Episode Description
Regardless of craft or industry, those who are truly great at what they do will often attribute their successes to a mentor, coach, or teacher who truly helped them along the way. In this week’s episode, we are talking about coaching: how to effectively receive it to become a better shop owner, technician, or service advisor, and how to become a better coach to those around us.
We welcome back Kathleen Jarosik of Xpertech Automotive in Englewood, Fla. to talk about her experience with coaches throughout her life and how she has used that to propel her shop to soaring heights. We will also chat about her role as a coach to others and how she is impacting the lives of future motorists and professionals in the industry.
Episode Transcript
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– Good morning and good afternoon. Welcome to this week’s edition of the Digital Shoptalk Radio. I’m the host, Tom Dorsey. Got a great show for you today. We’re welcoming back Kathleen Jarosik from Xpertech Automotive in Englewood, Florida. And we’re gonna be talkin’ about coaching. We’re gonna be talkin’ about how to become a better coach by becoming more coachable ourselves. It’s critical. You have to be able to take coaching and be trainable to be able to train people. And so this is gonna help you in your business, whether you’re looking to implement the digital shop and you’re having challenges with tech adoption, or service writer adoption, it’s gonna help you to just become a better teacher and mentor in general and you know, hey, if you’ve got those aspirations, once your digital shop is so successful that you find yourself bored most of the day, and you wanna go help other people get the success that you have, like Kathleen’s doin’, well then there you have another opportunity for you by actually becoming an industry coach. So welcome Kathleen, thank you for comin’ back. How’s everything in Florida? How’s business? And tell us a little bit about what’s been goin’ on since last time we saw ya.
– Well, it’s, thank you for inviting me first of all. It’s always fun to chat with you a lunchtime. It is sunny and it is hot in Florida still, so all of the northern, we call them, lovingly call them snowbirds, are on the way back. So business is really starting to pick back up. All of our seasonal people are coming back in. I miss them terribly so, aside from the fact that it is good for business, it’s good for my social life. So I get to go out in the office and chit chat and talk to people. And get in the way of my service advisor. And I get the side eye. Get back in your office . I’m tryin’ to work here, get back in your office. But no, it’s great. The community has been fabulous. I know that it leaked out that the next female shop owner of the year has been named publicly, which is fabulous. So I am back home, little less travel. Little less glitz and glamor and spotlight, and so I’m kinda diggin’ in and focusing on just back to the basics and mastering the mundane and the KPIs of the business. And really just kind of perfecting and honing the basic stuff in the shop. System operation procedure and all that good stuff.
– Yeah, yeah, well that’s fun. Because that, you know, it’s such a luxury to be able to focus on those things and focus on improving how do we get to that next level, how do I break through that glass ceiling? And by the way, congratulations. I’m glad the paparazzi are gone and things are starting to calm down for you, but couldn’t have been a better choice. I mean, well deserved, of course, and we’re really, like I said, looking forward to seeing what’s next when it comes to Kathleen because she’s out there gettin’ it done every day.
– She is.
– And so, yeah, she is.
– She is.
– And she brings the hotness.
– Yes, it’s hot.
– The reason it’s hot in Florida is right here. I’ll tell you right now. So it’s–
– Hold on, I’m gonna pull this up for you. One of my customers brought me this the other day. It’s on my desk.
– Oh yeah.
– It says I’m kind of a big deal . It’s a great relationship to have with your clients, isn’t it?
– Yes.
– I have two of those.
– Yes, the race is on. Get in there and rub elbows with Kathleen, sooner rather than later because she can take you to the next level.
– Yes, yes.
– Got the connections now.
– We are certainly trying, I tell you what. It’s, I’ve had the opportunity. I know the last time I was kinda out there with you guys. I said, I’d love to be a coach. That is my next goal. And I’m not quite there yet. I wanna make sure that this place really runs topnotch, which it really does. But you’ve gotta, the captain still has to steer the ship. And so and it’s my baby. I have a really hard time letting go of my baby. So, I also have two teenage children that a lot of people know about. I have a senior an high school and a freshman this year. So, I’m kinda tryin’ to take a little bit of a step back this year to focus on them and their needs and college visits and financial aid applications and FAFSA, and oh my goodness who knew all this. I shoulda been workin’ on this paperwork since kindergarten. I didn’t even know.
