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Would you agree that an increase in revenue is as good of a reason as any to implement process change? On this week’s episode of The Digital Shop Talk Radio, we have owner Brett Spaulding (Sage Creek Repair) and Sr. Service Advisor Jeff Mead (American Import Auto) on to discover:

  • The key ARO-increasing practices that are impossible in paper-based shops
  • Workflow management techniques save time for both Techs and SAs
  • How digital shops manage and monitor data to expose flaws in the process

Episode Transcript

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Tom Dorsey (00:00:03):
Good morning and good afternoon. Welcome to this week’s edition of The Digital Shop Talk Radio. I’m Tom Dorsey, and today we’re going to be talking about improving your ARO one step at a time, one process step at a time. It’s the baby steps that we talk about a lot of times. And as always, I’m joined by my co-host, my expert panel of experts. I got Uwe Kleinschmidt in here. Hello, sir. Good morning. And we’ve got two great shops and I really wanted to get these guys on because they’ve been committed, well, lemme put it this way. I think they’ve been committed or they should be committed, but you can see kind of how they have targeted specific improvements. Some of it might have been based off of training and attendance at the conference and kind of collaboration with other digital shop owners and kind of learning some stuff and then implementing it.
You can kind of see the progression of that implementation over time. But the big point there is that we’re seeing the success, right? It’s actually paying off. Now, some of it might’ve taken some time, some of it might’ve taken some extra little prodding. And we’ll let these guys tell us all about it and hopefully they’re going to benefit you in your journey and your transition to a digital shop. And I’m expecting they’re going to help each other out as well. So without further ado, I really want, I’m excited to welcome Brett Spaulding from Sage Creek Repair. Welcome, Brett.
Brett Spaulding (00:01:34):
Hey, thanks for having me on. It’s a pleasure to be here with
Tom Dorsey (00:01:37):
Everybody. Yeah, no, thanks for coming on. And Jeff Mead from American Import Automotive. Welcome, Jeff, man. Thanks for coming on. Thank you, bud. Yeah, yeah, like I said, excited to see you guys. It’s been a while, but when I go in, it’s like we’re old friends, right? When I go in to see your business control panel, I see your metrics and I see those improvements and really, I mean, it’s almost like a roadmap when I’m looking at your data to see where you’ve started to focus on something. All of a sudden here at this point, motorist research time starts to bump, inspection rate starts to bump, and you can really see the coordination of those two things, the culmination of those really starting to pay off for you. What’s it been like? I mean, let me start out with you Brett. I’ve, like I said, we’ve been out and gosh, been out to your shop, you’ve been involved in Facebook and the conference and a lot of things. How do you see that progression happening for you and what would you say for folks is either the thing that has really made the light bulb go off or you had the best results from, or what was that kind of progression like for you?
Brett Spaulding (00:02:57):
Well, I think we’ve been part of AutoVitals for probably five or six years now. Six years. And it was one of those things where I thought I could just turn it on and start using it and it would work. Well, if you don’t have that buy-in from the technicians, you don’t have the owner buy-in which I was and I was bought in. I believed in the concept. That’s why I started it. I knew that it was a game changer, but I didn’t really understand the power of AutoVitals. And so my coaching through AutoVitals has had a huge effect over the time. But I’ve been hardnosed and stubborn. I mean, I went through Shay and I’ve worked with Isabelle and Marty and Bill, and each one of those has helped me progress through the process. And for those of you can actually jump in, grab it Abbot, just 100%, that’s the best thing, obviously. So it really started changing when I was able to get the technician input on the inspections, get their buy-in. And then my service advisor, she just told me yesterday, she’s been with me for five years, and she didn’t really grasp the potential and the power of it either until we started working more specifically with areas that they were struggling with and areas that they were going to make a difference for them. So getting the actual inspection sent out to the customer was a big deal to start with. Editing the pictures was another, and that’s
Tom Dorsey (00:04:45):
Part of that progression. Once you get ’em sending it, now you got to really, now you want to pretty up what you’re sending,
Watching this series, we’re talking really, if you think about it, like publishing a book, you got some authors and they send you the rough draft, but you’re not just going to forward that to Amazon and hope for big book sales. You got to write it to the audience and you got to finish the story and you got to make it readable and you got to make it understandable. And it’s almost natural progression. If you’re going to send it, well then it’s like, well, now I have to make it good. Now I have to make it nice.
Brett Spaulding (00:05:20):
Right? And now we can literally watch the customer how long the time they view it is so much longer now because we’re editing the pictures, we’re providing videos, educational videos, and they’re spending the time and it’s really moving us forward. And you got to have a customer service person or a service advisor that cares about the people and the system will sell the work. It educates the people and you just take ’em through the system step by step and you do your prep work with them, you lay the foundation, you tell ’em what to expect, and then you follow through and then you set that exit schedule at the end and it just starts all over again. So it’s just like a beautiful system
Tom Dorsey (00:06:13):
You if you follow it. So Jeff, are you guys seeing that same kind of progression? Because you guys have a lot of similar kind of spurts. I could really see after conference where you started the motorist research time, started bumping up, picture edit rate starts bumping up, and then something took off last summer, it was just like a rocket ship and it’s really driving some ARO increases for you.
Jeff Mead (00:06:38):
Yeah, basically what I mean, again, we’ve had AutoVitals for probably three years. The first couple of years that it came in, we were trying to add a service writer at the same time and kind of tried to make him the implementer. Well, the problem is that became a revolving chair, so we kept having a new guy there and kept trying to get the new guy how to do it. So finally, probably the end of 2019, I went to Jeff and said, Hey, look, why don’t you let me do this because I’m not going anywhere. And the problem is every time somebody leaves, they take all the information, we don’t know anything. So then that was probably November, 2019. Of course when I got involved, I was absolutely confused and nowhere to go, nowhere to turn and didn’t really know what to do. But I would call auto vials, they would talk me through each individual little thing, but every time I watched your podcast, everybody on it was doing cartwheels saying how great everything is.
So I kind of went to the bosses and said, look, I need to go to their conference and find out what’s going on. And when I went out to your conference, it was like a light bulb went off. I mean, I literally sat down with Chris Maggart for 10 minutes and she showed me how to print my inspection and I could come back and tailor it to our own shop. So I got with our service manager when I got back and we tailored it up and I mean, it seems like everything’s definitely not all a hundred percent perfect by any means, but I think every day we take a step.
