“I love this system, I love everything about it. I’ve been talking to everyone about it that comes through the door, vendors, friends, other shop owners… I couldn’t be happier, I love technology, the stupid paper trail is gone, so much of the little problems don’t happen anymore and I’ll be able to leave on time everyday! This IS the technology of tomorrow for automotive. Whoever made this, tell them thank you, because it’s genius!’
“Whoever said that Digital Vehicle Inspections (DVI’s) would slow your techs down has really got it wrong! Yes, this is real…out of the starting gate, my techs proclaimed their love after their first DVI, ‘Wow this is so easy and way faster‘. My SA thought it was okay at first and now says this a much better tool than he realized. The staff, during their lunch breaks, are now providing suggestions and even wanting to create DVI subjects and topics. I’ve known for some time that DVI was where we needed to be. I just didn’t realize what a positive effect it would have on our shop.”
My thoughts are if you are not in the Digital Inspection process, you will be left behind. That said, AutoVitals has been the most influential tool for my business leveling up – How does a $800 plus ARO sound?

“AutoVitals helps our entire shop be more efficient. The inspections with pictures and video give customers a transparent view of what their vehicle needs, giving them confidence to make the decision for us to repair their vehicle.”
“The program has been a great communication tool in the shop as well as between the shop and customer. It’s an easy way way to build trust with the customer as well. Once I got the hang of customizing inspection forms, it has never been easier to run through a quality vehicle inspection and let the customer decide for themselves what they want repaired. The proof is in the pictures and explanations given to the customer right on their smart phone or in their email.”
“Customers love the inspection. Transparency leads to trust. Trust makes people buy. Money makes me happy. Simple.”