– Exactly. Isn’t it incredible? I mean, you’re like what?
– You know, it’s so cool to…
– Paperwork?
– And being able to, so part of the, the coaching group that I am part of is Repair Shop of Tomorrow, and my coach is Dave Justice, and he has really been such an amazing mentor that I am not coaching others directly, but there’s a couple of local shops. We formed a business development group through our NAPA Auto Care. And so I have had the opportunity to kind of, look, I’m not coaching, but I’m nurturing them, which I think is a great stepping stone towards being a coach. So I get to see that they’re not, that they’re both in different spots and places that I was and I thought, man, if I’d have known then, you know, one of our groups, they’re in their very, very young 30s, as owners, a husband and wife, and I’m like, man if I’d have started this back then can you imagine where I’d be. So it’s super exciting to kinda learn and watch and see where that’s gonna take me at some point. So, you know, I’m always an advocate to help others do whatever. If you wanna be the best underwater basket weaver there is, then you gotta work hard and be the best underwater basket weaver there is. So if that’s what lights your fire.
– Yeah, no, that’s a great point is that, is really, how do you, how do you get to that level or how can you start to transition or even just start nurturing or mentoring shops and where you can make that transition to becoming a full time coach if that’s your desire. First step is being successful.
– Yes. coaching from a guy who misses the ball every single time he swings the bat. So you have to be successful, and Kathleen, I mean, you got that on lock. Tell us a little bit about how you had that epiphany, because when did you ask for help from a coach? Why? And then how was, I mean that’s, a lotta times you’re holding on with both hands, and like you said, this is my baby, and then I got this person’s gonna come and tell me how easy it is to just stand back there and point out all the negative stuff. I could do that all day.
– Yeah.
– How do you kinda let that wall down and accept that coaching.
– I will tell you, so I went to the 2015 NAPA Expo, and–
– That was huge, that was awesome.
– It was so awesome. I can’t wait for next year.
– I know .
– I’m so excited.
– It’s amazing, it’s already next year.
– I know, I blinked, I don’t know what happened. So I’d hit that, like you said, the glass ceiling. Like I just couldn’t get over that yearly dollar figure. And I thought, there’s gotta be more to it than this. You know, we’re busy, but are we efficient? And so one of the coaching companies had approached me and they did their pitch. And it just didn’t feel like a good fit for me. Although a very awesome company, they’re still around, they do great work. That’s why I’m not gonna tel you who it is. But I chose not to go with them and I reached out to a gentleman that I had met at Expo, and he said, “Hey, I got this guy that you should call. “Just a guy, give him a call. “He’ll kinda give you a nudge in the right direction.” And that’s where I started. I realized very early at that point that when I started this, the buyout, and then I became an auto care center, NAPA really came in and showed me that I had to be teachable. They sent me to Vin Waterhouse. They sent me to a service advisor class through the auto tech system with Paul Mark Water. He’s amazing, by the way. If anybody has that opportunity I highly recommend that two-day class. I would do it again tomorrow and I’ve done it twice. So it just, you pick something up every single time. You’re in a different spot, you’re listening with different sets of ears. And so I became teachable and just was always hungry, and I wanna be a lifelong learner. Said, well, somebody who’s done this right, they’ve been successful, let me ask them to help me and mentor me. And so the first step was not pointing bad things out. They said, you know, you really need some help. You’re doin… I did the, I was the customer service rep, the service advisor, the bookkeeper, the marketer. I mean, I did it all. And they said, “You need some help.” I said, “I can’t afford to hire anybody else.” Said, “Well how ’bout just part time.” So it was like they tricked me a little into three months in I realized I needed a full timer and now we’ve grown to the point where, I always thought the bottleneck was in the shop. Uh-uh, it was up front. I was the bottleneck. So the sooner they coached me out of that front office was really when things got better. And I will tell you, to be completely transparent, the last year, although the awards and the articles are fantastic, I lost a little bit of focus. And so that’s why I say this year I’m focusing on my kids, but I’m also focusing back on the basics, ’cause you can be running a topnotch amazing shop, and step your focus. You can lose your focus for a split second and things start to change. You’ve constantly gotta be evolving like our automotive technology does. Or it can slip right out from underneath you. We didn’t have a major fall, but there was a little bit, if we’re stagnant I find that as a negative, for me. That’s not the case for everybody. But for me if we’re not growin’ we’re losin’. And so I like to win and so that’s my, my focus for the next three months, for sure, is to finish this year as strong as I possibly can. If that means that I’m out there flippin’ a sign on the corner . I’m not gonna do that, by the way.