Tom Dorsey (00:07:55):
Yeah. And that’s exactly what we’re looking to see is that constant improvement analysis, communication with the staff. And I see Bill’s notes in there, shop meeting or you guys are adding your shop meeting notes in there, and so then that stuff starts to stick and you can really see the progression and the improvement. And it’s an incremental thing. And I think back to Brett’s point is that a lot of people come in and think it’s a toaster, I’m going to plug it in and push down the lever and then I’m going to get crispy bread. Right? Well, it just doesn’t happen that way. You really have to have a plan behind it. You have to communicate and be transparent with your crew, so you’re all pulling the rope the same way, and then you just have to be consistent. And it’s like anything else, you’re going to fall down a couple times, but you got to get back in the salary. You got to continue and you got to commit and stick it through and it’s paying off. I mean, and it’s funny, I saw you guys probably had a 20%, maybe 15% bump in your ARO, and then that motorist research time has just taken off over the last period quarter, maybe a little bit longer than that. And pulley that ARO is just skyrocketing right behind that. How has it been, do you feel, from your staff’s perspective? I mean, is the success kind of motivating them to drive more success?
Jeff Mead (00:09:15):
I believe it is. I think the other thing that we do with the AutoVitals is we also do what we call a nowhere to hide form, where we look at customer history before we send it out to the shop. So when the technician gets the information, he knows when the training was done last or when the coolant was done last. So it saves him a lot of time as far as not recommending something that we did six months ago. And it knows that if we flush the training six months ago, we don’t need to check it per se other than to make sure it’s full and clean and not leaking.
So I think it’s been really good. I think we’ve had very good success with our technician. I think we’ve kind of tweaked it a little bit sometimes. I think we’ve tweaked it too far and had to dial it back a little bit because people start getting in an uproar about it. But I think that overall, I think we’re managing it pretty well. I think our biggest downfall is not educating the customer that we’re going to send them an inspection. So a lot of times we’ll send it, we’ll watch the 20 minutes click by nobody’s ever looked at it, then we’ll go to column, can’t get hold of them. You know what I mean?
Tom Dorsey (00:10:17):
Yeah. And that’s exactly to Brett’s point earlier, is that it takes that whole process if you do great inspections, but boy, you just haven’t told the customer, you don’t hit that send button. Whoops. You’ve kind of done that. And then what happens is the guys are like, well, why should I do this? Similar to when you’re on paper and do you mark all this stuff and you’re writing on the back of the paper and you’re adding in some binder paper into it, writing on the clipboard, and then the guy just kind of goes, yeah, oil change sells. You’re like, that’s the last time I do that, right? And so you really got to kind of keep it, Hey, thank you for all the work. It’s valuable. You know what, and maybe even keep that transparency run and talk about, let me ask you guys this. Let’s be specific. In your team meetings, do you talk about, Hey, yeah, here’s what we got sold, great job, and here’s what’s deferred and there is a plan to sell it. Matter of fact, I’ve exit scheduled X percentage of ’em, they’re coming back, don’t worry, your stuff’s getting sold just not today. Are you guys talking about that information with your team to keep them motivated to see that they’ve got some funds on account? They got
Jeff Mead (00:11:23):
Some, absolutely.
I will tell you that, I mean, we’re probably lacking in that area. I mean, we don’t do a lot of exit scheduling as of yet, per se. We’ve talked about it, but we haven’t actually took that step yet. The big thing that we do is we charge and die air conditioning systems all the time. So I’m constantly telling customers, I need you to bring it back in a week to 10 days or whatnot. Well, the bosses let me know last week that they don’t want to have that. They want to set an exit appointment when they leave, let’s schedule it to come back in 10 days. So that’s kind of what we’re working on now. But like I said, we’re definitely far from doing the best that we can do, but I think again, I think every day it’s a little bit better.
Tom Dorsey (00:12:06):
Yeah. Well, I’ll tell you, Brett’s an exit schedule the machine. I mean, what do you guys, Brett, you guys, I’m sure you’re batting for a hundred percent, where would you say you’re at?
Brett Spaulding (00:12:14):
Oh yeah, we’re definitely batting there. I know that when we started the process, we were next to nothing, and I think we’re probably about 28 to 30% right now, which isn’t great, but it’s made a huge difference in our scheduling. And as far as your first question about how do we keep those techs motivated, we absolutely talk to them about the process and those things that they’re recommending go into deferred work and that we exit them to come back and we’ve shown ’em pictures of how it works. We show ’em what the customer sees, how the customer can control what they want to talk about or what they want to fix or when they can come in. And it just really opens some eyeballs to the technicians. I don’t think they had a clue that we had such a powerful system that was literally tracking everything they’re recommending.
Tom Dorsey (00:13:15):
Yeah, exactly. And it keeps ’em honest and it keeps you honest. And then for the service writer, it’s really just, it’s like schedule. It’s just scheduling, it’s just planning. It’s not if, or maybe it’s when, when’s a good time? What are we going to get done today? What are we going to get done then? Boy, I got to tell you from a tech perspective, if you have that type of confidence in the team upfront where you really fired up to give them a lot of good ammunition, a lot of good ingredients to cook that recipe up with, and you just have to make it easy for ’em. You have to make it transparent. You have to give them the process and then what the expectations are to your technicians and set those goals. But then after that, you just have to make it easy. You have to make the process simple on ’em, and that might be reviewing your inspection sheet to make sure that it’s as efficient and comprehensive as possible.
They’re not having to do a lot of extra edits. What does that communication process look like? Is there ways that we can make that easier and simplify that and make it more streamlined and really being able to see what their work is. It’s the old axiom, right? It’s plan your work and work your plan, and if they know what’s coming in, well, then they can plan that. And then you run, you get less of those fires that you have to put out in a day, less conflicts on base scheduling and stuff like that, and you just get more efficient and more matter of fact, I was reading a testimonial, somebody from Matter of fact, the MEE location, it was, I believe a service writer or a shop manager or something sent in and he had said that he finally gets to go home on time.
He said that things that used to always happen just don’t happen anymore, and now he gets out on time every day. In other words, he’s managing his business. He’s that much more comfortable and confident in his business, and so guess what? His motivation and his morale and the turnover in that location is going to be a lot less. That success really helps to breed more success. Let me ask you guys this. What would you say for somebody who’s just getting started or has been, like you said, listening to the podcast and boy, and now you guys are on here jumping up and down. How do I get there? How do I start feeling some of that live? Where should they focus first?
Brett Spaulding (00:15:39):
Training through your coaches and through the conferences and whatever you have available, the digital training that you have on the web on the Internet’s important, all that training, if you don’t have the understanding of what you have, that’s what I went through. I didn’t understand it for a couple of years and until I started figuring it out now, now I can look at the BCP and the business control panel, and I understand what those numbers mean and I understand what’s affecting them.
