Episode Description
Matt Fowler (Airport Automotive) and Jamey Whitlock (Whitlock Automotive) share valuable insights into their shops’ digital inspection process and give actionable tips to help you sell more work.
Topics covered are:
– What your inspection needs to get you higher job approval
– Comparison of high-quality & low-quality inspections
– Why editing pictures & videos and adding notes are important
– How to get team and staff buy-in to the inspection process
Episode Transcript
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Tom Dorsey (00:00):
Good afternoon. Welcome to this week’s edition of The Digital Shop Talk Radio, episode 12, April 24th, 2019, and I got a great show for you today. Today we’re going to be talking about how to build killer inspection sheets and get your texts to develop the best practices to help your service advisor sell and communicate the needs to your customer and kind of put everything that your customer needs to make those confident decisions to approve work right there in the inspection sheet. I’ve got two great guests with us today. We got Matt Fowler from Airport Automotive, and Matt’s going to be kind of the guru in today’s conversation because they’ve been doing a fantastic job and consistently generating highly effective inspection sheets and inspection results. And we’ve got Jamey Whitlock from Whitlock Automotive joining us today, and Jamey’s looking for a little bit of help and Matt’s going to come in and we’re going to get into a conversation on what’s working, what are those best practices, and then we’re actually planning on bringing Jamey back in a few weeks from now and see how those results actually, or what results he gets from the changes that he makes and what we learned today.
So get your pencils out, get your notebooks out, make sure you’re taking notes. And always, if you’re watching us on Facebook and we’re live streaming, ask questions, go ahead and hit the comments section and we’ll get those questions answered live on air while you got these guys in here and they can help you out. So let’s go ahead and get started. I’d like to first welcome Jamey Whitlock. If you could say hi and tell us a little bit about yourself. Jamey,
Jamey Whitlock (01:50):
I appreciate you having me on the show. I’ve been in the business for a long time. I worked with my father for 16 years. We ran about 14 shops. I now run my own chop and so on my own, I definitely could take on some other, I guess, better ways of doing business if you want to say. So we’ve changed software up. I took on AutoVitals and I could give you my whole testimony of not using it very well and now trying to circle up the wagons and make it better. But definitely happy where I’m at and trying to get to the next level with the shop.
Tom Dorsey (02:29):
That’s awesome. Thanks for coming on and like I said, we’re going to get some good stuff for you here today. I’d like to introduce Matt Fowler. Matt, if you could say hi and tell us a little bit about you and your operation.
Matt Fowler (02:40):
Yeah, no problem. Thank you for your kind words earlier. Matt Fowler. We’re out in Colorado Springs and I am the service manager here at the store. So we’ve got our owner, Gary, myself, and then we have three master techs that work with us and we’ve had the AutoVitals product for a few years. However, we didn’t fully implement and fully integrate our shop over until late 17, but it really gained focus in 2018. So Jamey, I can kind of relate a little bit to getting things going, circling the wagons, we’ve had a real similar path, so I can give you some of our experiences and some of our things that we’ve learned in that. Great.
Tom Dorsey (03:24):
And then we’ve also got Bill Connor joining. It looks like live from his penthouse overlook in, what was that, downtown Dallas or something? Where you at Billy?
Bill Connor (03:34):
I’m actually north of Dallas, but yeah, I’m glad you actually invited me back. It is always fun and enlightening to join you on these digital shop talks.
Tom Dorsey (03:43):
Awesome. Well thanks for coming in. So are you trainer for Matt or Jamey?
Bill Connor (03:50):
I’ve worked with Matt in the past and I currently work with Jamey and Awesome. They’re both great guys to work with. They have an open mind, ask a lot of very penetrating questions and that’s always a good thing.
Tom Dorsey (04:02):
Yes, sir. Yeah, it helps us all learn. So let’s just dive right into it. I think Matt, you’re going to kind of take control and show us kind of how you developed your inspection process and kind of what the iterations or the evolution of that has been and kind of start to cover some of the best practices for the audience and for Jamey. So are we good to go on screen sharing? Are you going to go ahead and take care of that? Perfect. Let’s kick this bad boy off.