– Not a bad idea.
– Hey, whatever it takes. And so, it’s, but I think I needed that to become a better mentor as well. That’s great, I have success, let’s check the box. Well that box doesn’t stay checked. You’ve gotta, you’ve gotta measure and manage and constantly be, keep your eye on the ball or you can lose the game super quick. It can just slip right out from underneath you, so I’m grateful for the little bit of a falter and misstep so that I can get back on and win again, so .
– Yeah, no, that’s fantastic. I mean you dropped a ton of nuggets right there, right? And I think, what I like to start out with is just to say if you find yourself, you’re a shop owner out there, maybe you’re new into it, maybe you’ve been in it, maybe you’re picking it up from your family or something like that, and you’re lookin’ to make your mark, and if you find yourself, I think, reading the books and attending the seminars, in other words, starting to actively look for knowledge, is a great first sign to say to yourself, you’re opening up for this type of mentorship. And then yeah, there’s a lot of ’em out there. But you know, it’s not like you’re gettin’ a tattoo. It’s not gonna be there on your forever. So try ’em out, talk to folks. Go through their little boot camps or get the analysis done, and you’ll figure out what kind of meets with your culture ad your model and what you’re trying to achieve as a business owner, and then go for it, right? Because you could spend years diggin’ through all those books, and you know what’s the funny thing about books are, and in the technology that we live in today, is that by the time you get it figured out and you get to that last chapter. Well, they probably changed all the technology anyway, and it’s all irrelevant now anyway.
– Isn’t that crazy? I know. I will tell you, like you said, I was at the Southeastern NAPA Conference in Biloxi in August. And I met a lot of topnotch shop owners that are just fantastic people. And that’s what a lot of them asked me. They’re like, “You know, what about your coach?” And I said, “Dave is fantastic, and his team is incredible.” And I said, “Here’s their phone number. “But here’s the phone number for Jim at Drive, “and here’s the phone number for the guys at ATI, “and here’s the phone numbers for…” And I listed three or four other coaches that I know of out there that are just killin’ it. And I said, “What I recommend is that you interview “each one of those and see which ones “your personality super fits with.” Because it’s like going to counseling sometimes, you know? If you don’t fit with that counselor or that group of people, that friend group, you’re never gonna gel and you’re never gonna be successful. So you really have to make sure that principles and personalities are aligned before you choose a company. They are all worth their weight in gold as far as I’ve been able to see so far. Everybody has goods, everybody has bads, sometimes it’s not a good fit. But you’re right, it’s not like you’re gettin’ a tattoo and it’s not forever. If this one doesn’t work with you, move on to the next one. You’re absolutely right. But interview them, talk to these guys, and ladies, there’s a lot of women coaches out there, too.
– Yes, great ones.
– And so maybe you’d be better with a woman, maybe you’d be better with a man, maybe you’d be better with a giraffe, I don’t know.
– Yeah, you try on your shoes, you might as well try on some coaches.
– Exactly, exactly.