Tom Dorsey (00:16:18):
Yes, that’s the important part. And then what to do about it. If you know what’s broke, then you can go fix it.
Brett Spaulding (00:16:25):
Tom Dorsey (00:16:26):
How about you, Jeff?
Jeff Mead (00:16:27):
Well, I would say that training’s definitely a big thing, but I think that the main thing is ask questions. If you don’t know something or you want to know something, I mean call, ask a question. I mean, again, I have texts on my phone, Tom, I don’t know if you remember or not, but a few weeks ago I sent you a text. Yeah, yeah. Trying to sign into your program, and I couldn’t get in there, but like I said, I’ve never had auto bottles not answer a question for me in 10, 15 minutes. But it’s just as you progress, then you kind of learn what you need to know and what questions you need to ask in order to get to the next step. I think your guys’ training is night and day above where it was three years ago. Because I will tell you my first experience with auto bottles, Jeff went to another ATI shop that had it, brought it back and said, oh, we got to have this.
So he signed up for it. Our coach at the time said, Hey, go watch our podcast. So we go watch the podcast and it was webinars or whatnot, but the webinar, you guys were on step 291 and we didn’t even know what step one was yet. So I went to Jeff and said, they’re speaking Chinese. I don’t even know what to tell you. But like I said, as we’ve progressed and I’ve been through a couple different coaches, I mean, like I said, SuperConference was it for me. I mean, I sat down with her for 10 minutes and it was just like all of a sudden I knew what we were trying to accomplish.
Tom Dorsey (00:17:44):
We have made a lot of progressions. Our conference is fantastic. The digital shop conference, although super conference is pretty awesome too. I never that, but yeah, but man, you’re going to catch so much information, but more importantly, you get to collaborate with other folks that are in the same shoes as you. And once you have that epiphany, then all of a sudden, you know what happens is you start taking Bill’s phone call more right now when Bill’s calling, Hey, I’m going to make that appointment. I’m going to make that check-in with my AutoVitals trainer because it gives ’em a lot more credibility. We start to get that trust established and bringing in folks like Bill and Chris Maggard and Shayny and all the work that we’re doing with them. All and I can go on and on. I don’t want to miss anybody now, Steven, Dave, but seriously, the drive and the motivation that those folks have, think that they don’t learn from you at conference also and on the Facebook form.
And really, so help us, help you. The more that you participate in the Facebook forum and asking those questions, coming on here and asking questions, showing up at conference, holding us accountable as well as yourselves and learning from everybody else just makes it all better. It makes us all better. Our folks can help you better. We get insights that helps Uwe and the development folks make better solutions for you. And ultimately, you’re out there helping yourself, but also helping your peers and helping this industry to stay competitive. Mr. Connor, I want to welcome Bill Connor, another of our regular expert on our panel of experts. Welcome, sir.
Bill Connor (00:19:25):
Thank you. Thank you for having me. I’ve been kind of lurking and learning in the background, which is always a good thing. So just listen to what I’ve worked with Brett quite a bit. So I kind enjoy hearing and seeing his success when I look into business control panels. So that’s good.
Tom Dorsey (00:19:40):
Yeah. Oh, go ahead. I’m sorry.
Brett Spaulding (00:19:44):
No, I was just agreeing. He’s done a great job. Very helpful.
Tom Dorsey (00:19:48):
Yeah, no, I can see, I see all Bills, little check-in dates, and then I see improvement spikes and actually stay very consistent. And so that’s perfect setup for what we really want to get across today. And Uwe has made I think a nice infographic for us to kind of put some of this into context as the progression. The information that we sent out last week I thought was fantastic, both internally and externally. I got so much positive feedback, Uwe, about the weekly ramp up plan that you made that you shared with us last week. So we’re excited to see what you got for us this week.
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:20:28):
Sure. I really want to go back to what Tom asks you in the beginning. Every day you’re not using the system to its fullest potential. You’re leaving money on the table. Absolutely. And so we want to help you having the fewest amount of those days. And you guys said training. Is it more training, if I can ask both of you, is it training of the features or is it more, dang, I have to change my process a little bit. Nobody is going to open the text message if I don’t tell them at drop off that there is a text going to arrive. So how, if you had the chance to go back and redo it, what would be your focus on for your team?
Brett Spaulding (00:21:30):
For myself, Uwe, it’s all about my focus. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make ’em drink. So yes, your training has improved, it’s gotten better, it’s more extensive, many more options. But you still as a, we got to take our own responsibility and understand that we have to put in the time to get the training. So in my case, it was more of a commitment on my end. So
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:22:01):
Shop owner commitment in the beginning to know what it takes and then relentlessly execute.
Brett Spaulding (00:22:10):
Yep, implement,
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:22:12):
Implement. Jeff, what would you
Jeff Mead (00:22:16):
I would say I could go back and do it all over again. I think what would change would be how quick I adapted to change. And the reason I said is I’ve worked here for 15 years and I’ve been doing this for close to 30 years, and I’m very successful at what I was doing. I was very comfortable with it, everything was wonderful. But when he brought in auto bottles, I kind of looked at it like I can do what I do. I mean leave me alone. You know what I mean? But now I see all the benefits of it. And what the beautiful thing is is once it’s up and running, it’s real easy to add another service writer. I just got to show him what I’m doing and he does the same thing. Everything’s good. You know what I mean? He was saying earlier the program sells the work. All we’re doing is communicating to the customer all the work that the card needs. So I think I would just have got on board a lot quicker with it instead of letting the new guys try it out and everything else, I would’ve just grabbed it right from the get-go and we’d probably be light years ahead of where we are today.
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:23:17):
So can I paraphrase what I heard you say? Sure. You were kind of sitting in the background and let the new guy get the bloody nose expecting that it’s not going to work anyway, because
Jeff Mead (00:23:34):
And I, as long as I have, I know my
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:23:36):
Jeff Mead (00:23:37):
And so I know when my boss goes up against the brick wall, he’s just moving on. So to be honest with you, when it first came in I thought, no way in the world is this around. So I moved on and was doing my work, but it definitely has got huge benefits and it’s been a huge blessing to have it. By all means.
Tom Dorsey (00:23:56):
He’s the new guy with AutoVitals. Got to love that. Got to love it.
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:24:03):
So you need a new title, the scapegoat, introducing AutoVitals. Let’s put him on the hot seat and see what happens.
