Instructions to Improve your SmartFlow Fitness Results
How do I interpret my SmartFlow Fitness results? First let’s review your overall score, then the score at the router.
How do I interpret my SmartFlow Fitness results? First let’s review your overall score, then the score at the router.
Initial – Install the Screenshot Tool.
We are excited to announce the next step in completing the 2-way integration with your SMS. Check the attached video on how recommended jobs selected by techs as part of the inspection get added to a subestimate in Mitchell1 team…
We just updated the SmartFlow Add On for your shop management software (SMS). It eliminates busy work like updating the VIN and ODO-IN and saves the inspection results to the work order in the SMS. One or two button clicks…
We just added the ability to add tech notes and images for canned jobs on the sub-estimate AND for existing jobs on the work order. Contact your Product Advisor to take advantage of it!