– So tell us a little bit, because here’s the other thing you have to be prepared for, is you have to be prepared to open the kimono, so to speak, right? Tell us a little bit about how was it the first time that you got out into a BDG and you had to actually show some of your metrics or really expose some of this stuff that you sure would like to rather have kept in the dark?
– So I am always, I’m an open book kind of person. I know we’ve kind of established that. Sometimes I share more than I probably should. But if I can help one person learn from maybe my misstep or something I didn’t catch onto as quickly, I’m all in both feet. So when I went to my first meeting where I shared my P and L I was terrified ’cause I thought they were going to shred me, and they didn’t. They said, well here’s where you could improve, and this is what you’re doing right. And so you’re sworn to secrecy. There is the Vegas clause in any one of those groups where, ’cause I’m not gonna share your numbers because if I share yours you might share mine, and there’s that confidentiality that if you’re joining a group you’ve got to just trust the process. If they didn’t have that nailed down they would have a horrible reputation in this business. I think that would go very quickly like wildfire through everybody if you had an information leak. And so I think that most of us are to the point where the successful shops or the ones that want to be successful are going to play well with each other and support and lift the harbor. The ones that keep everything up under wraps and they hide everything I think those are the shops that we’re gonna see kind of work their way out of the business. And I hate to see that happen, ’cause it is a culture shift. I think, especially the younger generation of shop owners, we tend to share information more freely, ’cause we’re, and we’re used to everything being a free amount of, it’s accessible, everything is accessible on the internet. And we’re used to information being shared about us. I mean, I know that Alexa knows exactly what time I drink my coffee, and that I check, what time I check Facebook every day. I know that my car knows all that information.
– Yeah, yeah.
– Some of the, I think some of the older school guys are still fightin’ that, but you know it as well as I do, there is really no illusion of privacy anymore. Yeah, your numbers are private, but you know what, if I have the same size shop you do down the street, I’m not gonna show you all my numbers, and I’m not gonna open the kimono wide, but I can’t fix all the cars in this town, and it’s not a big town. So if you’re in a metro area you can’t possibly fix all the cars. But if you could get four shops together, working in a similar manner toward a same direction of teaching and coaching your clients and things like that and educating, why wouldn’t you do that? So that you’re changing the entire industry to be better and to push themselves for more than hiding and only being selfish and being about yourself. So I think we’re seeing a culture shift where people are less scared to share the secrets.
– Yeah, yeah, that’s definitely true. And I know there’s some great groups like that. Because you’re right, when it’s a BDG it’s usually shops that are pretty close to you ya know. And you can actually feel the natural inclination is keep the card close to the vest, ’cause competition. But even like, and so in some groups you get out there so they bend over backwards to pair you up in a 20 group where the shops are not in your local market, right? But there’s shops, so like, I know there’s some guys in Fresno, Arom and Craig Chan and those guys, they’re all ATI shops, but they really have a symbiotic relationship. ‘Cause just like you said, there are a lot of cars out there to fix. And you know what, if we can capture them into our small network and we sublet and we cross ’em up–
– Right, we share.
– And really just work together to provide a much better service, well guess what, you capture a larger part of the market. And I bet you you get enough that you all could meet if you wanted to for Sunday dinner. It’s more than enough. So get out there and be smart and work that way, and guess what, pool those resources and then help each other be better. And it’s not, the market will respond, right? We’re not dummies. We’re gonna go, well this is obviously an organized, well-run, highly respected, lots of great reviews. And you’re gonna become loyal to that type of business.
– Look at what the industry looked like, let’s say, 15 years ago, 15 to 20 years ago. You had to be open on Saturday, remember that?
– Yeah, sure.
– How many of us besides big box are open on Saturday? Almost none. And if you join a coaching group or a 20 group, that’s the first thing they’re gonna do is tell you to close on Saturdays. So I think we’re seeing that, that industry shift where we’re all saying, okay, and with technology we’re gonna have to ban together. There’s no way, with ADAS and reprogramming and all of that to compete with the dealerships, we’re gonna have to pool resources. And really come together. Share tools. Share knowledge. Maybe I have an Atech that’s really, really good in hybrid, but your guy is really, really good in euro, and our market doesn’t have a flood of technicians, and I know that not everybody does. So, I think that the best of the best are really gonna start to rise to the top, and we’re gonna have to share. We’re gonna have to share information. That or we all go into a specialty shop. I don’t know how I feel about that. To alienate any portion of my customer base I think would be crazy.