Jeff Mead (00:24:12):
Well, they say in this business that you have to adapt to change. And I’m probably the worst in the world at that. I mean, I’m telling you, every restaurant I go to, I order the same thing. I drink the same soda every day. I work the same schedule every week. If I’m not at work with my wife, you know what I mean? I have routines and that’s where I’m comfortable so I don’t change. So when things change, I usually meet them negatively to be a hundred percent honest with you.
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:24:36):
Of course everybody does.
Jeff Mead (00:24:37):
But this one is definitely, like I said, this one, if I could go back and change, I certainly would.
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:24:42):
Yeah, okay.
Tom Dorsey (00:24:43):
Just took a while, but we won ’em over.
Jeff Mead (00:24:46):
That’s right. That’s
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:24:48):
Right. So Dustin, if you don’t mind putting maybe the infograph up because I still want to go into more details because I assume everybody in the audience is in exact same shoes as the two of you, and we really want to help them shortening the getting up to speed. Now I see it too. So what I would like to do, if you guys don’t mind, is we just have the traditional process I just called it. I also could have said that’s the comfortable past as Jeff just pointed out. And on the right hand side, we go digital. So let’s talk about the tax if you could. I mean, the benefits are clear. The tax are not motivated if the service advisor is not selling. That’s how simple that is. That actually doesn’t matter whether it’s paper or digital. The problem with paper is how do you find out unless you sit on a settled day at the kitchen table and compare every single inspection with the estimate, right? That’s pretty time consuming with digital, you can immediately see that. So back to both of you. If you could turn back time, what would you do? So the tax buy in day two, if not day one.
Jeff Mead (00:26:23):
I think if it was me, I mean I think that I would’ve just again supported it right from Jump Street again, because I’ve been here as long as I have. I didn’t realize, I guess the motivation control that I had over the rest of the shop. So when they see me acting negatively towards it, they basically bowed out and did the same thing. Everybody’s just like, oh yeah, this too shall pass. And to be honest with you, when I came back from the conference and gung ho on it, I mean it was like they were looking at me like I was an alien because I was a completely different person. You know what I mean? I was looking at it completely different.
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:27:00):
Makes sense to be the trailblazer. And even if they, that’s a good
Tom Dorsey (00:27:09):
Point is that the owner might be bought in, but if that implementer’s not bought in or whoever the alpha dog in that shop is against it, that’s the way, that’s the way the attitude’s going to go. And people are working to make it fail because they just want to get rid of it and they know to Jeff’s point, I know it’s going to go away soon. We might as well make soon tomorrow.
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:27:35):
Brad, what’s your take?
Brett Spaulding (00:27:37):
So that’s a great question, Uwe, and what I’ve learned, and I’ve had success with the last three technicians that we have here now, is to when I interview, I interview with the digital process concept, the tablet, how it works, and I talk to them about, and I look, I try to look at their face and see expressions and if they’re excited about that, then they’ve passed that test. But if they like him hawing around, and usually it’s the younger guys that are all excited about it, obviously with technology, but that’s made a huge difference. So the buy-in happens on the last guy that I hired, he’s only been here maybe a month and a half, and he’s totally bought in and he’s doing the whole thing and he does a great job and he understands how that influences his paycheck and how it provides work for him.
And the other day he asked, well, I don’t know if I should be taking all these pictures and recommending all these services. And I says, well, number one, you have an ethical obligation to recommend things that are needed or that are of a safety issue. But the flip side of that is that’s how the system works. The more pictures, the more education information you can provide, the more we put the customer in control, they get to choose whether they’re going to make an investment in that car, throw it away, get a new one or do it in pieces, whatever. But they’re in charge in this system. It relieves that anxiety because they see it in front of them and they see the detail and when they know that the professional, but we are saying, here it is. What do you want to do? This is what we recommend. And it just seems to flow into a much better customer relationship. Absolutely. Better sales numbers, more work for the technicians. Everybody’s happy.
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:29:51):
Cool. Thank you. Let’s go to the next, Tom, if that’s okay with you. So was advisors and I mean Jeff couldn’t, we couldn’t have get a better testimonial than what Jeff is saying, right? In the old world, a lot of sales pressure is applied whether you want or not. Especially we as consumers have gotten so used to getting our information online. We don’t want to have somebody tell us in our ear right in this moment, what I am supposed to do. And so if you go back again, what would you change in working with yourself as a service advisor or with your service advisor to hone that new skill of letting the education speak for itself and then take the phone call because that is what it comes down to.
Jeff Mead (00:30:57):
Yeah, I would say if I could go back and do it all over again from day one, I would talk about AutoVitals to every customer that walked through the door instead of, again, and I’ll be honest with you, I’m guilty of it today where I don’t tell the customer, Hey, we’re going to send you an email. I’ve been dealing with customers for so long. They walk in, throw me their keys, and they’re gone. Where like I said, I think I would take the time to stop ’em and say, Hey, just so you know, we’re going to be sending you an email. We got a new program. I’d even pull one up on the computer and show it to, I got two monitors so I can pull it up and show ’em. Because every customer that we’ve talked to about it, raves about it. They all think it’s just absolutely awesome.
Even customers that don’t, like I had a customer this morning that came in, literally Jeff was going to try and program something on his truck and we ended up, couldn’t do it. So there was not even a bill attached to it, but he still got the update that, Hey, your vehicle’s in progress. He still got an inspection. So when he picked up his vehicle, again, there was no bill attached to it. And he just said, Hey, I just want to let you know that email you guys sent me was just absolutely awesome. So I mean, like I said, they eat it up and I mean communication is key and it does a lot of the communicating for us. Back to Brett’s point, everything he was just talking about as far as the process of how we do things, that’s the way they were always supposed to be done. You know what I mean? It’s just people took shortcuts, they didn’t have the time. And I think AutoVitals streamlines a lot of that to where we don’t have to spend the time.
Tom Dorsey (00:32:25):
Yeah, that’s the goal. That’s what we’re really trying to do. And boy I’ll tell you what, you got some stuff coming out that is going to knock your socks off. You’d probably be pissed off at us a little bit because you guys had to go slug through all the hard stuff and now all of a sudden we made it simple when we got there because of you, because of your feedback. And you guys blaze that trail along with everybody else out there, getting out there and becoming digital and fighting that traditional and really being able to stand out. And like you said, your customers will notice it. They’re the first ones. And really that’s what I usually recommend that to folks, because you need quick wins and you need, a lot of times you need that little extra motivation. And initially you should be sending it to folks and go out there and say, Hey, have you gotten our digital inspection?