Matt Fowler (04:35):
So this is a current inspection and kind of where we are after about a year, I’m going to call it a year, just over a year from when we started really getting behind the product. And a lot of what we see on this inspection is derived from the evolution of effectiveness with the customer, getting some right hand, left hand between front of shop, back of shop and really trying to give the customer a product or education and information to help them see what’s going on, but then also move into the effectiveness of the sale. So probably 80% of our inspection is good or green, and we have a minimum of a 15 photo policy with our technicians to give enough material for the front staff. And so all of the photos that come through are edited in some form or another with green arrows notes on the photo or in omission if the photo maybe doesn’t come through all the way for the technician.
So that what faces the customer is detailed and effective. So this specific inspection, the customer came in for a charging system issue, which ended up being about a $600 sale, but then we did a full digital vehicle inspection and it allowed us to move it to about a $1,400 sale. So not only did they come in for an issue, but we upsold another 800 over their original concern by the effectiveness of the DVI and setting up a bigger sale. So again, all of these categories have clear detailed, well lit well in focused photos and then some kind of annotation or direction to steer the customer toward. And then on the far right column, you’ll see some solution to it, like we’ve grabbed a lot of our BG processes, cut and pasted that in the solution side or the far right column. Again, air filters, cabin filters, throttle bodies, this portion right here, the lower section right there, the battery health, that is the integration with the hunter product.
And so we have that to where it does tires, batteries, and alignment. And we have found that that really breaks up a little bit of the inspection with a little bit more imagery, but still very applicable items to it. So yeah, so this was a very effective one. This was one just from last week that turned into a pretty good sale. And again, this has been an evolution. So this is what you’re seeing currently that customers respond well to and there is a consistency from front to back as far as technicians giving the product to the front staff and allowing them to be effective with it.
Tom Dorsey (07:40):
So Matt, a couple of things jump out at me right away is I noticed that you start out with the good stuff. Was that a conscious decision? Was that a change that evolved over time and what’s the thinking behind? And I noticed too, I mean you got a lot of great pictures in the good things. So what’s the effect on the customer when they start out there?
Matt Fowler (08:03):
Sure. I think it just builds the value in their vehicle. This report can very quickly get overwhelming and very quickly devalue the vehicle if it’s not managed properly from an expectation standpoint for the customer. And so let me pop back to one of my earlier ones that I had from before. I’m going to close this out and then go to one of our initial inspections, and this was very early on, and you can see where our green is categorized with just literature. There’s minimal photos, one photo in this example, no documentation on it, no indication, no editing, and then everything is check marks. And then if you scoot down, we’ve got future attention again with a couple of photos, no documentation blurry. Again, this is early on, and as we scoot down, all of our immediate attention is just from a real estate standpoint of the screen significantly larger. Yes, there’s more content, but it really is focusing on the negative as opposed to the positive in any sales training or any kind of setting up of a sale. You have to start with building value in what they have and then start to follow it in with the corrective side of it. Otherwise your customer’s going to check out and it really, it’s an uphill battle at that point.
Tom Dorsey (09:34):
No, I think that’s great. I mean because you kind of build a funnel, right? You start out, oh, this isn’t so bad. Oh, this is, hey, look at. And you can even compliment and say, Hey, you’re doing a great job keeping your tire pressure tires inflated at the right pressure and look at the great wear pattern and those types of things and then kind of ease them into the more critical items. Jamey, what would you say is your current inspection sheet looking more like the previous one or this one?
Matt Fowler (10:05):
I think
Tom Dorsey (10:05):
A lot more like this one. I think I’m still on an evolution state. Yeah. Good. Well, we’re going to speed up that evolution here today. Matt, I didn’t want to take away from what you’re doing. I just wanted to also comment. The other thing I noticed is that that right column in the educational information is I think it was impressive how filled out it was. And it wasn’t even just all video. I mean there’s a lot of good text information and quick and easy to read that’s educational content. Did you guys go in there and kind of hand build all that stuff when you set up the program?
Matt Fowler (10:44):
Yeah, handbuilt a little bit. Bill was a really big help with that as far as getting our content thickened up. And really what we’re trying to do is we’re trying to keep the customer in our environment. We want this to be the one stop resource for any information. And so what we’re starting to see is that people are taking this information and then jumping off of the evaluation and starting to independently research what does a brake pad do? Where should it be? How much does that average cost? So again, in the evolution, we’re trying to give everything that relates to the topic, to the problem and the solution right here on this page so that we’re not losing our client to taking all this beautiful information that we’ve given them and now starting to independently research, pull up a YouTube video and then figure out, oh, well I can replace my own brake pads. It’s super simple,
Tom Dorsey (11:45):
It should only cost 50 bucks.