– Well, the hedge funds and the ones that are out there trying to roll up the industry, it’s pretty simple and time proven tactic is divide and conquer. So if you’re gonna try and stay divided and compete against Carl Icahn or AAA or whatever’s rollin’ out through your neighborhood. And tryin’ to soak up all that data in your leads and your customer base, well, good luck to you because that’s a behemoth. And you have to, it’s like the eye of Sauron once it’s focused on, you’ve got, what are you gonna do?
– Right, and we gotta remember, as after market professionals we have to remember that what really sets us apart from the dealerships and the big box shops and the Pep Boys and all of these consolidations that are going on, what sets us apart is service. How do we take care of our clients? And that’s a huge part of the coaching is I am, our coaching always has a focus on how you treat your client, the value that you give them and not necessarily about doing the right repair. That’s already assumed that you have a skilled set of employees that do the right repair. The right repair, then you gotta kinda get into doing that right repair for the right price. That’s a struggle when you’re coaching somebody. And as an owner it’s been very difficult for me to remember coming up over that $100 mark now. Last year in one of our 20 groups we had a guy that was under the $100 mark and I just looked straight at him and I’m like, pull the trigger. Aren’t you worth more than that? And he was like, you know what, I am, and this year he came back and he was like, you know what, first thing I did when I came back, best thing I ever did. I don’t care that the guy across the street from you is doing $50 an hour, I don’t care. You are a professional. That guy clearly is not because if he was he’d charge what he’s worth. Or he doesn’t have the technology to support it. He doesn’t have, as we educate our clients, and that’s the huge portion of coaching, too, is educating your client, well I’m gonna use this $15,000 scan tool that the guy down the street doesn’t have or doesn’t know how to use with my highly skilled technicians, and while you’re here I’m gonna give you some nice fresh coffee and some juice, and I mean we all have the nice waiting rooms now. And I have a comfy couch. That’s what sets me apart. I don’t have hard chairs. I don’t mind if you wait. It’s just, and we chat about your children and your grandchildren and my children. I have people that come in all the time and ask me how old my baby is. Oh, how old’s the baby now? I’m like, do you want me to lie? Or do you want me to just, do you want me to beat you down with the truth? But I have built 15 years of relationships with these people that they remember that, they don’t see me every day so they still think that my 14-year-old child is four. And so, and I put that in my paper newsletter. Look, this one’s graduating from high school this year, and this is what’s going on. And so you really do build that relationship. And it’s so important for owners to understand how significant that is to people, especially the, I’m gonna say the bad word, millennials coming through. They want, I think they want that relationship. They don’t wanna talk to you, but they want that relationship and to know that they’re in bed with something that is making a difference. And I think elevating the industry and being inclusive and helping each other out and being coaches and mentors shows people that we are doing something for the community as a whole. We’re not fighting against each other anymore and being negative. I just can’t stand the negativity, so .
– Yeah, no, I think it’s great. And it’s exactly that because the shift is bent to say, hey, I’m not gonna baffle you with my technical knowledge. I’m gonna educate you. And if other shops in the area are educating you and they’re all sticking to that price point, shopping doesn’t even work. How about if I call up ABC Automotive and he tells me XYX Automotives were great guys. You’re in good hands.
– Yeah.