What’d you think? Ask them about it. They’re sitting in the waiting room or whatever. Or somebody says hi to you at the supermarket and say, how’s that? Because oh boy, the stories that they can tell you behind that really inspire you and you can share those with the team. And even better yet, when folks start recognizing their technician or their service writer because they see them on that digital inspection and giving them, thank you for your help, that’s inspiring to folks. It ties it all together. That what I’m doing every day. Yeah, it’s grinding and yeah, sometimes it stinks. But you know what, boy, there’s a big payoff because a lot of times when you’re in the back, you don’t get that customer appreciation. It doesn’t flow all the way down to the offensive line sometimes. You know what I mean?
Brett Spaulding (00:33:58):
For sure.
Bill Connor (00:33:59):
What’s kind of interesting is starting with the technician and then the customer, what I’m hearing here is that we’re going to go and explain to the staff what’s in it for them, and that’s how we’re going to get their buy-in. We’re going to let them know what they’re going to get out of doing this. And now we’ve done the same thing with the customer. What’s in it for them? A vehicle that’s safe, comfortable, dependable, it’s going to come to you. You don’t have to hang around the shop. So that’s a pretty good thing that we hear repeated pretty often.
Tom Dorsey (00:34:29):
There’s a money coming in right now. See now they’ve got some buying questions for Brett.
Brett Spaulding (00:34:39):
Sorry guys.
Tom Dorsey (00:34:40):
That’s okay. That’s the sound of money might as well. I’ve always tried to program my ringtone as a slot machine paying off, right? Because then that’s really wish.
Brett Spaulding (00:34:51):
That’s a good idea.
Bill Connor (00:34:55):
A little obvious, don’t you think?
Tom Dorsey (00:34:57):
Brett Spaulding (00:34:57):
Whatever. One thing that I would just input on the service advisor definitely reiterate what Jeff said. We’ve been where he’s at where we didn’t really do the exit scheduling, where we didn’t really explain it to the customer upfront. We’ve changed that and it makes a world of difference if you don’t tell ’em what’s coming and they just see it. They don’t know what to do with it. They just look over it and kick it out and say, call you or whatever and say, where’s my car? And so we don’t set that expectation for ’em. It goes so much better if we do. And it just helps that average ARO, it all works. It all flows together.
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:35:42):
Yeah. How would they open the text link if they don’t know they’re going to get one? Right. Exactly. That’s how simple this is.
Tom Dorsey (00:35:48):
Yeah, it’s spam.
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:35:50):
You don’t want to leave it up to chance
Tom Dorsey (00:35:54):
And then it sets you off with if you don’t know about it, then, oh gosh, man, maybe I don’t go back to these guys. They spam me a lot. They’re trying to send me all of this promo stuff and they haven’t even read it, but it’s just the assumption they didn’t know about it. And even that little bit of in their mind, maybe they go somewhere else next visit, you just don’t know. And so you really want to make sure you’re hitting it on. But here’s a good point for you is if you put yourself in your customer’s shoes, and when we’re talking about setting the expectation of what that inspection looks like, you have an opportunity to say, Hey, we’re going to find these things. We’re going to inspect everything. First of all, you’re going to inspect the good stuff and we’re going to inspect the bad stuff and we’re going to find some stuff that you’re going to need to get done soon.
And we’re going to let you know about that. And you know what happens from a customer’s perspective? They go and they can see that because you’re not going to try to sell me everything upfront. It really helps to bring the walls down. It helps to bring the defense down and open them up to the things. Now they know that, you know what? They’re only going to show me the stuff that’s really bad here. And we will see what happens when I get my inspection. But you know what? They’re pretty honest and transparent. I’m not going to have to try to get it all done today. They’re not going to put pressure on me. That relief right there opens them up to that approval process. It’s kind of preheating the oven a little bit.
Put ’em in the driver’s seat, put ’em in the driver’s seat. And so make sure, that’s why it’s so critical. It’s not just, yeah, you’re going to get a better open rate, you’re going to get a better usage rate, you’re going to get a better approval rate. But really if you think about it from taking their hand and holding it and showing ’em what to expect and that it’s all going to be okay and there’s nothing to be afraid of here and we’re going to just show you like it is, boy, that really sets ’em up for once they’re having that conversation and figuring out what they’re going to approve. And I’ll bet you both have stories about stuff that was due in the future and they went, well, yeah, let’s just go ahead and throw all that in right now. Absolutely. Right? Yep. That’s what happens. That’s how they open up to that. Let’s just get it done now. And that’s where you want ’em, because then you to set ’em up for people can’t get their cars tied up. They’re on the go. Their car’s got to be mobile, they ain’t got time to leave it with us.
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:38:19):
Cool. Want to take the next step? And that is the secret source of workflow management. Yes. So as Jeff just said it very nicely, he said, outer world saves us time. I hope you meant using workflow management. And so we have found through talking to guys like Euros, hundreds of them that often service advisors basically constantly need to update an update on the status so they can predict how many build hours they can still sell without mismanaging customer’s expectations. So service advisors constantly needs to be aware what the situations in the shop and in the old world, that’s only possible by asking and by running around and talking. And then service advisors often take the safe route and are busy through running around and basically schedule the shop based on what they can accomplish, not necessarily what the technician can accomplish. Is that a fair assessment, Brett and Jeff?
Jeff Mead (00:39:45):
Absolutely. For sure.
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:39:49):
And so that’s leaving money on the table. Again, maybe not in ARO but in car count because you can get a lot more stuff done. And especially also, here’s the other thing we noticed during Covid time, we saw shops all of a sudden increasing ARO
Jeff Mead (00:40:14):
Sure have more time,
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:40:17):
More time, they got it. So what that means is if we can detect more opportunities to save time and eliminate busy work, voila, the service advisor becomes a lot more flexible. So this is where workflow comes in, where the tablet tells the service advisor how far the technician is, and they don’t need to run around and find out. How long did that take you guys? Or maybe you are still in the process of getting the texts, updating the tablet and job complete and the service advisor using the workflow.
Jeff Mead (00:40:55):
I would say for us it’s still a work in progress. I would say probably half the guys are doing it and half of them having to remind them all day. And a lot of that is, again, we brought in a couple new people so things have changed. So they’re at an earlier point in the learning curve than the rest of the guys are. But I think that we’re definitely heading in that direction. And I’ll be a hundred percent honest with there’s two service writers here, and I don’t think either one of us are managing the workflow steps as efficiently as we should be. And the reason for that, I can’t tell you other than when we figured out the system, we were on the tech view. So we’re not looking at the other view. We just need to get in the habit of doing it.