Matt Fowler (11:47):
We want to keep ’em in our environment and using this product. And AutoVitals allows all of that to happen with what you can build into it. And then there’s a second part of that that I do or the front staff does as far as protecting that sale, but I’m trying to have this be the one-stop resource for the client to not only educate themselves about their car, about the system if necessary so they stay right where I want so I can capitalize on that sale.
Tom Dorsey (12:18):
I mean that is a gold nugget right there. Write that down because what we’re talking about is keeping ’em from going to Google. What happens, we just heard you get some misinformation and you got to kind of try to reeducate ’em over the phone or at the counter. The other thing it does is it lengthens your sales cycle. It takes longer to get the approval out there, double checking everything you said. And if you can put that information in there and give them an experience just like they did, go Google it. So the video, it’s like YouTube 92nd video, why should I get this work done now? What happens if I don’t fill that content in create that funnel to get them engaged? And ultimately what’s the result? Have you been tracking your metrics from kind of the old style sheet to this new sheet and what did it do for the business?
Matt Fowler (13:04):
Yes, absolutely. We’re tracking and if you’re not tracking then you can’t really see where things are or are not working. We have a fairly decent ARO as is as a business. When I came and started working here, I was blown away by the ARO, but in 2017 when we were non-digital, our ARO at that time was 662. In 2018 when we were one year with it, we jumped to 790. And then in 2019, first quarter up until yesterday, we’re at 941. So we are seeing an exponential growth in ARO and our car count has remained right at about 23 to 24 cars a week. We believe in the methodology of having quality over quantity. And when we start to water that down with quantity, sometimes that can take away from the intentionality of this product. This product does take time. However, we’re seeing the payoff and we’re not uneducated. We know that there’s going to be a limit to that and then we can start to look at adding more cars or whatever. But our system allows for a high ARO because we’re spending a lot of intentionality with this product.
Tom Dorsey (14:27):
Oh, that’s incredible. I mean a 50% ARO increase is like you just stuck another half a shop onto the end of the bays.
Matt Fowler (14:36):
Tom Dorsey (14:38):
So feel free, start asking some questions if you got anything specific from what you saw here, and we’d love to hear kind of what you’re thinking and where you think you could make the biggest change from an approval perspective to your current inspection sheet now.
Jamey Whitlock (15:00):
Well, I looked at a couple other inspections that Matt’s done and these here, and I think one of the big things that pops out is obviously there’s a lot more content on these inspections than what we currently use. I don’t know if we’re going to pop any of mine up and look at ’em, but y’all can take time to embarrass me on mine. But I’m learning,
Tom Dorsey (15:24):
I dunno about all that.
Jamey Whitlock (15:26):
The thing is is that you look at data and my question would be to Matt and you may or may not have an answer for this is at what point is there not enough information on that? What point is there too much information? And I think that it’s a good balance. I look at yours and I feel like you’re giving enough information that a customer can look at it, do their investigation, stay on this page, and they don’t have to go anywhere else. There’s enough solid info there for them to make a decision where if there’s not enough, they’re going to go look. But if there’s too much, they’re kind of glaze over after a while and they’re like, oh my gosh, this guy’s just trying to write me a grocery list on my car. So I feel like there’s a good balance that you have to find.
Of course every customer is a little bit different, so my customer may be different than yours, but I think that there is definitely a standard balance that you can get to yours look great, and of course no surprise why you perform as well as you do because they look really well done and your guys are obviously trained well. But I think that if you look at mine, you’ll see that I’m still in that growing stage of there’s just not enough the picture. We may notate the picture well as there something just very short and sweet, the tire pressure lights on or a customer might not even know what that light is right now they know what it is. Okay, now what do I do about it? And then next to it would be some content about what we’re going to do. So it’s definitely something that I feel like I can grow on. Who does that responsibility fall into the tech or the service writer? That’s for me to figure out. But that’s the first thing that pops out to me is you’ve done an excellent job with adding a good balance of content in this action area where a customer can read it, understand it, and make a decision.
Matt Fowler (17:26):
Sure. Well, and I want to respond because really a lot of it comes from that initial onboarding of the customer as far as setting that expectation is a big phrase or just trying to prepare them. When the customer comes in, I explain to them our process and have a swivel screen and I swivel the screen around and I show them Now when you leave and when you drop off, two hours later I’m going to text you and email you and this is what you’re going to be seeing. And I just grabbed one of the inspections that’s already on my work in progress. I don’t have any canned ones early on. That was a good recommendation. So you may need to do that just to have an example of it. And I just walk ’em right through it and I show them green is the things that are working and I bring up a photo, this is how you interface with this product.