– Right? Oh my gosh, what an experience that is to the market, and then so therefore, again, is really what we’re looking to do through the education is just bring trust and that sense of credibility out into the market, then it becomes much more easy, right? To maintain, to give great service, to get ’em comin’ back, to get ’em to actually consider a maintenance plan. I’ve even done this, is like oh yeah right. I gotta come back all these times. You’re just tryin’ to sell me all this additional stuff. I don’t really need to be on this strict maintenance plan, but no, in reality you wanna do that because why? You prevent a lot of bigger problems and challenges in the future if you just maintain. And we all realize that, right? We maintain our homes and our lawns and you know what happens if you don’t mow your lawn for a couple of weeks, you can’t see the door. So no different with your vehicles, right? Tell me, let me ask you this, Kathleen, so how has that, you opening up to being coachable, you now have not only had lots of different influences through NAPA and through other coaching organizations and Justice and all those guys, and that kinda, you kinda put together all of those pieces into what works for you and what fits your culture and what your goals are, how has that influenced your crew? How has that driven morale and productivity and sense of pride and ownership and things like that in your business?
– I will say the crew that I have now, when I’ve really first started measuring and managing and things like that, the crew that I had at the time was not on board. I have one guy that is with me from that era, and he is still here. He jumped on board. He was like, I get it, I’m good. But he was the guy who wasn’t, he was doing it right the whole time. And so we’ve cycle through a few people, and this crew, although they still fight me when I try to make some changes, I have the same problems everybody else does. When we started using the AutoVitals DVI it was a huge challenge. I had to bargain with them. I mean, I said, how about we just do every oil change that comes in you do this for me for one month. Can you do that? It was like selling service to a client. Can you do this?
– Yes, exactly.
– Do you think you can, does that make sense for one month that you do this for me? And we’ll revisit it the first week of next month. And if you hate it and it’s horrible and it’s not helping us I will rethink my decision. And sure enough, a month later they still hate it. That was well over a year ago and they still hate it. They hate it, they hate it, because it slows them down. But my techs will turn around to anybody new. I have a third tech position that’s open, and anybody that I’ve interviewed they’re like, well we do digital vehicle inspection, which not a lot of people in my area do, which is insane. And so they’ll say, well we do this and it sucks, but it helps Jamie, our service advisor, sell so much more work so much faster. So it is absolutely worth getting through the part that sucks. And so I was like, wow, oh, is that what you said? And they’re like, hey, be quiet. So, it was a huge victory. And so they’re seeing the benefit of having pictures and being transparent. I’m not doing anything to a client, I’m doing things for my client and they can see that as well. Their words make it all the way up to the client without the service advisor losing something in translation, ’cause a lot of service advisors aren’t car people. Which is, I think is an advantage sometimes because then they don’t get too technical. So it’s really, really cool in making that transition and the bridge and the gap between the technician and the client so much smoother. So that’s been huge. I have an amazing crew that supports me and this shop through thick and thin. I mean, I won that award, but the one that really excites me is the one we, the two we got through the newspaper this year. That’s not my award. I didn’t win that. I’m stuck back in this office 99% of the time my clients don’t see me. They see my crew. And so they won best oil change and best repair service from the newspaper where people physically had to hand write out shop’s name, and it wasn’t like multiple choice, they physically had to write our name in those boxes. Ad so that went and that told me that these guys really do have a high regard for what we do, where we do it, how it looks. The shop, people come in all the time, wow, your shop is so clean. I’m not one of those people out there going you got time to lean you got time to clean. It just happens organically. And so they do have a sense of pride. This is kinda lookin’ ugly out there, can we fix this? We need this or, so it’s really nice. And they’re conscientious over spending money sometimes. Well, do we need another 55 of break clean today? No we could maybe wait a month. I’m like no, no, no, if the word maybe came out of your mouth just get it here. I would rather, so it’s fun to watch them feel like they are a huge piece of the operations of the business. They act like they own it. And I think that’s a huge culture that you have to build with people. Celebrate the wins. Recognition and things like that go a million miles further than reprimands do. So when you get caught doin’ somethin’ right and somebody calls you out for it, it sure does feel good and you wanna do it again. So it does, absolutely. I was like uuuhhh.
– You’ve been catching a lot of those recognitions lately.
– Yes, yes .