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:41:41):
But even the tech view is already should be if you can believe the numbers, oh, I know this tech has X numbers of hours left. It’s just to sign a new legal to them
Jeff Mead (00:41:55):
And then we can see exactly where they’re at.
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:41:57):
But how did that work for you?
Brett Spaulding (00:41:59):
Well, it’s actually, it’s something that we definitely have to remind them once in a while for. But overall it’s gotten much better and it definitely has an effect, a ripple effect on how the service rider sees when they use that workflow system and they look at those numbers and their progress. It definitely allows them to control their scheduling better.
Tom Dorsey (00:42:30):
Bill, how do you advise shops that are struggling?
Bill Connor (00:42:35):
So the first thing I do is I like to go ahead and get them to go ahead and have a five minute scrum in the morning and go ahead and ask everybody, how many hours do you want to do for today? And then you can look at today’s vehicle page, see what you’ve got available. So I always start them out onto today’s vehicle page saying, look, this is the amount of fuel they need to burn. What do you have in the tank so far? And then technicians, you can really help the service advisor help you get your goal. If you’ll just simply have the tablet open when you’re working on a vehicle and mark the jobs done as you move through ’em. And if you change to a different vehicle, even for a little bit, press save and go open the other one up. So if the service rider can see that they can help you get more work.
And then by doing the inspections, we get more hours per repair order, less trips to the parking lot. So always working with them to make sure they all understand what’s in it for them. But to me, the labor inventory is the only thing that you have to sell that expires every time that it clock strikes the next minute, and it’s your highest gross profit item you have. So why in the hell wouldn’t you manage that more than anything else? And so that labor inventory management right there from the technician view, we’ve got tee times turned on. Green means you’re all making money. Yellow means you’re getting close to not making money, and when it turns red, it’s too late. You either got to call the customer and beg for forgiveness or more money, whatever the case might be, or you can’t fix it.
Tom Dorsey (00:44:06):
Thank you, sir. We would stunned silence.
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:44:15):
We’re thinking
Tom Dorsey (00:44:16):
Everybody’s just contemplating that. I mean, it is hard to argue with that,
Brett Spaulding (00:44:19):
Right? Bill’s got a lot of wisdom.
Tom Dorsey (00:44:22):
You believe he does.
Bill Connor (00:44:23):
I learned from every shop owner that I work with,
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:44:29):
Let’s go go back into the motorist shoes. The digital inspection has this incredible opportunity to not only educate when the vehicle’s in the shop, but when they go home with the vehicle. Right? And then Dustin, you can probably maybe show that on the right hand side you see a typical appointment reminder where you can actually reusing the inspection sheet. If you could scroll down a little bit like there’s an observation, right? Instrument cluster tire maintenance alignment is further down and if you click on it, it might have some additional information. So we can basically continue the same kind of communication a motorist has already received while the vehicle was in the shop, you decline replacing the air filter. But look, it has not gotten any cleanness since the last visit. And by using the same pictures they have seen in the inspection result, that will increase the approval rate even if the vehicle is not in the shop. Brett and Jeff, how did you experienced that?
Jeff Mead (00:46:11):
I would tell you that we constantly have customers because they get your reminders. They’ll call me up and say, Hey, I got a reminder for my vehicle, I need to bring it in on Thursday and I’ll pull it up through your email to find out what the reminder is. And a lot of times I’ll find out it’s three different flushes. I mean, that’s what we’re working for. You know what I mean? Trying to get the easy quick maintenance services. And like I said, it’s nice when they call you back off of an inspection that you did a month ago and all of a sudden on Wednesday you got three more than you thought you were going to have because it just fell in your lap. You know what I mean? Because you did what you were supposed to do a month ago.
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:46:50):
Do you guys do, oh, Brett, I don’t want to.
Brett Spaulding (00:46:53):
Oh, no, I agree with Jeff. In fact, the setup that you do at the exit scheduling and literally showing them this form that they’re going to see coming in their email or their text is huge. My service writer’s theme is this system allows me to spend the time with the customer. So if you’re spending the time setting that expectation of why you’re sending them that, what they’re going to see, how they’re going to use it, how they can select it, you’re still educating them. But now again, you’re putting them in control and like Jeff said, voila, you start seeing these appointments showing up on your scheduler and it’s awesome. It totally works. We throw another, if they haven’t confirmed, we make a phone call and confirm the appointment or have ’em reschedule. So we just take it one step further.
Bill Connor (00:47:59):
So do I hear you, Brett, when you do the exit schedule, you’re actually pulling up that future reminder, showing them what’s on it that hasn’t been done and saying, expect to get this from me and you’re going to get it two weeks beforehand, and if you forget, I’m going to remind you once more. So perfect. That’s exactly what we talked about, so I’m glad to hear that you’re doing that.
Brett Spaulding (00:48:19):
Yes, that’s exactly what you taught us to do, and it works like a charm.
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:48:26):
That is cool.
Jeff Mead (00:48:27):
I’ll have to go look to see if our system does that. I’ll probably have to ask Chris to show me whether or not it does, because I don’t know how that works. I don’t know exactly which button I push, but sometimes when I’m closing out a ticket, it’ll pop up and show me the exit schedule screen, but I’ve never used it. I’ll be a hundred percent honest with you, but that’s the next step.
Bill Connor (00:48:46):
Yes. He just learned another way to make some money right there live on air. Awesome. Perfect.
Tom Dorsey (00:48:51):
You just found a vein of gold buddy
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:48:55):
Doubles out. We called it the concierge button, Jeff. It has a little hotel bell icon on it, so if you click on it, it shows you exactly the reminder how it looks, and you can show it to the customer and say, this is what you’re going to get in X weeks.
Jeff Mead (00:49:17):
Well, as soon as we’re done here, I’m going to go pull one up.
Tom Dorsey (00:49:20):
And then the reminders come out and then the appointment confirmation comes out for next visit and it actually will ask them, Hey, remember this stuff? What do you want to do? Do you want to go ahead and approve it? And a lot of that stuff, you’ll catch the approval already. It’s on the initial RO before they even come into the shop.
Jeff Mead (00:49:37):
That’s definitely what it’s all about. I mean, the more work we got the customer walking in asking for, then next time around when the technicians, when I’m working on their inspection, they sent me, they can be working on the work the customer’s already approved. So I mean, it’s just definitely a time saver.
