, more culture building, you know and more … We’ll have another shop owner on talking about success. And teaching you how it’s done. So until then, get out, make some more money, take some of this inspiration that Devin just gave you and implement it into your shop. Start with that data in your team meetings. You will not be sad. It’s going to help your business grow and your culture to become very proactive for your operation. Looking forward to talking to you next Wednesday. Thank again Devin, man you were brilliant. Thanks Dustin. You guys have a great day.