– Well deserved, right? Well deserved. You know, it’s so awesome that you get to share that with the crew. And you know, yeah, you’re right, they did earn those. And nothing more powerful than direct voice from the market saying place. Because it’s outstanding. And it’s, a great segue is, ’cause next week we’re having Russ Crosbie back. We’re gonna be talkin’ about how to network using AutoVitals, how to kinda get out and expand your marketing and your awareness using the digital shop. But you know, we’ve had Russ on several times, and Russ is, he’s one of those young guns you’re talkin’ about. Young family, just havin’ kids, and just dynamic business owner and really forward thinking and open to this, and he, matter of fact, he’s a member of ATI as well. He’s one of those smart guys that wet and saw hey, I could struggle and figure this out over 30 years and probably have a bad back and a lot less hair or I can kind of do it the smart way, right? So he’s one of those guys. But you know, talkin’ culture with him and what he’s done, like you said, is to bring the crew in and open them up to what the goals are and what their role is in it, what the expectations are, and once you have that transparency and you show them that value and let ’em lose, right? And you’re not out there crackin’ the whip or managing with their thumb on the back of their neck all day. You’d be surprised at what they can accomplish and the ideas that they bring into your business. Because they see it. They’re the boots on the ground. You gotta listen to ’em ’cause they see–
– Absolutely.
– .
– And it all comes back that you have to share your why. Why am I doing this? Why do I get out of bed in the morning? And then you have to listen to their why. Why do you come to work for me every week or every day? Why? It’s not just a paycheck. Certainly not in my culture. So I think it’s really important to share that and hear theirs. Of course now I need a drink of water, sorry.
– Oh right, you’re just chokin’ up. You deserve it, like I said. You know what, we gotta get our, unfortunately our time is up, but Kathleen I really wanna thank you again for coming on and always just, every time you come on you just drop so much insight, and so I know it’s just so helpful to folks out there listenin’, especially new into the industry. And how can folks get in touch with you if they wanna ask you more?
– My email, my personal email address is my first and last name, no spaces, dots, dashes, nothing, it’s an S-I-K, by the way, not a K-I, I never get those, at gmail.com. Blow my phone up. I am always here to help if I can. If not, I definitely have a Rolodex of amazing people that I have met, especially women in auto care. I mean, there’s tons of us out there help create this culture and the industry that spreads like wildfire, so.
– And those would be some great 20 groups, too, right? I know ATI has the women shop owners 20 group, but that’s some great 20 groups right there, too, where you can get out and really just be empowered and go out there and make a mark and then be competitive, right? Put your numbers up there.
– Mean my eyeballs are watering off. Welcome to Florida man, here’s what paradise looks like. We get a sudden blast of pollen and it’s like .
– I’ll let you get back to it. I know you’re busy. It was wonderful having you on. I can’t wait to have you back on.
– Awesome, Tom.
– I can’t wait to start bragging about you when you’ve decided and just track your success over time. I mean, it’s a fantastic story and thank you very much for sharing it with the audience.
– My pleasure, thank you so much, it was a blast.
– Yes, until next time. Get out there and make some more money and then tune in next week. Like I said, we’re gonna be talkin’ to Russ Crosbie. We’re gonna be talking about networking through the tool and using the digital shop to get out and build awareness in your market. And you find us Wednesday 10 a.m. Pacific 1 p.m. Eastern streamin’ live on Facebook. And then of course you can always go to the AutoVitals website there and find links for recorded back episodes, ’cause you wanna see the Kathleen episode when she was on with Kim Hickey–
– Oh that was so much fun.
– Talkin’ about women in the industry. I posted that thing up on LinkedIn the other day and a million, I don’t wanna say million, but I couldn’t, it’s the highest watched video of any in the series.
– I want one of those sparkly backgrounds like she has next time. I’m gonna work on that for next time.
– Talk to Dustin, he’ll hook you up.
– Dustin, hook me up.
– [Dustin] We’ll work on it, Kathleen, for next time. You got it.
– Yeah, thanks a lot, Dustin, appreciate it. Great job today and we’ll see you next week.