Tom Dorsey (00:49:53):
Yes, it’s a beautiful thing. And Brett, April had chatted in and said over there, you guys have a pretty smart way I think of helping to set some of those expectations is that you communicated on your webpage, your posts and social text and emails, but you also have a monitor up in the shop that announces that stuff. And that’s a really smart point there because it’s one of those things if you set the expectation with your team, but then you also kind of hold them accountable through that, Hey, we’re a digital shop, ask us what that means. Something like that. Right. Well now guess what? I got to be on my toes. Somebody might come up and say, what is, oh gosh, that means I got to show you the inspection sheet when you come in. I got to follow the process each and every time because they might actually come up and start asking me questions about it.
Jeff Mead (00:50:43):
And the last thing you want is a customer to come in and say, Hey, I didn’t get my digital inspection and have your boss standing behind you.
Tom Dorsey (00:50:50):
Exactly, exactly. How dare you. I think that’s a great point is just be put it out there and what does that passive right, kind of passive awareness. And folks will talk about it, folks will ask questions about it, but more importantly internally, you have to be on your game. You have to be ready to answer those questions. And so that puts it into the process without you having to hammer it in with a sledgehammer. You know what I mean?
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:51:22):
For sure.
Jeff Mead (00:51:23):
No, it’s definitely awesome.
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:51:27):
Yeah. Last but not least, I think is the ability to measure everything in digital. I mean, the doc ate my homework is not a valid excuse anymore. And so I was wondering how did you guys utilize that? Were there in the beginning things? Oh yeah, I inspect every single car. And then you pulled out the report and said maybe just 58%. So did you have experiences like this where everybody could be held accountable because we have now the KPIs available and data doesn’t lie and has no emotions?
Jeff Mead (00:52:09):
Absolutely. I will tell you that I’m a numbers guy first and foremost. I mean, every day I’m looking at what did we do in sales yesterday? How did we do? So I pull up the business control panel every morning and there’s five categories that I look at, and I got ’em all set up basically for the service writers because that’s kind of what I directly oversee. But I mean, I’m looking at research time, I’m looking at edited pictures, I’m looking at, and most of the time I have the worst numbers of all of them, which is great. That means he’s doing what I’m asking him to do. And I do a lot more of our fleet business, so we don’t tend to send those out as much because I got a couple companies that, I mean, if I send them to ’em, they don’t even know what struck I’m talking about.
But so I look at the numbers every day and IR the other guy and say, Hey, look, I’m beating you in this number, but you’re getting me in that one. And I pull ’em up for the day for yesterday, and I pull ’em up for last week and I pull ’em up for last year. And I’m just, where are we compared to where we were a year ago? And again, that’s kind of how I was brought up through the business. If you’re not beating last year, you’re going backwards. So I just try to stay, make sure my numbers are all green and growing.
Tom Dorsey (00:53:18):
To grow your business, all you got to do is beat yesterday. That’s
Jeff Mead (00:53:20):
Uwe Kleinschmidt (00:53:21):
And everybody enjoys this little competition, I assume, or was that difficult?
Jeff Mead (00:53:26):
No, I think, and again, I only share that with one other guy up front here. Oh, I see. I think he enjoys it. I think he enjoys it when he is winning, and I really can’t say nothing to him. I can’t really give him any grief. If his cent rate’s 92% and mine’s only 78%, he is like, shut up, I’m kicking your butt. Like I said, I think we’re both on top of that. And there’s very rarely a time when Chris calls me, she wants to talk about numbers, she pulls up the control panel and wants to tell me where I’m at, usually before she can even get me logged into her computer. I’m telling her where I’m at, because I look at it every morning, I’m on it. That is so awesome. But like I said, it’s not always where it needs to be, but it just kind of reminds me every day that, okay, this is where we’re at.
What do we need to do to improve today? So I think overall, I mean, I think last time I talked to Chris year over year, I mean we were up like 800% in some categories and it’s just huge. Our research time used to be non-existent. When I got back from conference, we redid our inspection and I got videos and pictures, and it’s probably still not where it needs to be, but I mean, we’re commonly seeing 600 seconds, 700 seconds, but on the average, we’re probably still in the 200 seconds. You know what I mean? So we still need to work on it. And I think a lot of that is we’re not educating every customer when they walk in the door saying this is what’s coming, be ready for it. And I think that’s definitely the next step we need to take and put focus on.
Tom Dorsey (00:55:00):
Cool. Yeah, so that’s going to be an exciting follow up show. I got to tell you, you got a lot of room for improvement there. You just found the exit schedule. And then because you guys, it’s already stuck. You can see where your motors, right motors research time went from something like six seconds up into the mid two hundreds as an average. But the thing is, it’s stuck there and you can see the bump in your ARO and your ARO is stuck there. And so there’s just the next step that you’re going to take to increase that up and add another a hundred seconds on that motorist research time and another 10, 15% on that ARO, and just keep it pinned there, and then just keep building it up from there. Interesting thing about data and to your point is how it motivates your staff, because a lot of people tend to use the data to say, oh gosh, we’re not doing something right or We got to do better here and here. But what happens a lot of times is you can find data points in there for just about everybody. And if you’ve got a guy and you say, you’re leading this team in a number of recommendations per inspection or in picture edit rate, well guess what happens all of a sudden, oh gosh, I’m number one. I got to hold. I got to keep my spot.
Jeff Mead (00:56:08):
That’s right.
Tom Dorsey (00:56:09):
I got to keep that spot now. Oh, so guess what happens? And then everybody else kind of goes, well, that guy’s, number one, I want to be number one, so I need to pick that up. And it all just boom, everybody just increases all you got to do is just show it. Just pull the curtain back and say, this guy’s the best at something and you’re not, which is really close.
Jeff Mead (00:56:32):
Tom Dorsey (00:56:32):
Jeff Mead (00:56:34):
Yeah. I think what it all boils down to as far as the staff goes, and I think it’s with every company in the world, is everybody just wants to be appreciated. And I’ll be honest with you, I would tell you that’s the number one reason why I still work for the company I work for. Because when I came to work here every day, it was, we appreciate everything you do. And that goes a long way. I mean, I came out of a tire store environment where I was a number, nobody. I got a phone call every other day yelling about yesterday’s business, but nobody even came to the store or even appreciation goes a long way in my book and I think that I’m probably the average employee. I think everybody kind of thinks the same thing. Everybody wants to know they’re doing a good job and if they’re not doing a good job, they want to know what do they need to do to do a good job. Exactly.