And I scoot down and I show them, and I’m doing two things at one time. I’m setting that up for an expectation. But like any good salesman, I’m reading that customer trying to understand, okay, are they engaged? Are they, yeah, whatever. How much I’m learning a lot about how they’re going to receive this information. And so it starts there. And then as far as in the back of the shop, there needs to be a consistent expectation. I mentioned before, minimum 15 photos we expect out of the technician, every brake pad has a feeler gauge on it with a photo, every tire gets a photo. Anything that is moving that is having excessive play or seat or whatever expects a video. So already I know I’m getting the content from the back of the house and then how I moderate that or whatever is going to be based on my read of the customer. Because again, the product will very quickly blow out a customer if I’m not careful. And if I don’t moderate that proper before I actually put it into the customer world, I can very quickly lose my audience. And then the whole thing is for not agreed.
Tom Dorsey (19:37):
And do you communicate that stuff to the techs? Do you say sometimes, Hey, I need lots more pictures than the 15 on this guy because this guy’s going to be, he’s either going to be highly tactile, wants to see everything and wants to go back in the shop and get under the lift or something or say, let’s focus on this area and maybe not this so much because of some other thing that you might’ve picked up from the conversation at the counter.
Matt Fowler (20:07):
In that case, Tom, I would front load that with the inspection. So if it’s an oil change and the customer’s super concerned about a drip or a light on the dash, I’ll put that as a specific labor line or a specific line for the technician. And that prompts them to know that that’s a customer sensitive topic that I need to have a little bit more content on. Fantastic. Whether or not they kind of nerd it out on the inspection at the beginning, I don’t inform that to the customer. I use my read of that to then fill the evaluation with more information or whatever. But the minimum expectation from the tech should already give the service rider enough to be able to maneuver within that.
Tom Dorsey (20:51):
Sure. Hey, Bill, you got any input on that? I mean, from the trainer’s perspective, Jamey’s question was can you put too much or where’s kind of that line? Or even better is, I was funny, I was in a meeting this morning with ATI and Uwe and they had asked that, right? And no, you can’t kind of overanalyze when it comes to it, but you can get it washed out so that it doesn’t make sense to me. What would your take be on that and how do you advise your shops on how much content is too much or where’s that line drawn?
Bill Connor (21:31):
Sure. So Jamey had actually said two things is one is that whose responsibility is it? And the answer to that is, is it’s actually teamwork between the front of the shop and the back of the shop. So technicians are required to go ahead and do it. And as far as the information that you’re putting together to give to the customer, you’re actually giving them the same information they would have as if the service rider walked ’em out to the car and you’re educating ’em about their vehicle. So if you wouldn’t do that at the side of the car, then you probably don’t want to do it on the inspection sheet. But if you something’s been folded or mutilated on the car, it’s your responsibility to provide them with the information they’d see at the car geographically, where is it located, how complex is it to get to what’s actually going on and so forth. So basically all we’re doing is replacing what was the best practice of yesteryear, of having the customer hang around in the shop and show and tell at the side of the car with using the digital tools. And if you actually work through the mental process of this is what we’re really doing, we’re replacing one best practice with another one and now we can do it on a hundred percent of the cars. That’s kind of the story we want to tell.
Tom Dorsey (22:43):
Yeah, consistency is key, right? So what do you think, Jamey? Hey, can we get Jamey sheet up here and maybe we can just kind of, what do we got left about 10 minutes. We can start going through some of the things that either Matt or, so this is Jamey’s inspection right here. Fantastic. Kind of take it easy on him a little bit guys, but if you could start to diagnose, don’t easy on me. Okay. No, don’t take, he says give it to him in both barrels. I want to grow fast. I’m not going to grow slow. Let’s go. There you go. So if we could take a look at this and analyze, maybe give some pointers here live that Jamey can take away and folks in the audience can take away and get started
Matt Fowler (23:35):
As he’s going there. I mean, right under transmission fluid, it looks like you got two of the same photos with two different edits on it. Is that what I’m seeing there?
Jamey Whitlock (23:44):
Yeah. I don’t why that happened, but that one actually has a note on it and the other one does not. So I’m
Matt Fowler (23:51):
Okie doke. And then what do you got? Maybe do
Jamey Whitlock (23:54):
That one or didn’t click it off.