Tom Dorsey (00:57:23):
That’s where that data really helps you there is you just put that data together with a team huddle or a scrum like Bill likes to call it, and it doesn’t take a long time. You just got to prepare yourself and you have to have a topic and something to think about and you want to do some recognition. And then it’s kind of like the bitter and the butter. You want to do a little recognition, then you want to do a little, Hey here, we can approve over here. Let’s go get ’em. And you do that each and every day and you do it incrementally and you focus on a topic each day and the rising tide floats all boats. You start to move that needle and then you just keep reinforcing that and you keep celebrating that. And before you know it, you log into your BCP. It looks like Jeff, it looks like boo. It looks like somebody’s been taking steroids over there because like night and day, like night and day. Isn’t that right Bill?
Bill Connor (00:58:14):
Absolutely. Yep. So I always like to, when I’m doing that first scrum in the morning, I like to go ahead and have it very short, very sweet. And I like to say, these are the things that we agreed we’re going to work on. We agreed that we wanted to make them go, congratulations, we’ve made this one happen. What can I do to help you make these other two move? So it’s always, I hate to use a comparison like training a puppy, but it’s constant reward and constant correction until you get them to do what you need
Tom Dorsey (00:58:43):
Until your puppy’s bringing your birds, leaving ’em on.
Brett Spaulding (00:58:46):
We actually use the scrum in the morning and a scrum in the evening. We keep ’em short, but that helps us review, set the day and then review the day and what can we focus on for tomorrow. So it kind of sets that stage and keeps that idea of improvement and staying on top. And it gives us an opportunity to tell our guys how much we appreciate ’em, how well they’re doing. And I like to use the word opportunities. We have opportunities here to grow and
Jeff Mead (00:59:20):
Tom Dorsey (00:59:22):
Yes, take advantage of them. And that’s fantastic. I mean really because from what you guys have brought today to Jeff’s point about get focused on them fundamentals and get that stuff built out. Once you’re there at that point, then you just really break it down in looking at your data and say, where do we need to focus on And working with Bill and Chris or whoever your advisor is and saying, okay, well they want us focus in here, work that in. It’s just communicate that plan to your team and say, Hey, that’s important. And like you guys said, it’s like, as long as I know what you’re looking for from me, well I’m going to deliver that. I’m do my best to deliver that. And so then they’ll focus on that and it’s not, don’t say, oh gosh, here’s this thing figured out and I expect to see a double our revenue in the next six months.
Oh my gosh, we’re just setting up for failure. But if we can say, oh, I got to take one more picture a day, or I need to make a couple more edits a day or another recommendation per inspection, whatever it might be in baby steps, that’s not hard. Everybody understands what’s expected and we’re talking about the victories and we’re starting to motivate each other and we’re starting to compete a little bit because that’s what we like to do. And before you know it, that’s how those habits set in. Now it’s stuck. Now they’re calling you out about how they’re beating you. The student is now the master. And then guess what? Book your plane tickets.
Bill Connor (01:00:59):
So what you’re seeing is it’s okay for the shop owner to go ahead and want to increase from 25,000 a week to 50 as long as he goes ahead and lets the shop as general have a win a couple thousand dollars at a time. Let them have wins often and quickly. And we do the same thing when we’re guiding them through to use the inspection sheet to generate revenue, get them quick wins in there and keep everybody positive.
Jeff Mead (01:01:24):
Absolutely. The main thing is you all got to work together. If everybody’s battling, it ain’t going to work.
Tom Dorsey (01:01:31):
Yeah, sure. And it’s that, and like you said, it starts from the top, right? It’s one thing with the owner, but we know the owner doesn’t really run the shop. And so the guys that are out there that get the respect and the leaders on the floor, those are the ones that really, you got to make sure, and even if you got to grease ’em a little bit, give ’em some incentive, give ’em some bonus so that they get over that icky change feeling, but they stay motivated and they’re telling the team this is the way it’s going to be and why, and they got the value propositions and they can communicate that, oh, it’s going to make it so much easier for you. And then after that, it’s just making a plan, being a smart plan. Don’t try to go weed whacking in a new trail.
Follow the work that these guys had done before and all of the proof is in the pudding. All the data that we have, and we develop our best practices around that stuff because well, gosh, it works and it’s hard to argue with success, and so don’t argue with success, emulate it. Tell us how to approve upon this success, but don’t think you’re going to find a new path that’s easier or something like that because it just doesn’t exist. Well, we would’ve found it already. And then let the leaders lead. Let the team start to share in that success and drive that success. And before you know it, they’re going to be telling you how to improve it and how the best practices should look like. And it’s automatic. It becomes automatic at that time.
And so we wish we’re up on the top of the hour, and so I really appreciate everybody coming on. I think this was a great discussion. I think it’s going to give a lot of insights into folks and kind, Hey, other folks have been there and done that and stay in the saddle and it’ll pay off. And really what we like to do on the podcast and just through all of our interactions and our educational contacts is make that ramp up. Make that learning experience less painful and faster each and every time. Just like you guys are iterating your numbers 1%, one step at a time. We’re trying to do the same thing is make it quicker, faster, easier, and one step at a time so that more people can have the success that Brett and Jeff are in here talking about
U on Bill. Thank you very much for coming on as always and giving me awesome. Thank you. Important insight. We’re going to post up, so if you’re subscribed, you’ll get the recording automatically. We’ll post up the link to Uwe’s infographic as well. I’m sure we’ll put it up on Facebook. If you have any questions that didn’t get answered in the chat already, go ahead and post that up on Facebook. Let’s take that conversation onto the Facebook form. These guys are, they love to help you out and it’s like, it’s like you said, ask questions, right? That’s the first step is ask questions. A lot of people here that are willing to answer ’em for you, you just have to be ready to be open to what you might, the answer you might get, but it’s nothing that’s incredible and you can’t do it.
Dustin Anaas (01:04:49):
Yeah. So hey Tom, next week we are going to be talking about service advisor efficiency, doing more and less time and how the Amazon rule fits into that.
Tom Dorsey (01:04:59):
Yeah. And we’ll be talking some good, some details.
Dustin Anaas (01:05:01):
Eric, seven from a plus Japanese repair in San Carlos, California will be joining us.
Tom Dorsey (01:05:06):
Oh yeah. Very nice. I am excited to have Eric on. Hey guys, crushing it. So we’re going to be talking a lot about specific steps on what we were talking about today is how to set that up and how to publish that story. So you don’t want to miss next week because we’re going to be going into kind of the how to details on what exactly it looks like and what you should be doing from both a workflow perspective and that publishing or editing and sending and communicating and educating to the motorist. So it’s going to be a fantastic show. Appreciate all the work, Dustin, getting that thing set up. Really excited to have.

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