Matt Fowler (23:58):
Tom Dorsey (23:58):
Yeah. And they did it again down here on the engine oil.
Matt Fowler (24:00):
Yeah, that’s probably just a matter of hiding the one technician photo that had the arrow on it. You probably edited the original and then didn’t hide the tech one, the arrow on it. So that’s just a mouse click away to clear the confusion on that.
Tom Dorsey (24:17):
And then if you can get the drip trays right, because if we can go back to that engine, all that dipstick picture there, notice where the drop is in the shadow and it just washes out the color of it really. And then there’s nothing to compare it against, right? I don’t see clean oil next to dark oil. And so we want to work on, because I thought Matt’s advice in the beginning to say it’s incredible how much different in focus high def picture is going to be versus one that isn’t as in focus. And I think that would help you a lot right here.
Jamey Whitlock (24:49):
Yeah. Condition is trying to hold an iPad and a flashlight and a piece of paper with a dipstick and take a picture and it’s like they’re trying to rub their belly and their hat and jump on one foot. So of course we bought some new lights for our pads. We’re going to try to take some better quality lighted pictures. So that definitely is tough and a struggle for them.
Bill Connor (25:12):
So when you were looking at the oil change picture in the dipstick there also it says oil change needed as a customer. I don’t want to know that it’s needed. I want to know why it’s needed. So to me, this description, Mike could have said it’s a half a quat low or a full quart low and it looks like tar. That would be more informational to the consumer than something that it needs. Make sense?
Jamey Whitlock (25:34):
I agree. I agree.
Matt Fowler (25:37):
You said Jamey, you did get lights for the guys.
Jamey Whitlock (25:40):
I did.
Matt Fowler (25:41):
Okay. I brought back from Santa Barbara last year was the clip-on lights, and soon as I heard what other shop owners were doing, we ordered all of them for the shop and haven’t looked back since. So that’s good.
Tom Dorsey (25:54):
So we’ve got a couple questions coming in from the online audience and the first one’s from Powers Automotive, and they’re asking how do we remove those double photos or blurry images? And if you can give a little bit of insight, Matt, because if you get an image that comes in, they submit the inspection, it’s blurry, do you ever kick it back to ’em and tell ’em to redo?
Matt Fowler (26:12):
Yep. Absolutely. That that’s part of that curve. And that really is where, that’s the grueling part. The frustrating part on everybody’s end. You finally got the evaluation up, you’re ready to edit it and smash on it, and then you got blurry photos or dark photos and now you got to kick it back to the tech, right? I annoying little naggy note that says out of focus and everybody gets annoyed. But that is what is going to create the consistency and it only slows everybody down. It only pisses everybody off. But it’s what needs to be done to get it done and to keep the process going. So trust me, I’ve gotten yelled at, I’ve done yelling just to get what I need and what we need as a team to get it to the client so that we can hit the sale. But a blurry photo doesn’t do anybody any good as far as how to get rid of the double photos. That’s just right there in the photo editor that’ll send up the natural photo from the tech. It’ll send up the photo if they added an arrow and then if you go in and edit one, it creates a third photo. So then you got to go back and take away the visibility of the ones that you originally had or else they’re going to pump through. And that’s what’s happening on this here.
Bill Connor (27:25):
Turn the blue eye black. It works every time.
Tom Dorsey (27:28):
Well say that again, Bill, you broke up a little bit.
Bill Connor (27:31):
Turn the blue eyeball on the editor black and you’re ready to go?
Tom Dorsey (27:35):
No, there you go. Turn the blue eye to black. And so if you got a black eye that you don’t, you turn that blue
Bill Connor (27:47):
If you want to. You want ’em to be a blue eye, that’s all.
Tom Dorsey (27:53):
Hey Bill, I’m getting worried about you buddy. I think time is frozen in Dallas. Those clouds behind you aren’t moving at all. Now we’re starting to break up like you’re on Mars or something, whatever. Alright, let’s dig in. Let’s see some more. How much time we got? We got about five minutes. Okay.
Matt Fowler (28:13):
Hey, do you have the BG fluid
Tom Dorsey (28:16):
Tray second episode? What was that?
Matt Fowler (28:18):
I was asking Jamey, do you have the BG fluid tray?
Jamey Whitlock (28:22):
I do not.
Matt Fowler (28:23):
Okay. Do you use BG product in your shop?
Jamey Whitlock (28:26):
I have a few. I don’t use all BG products, but I do have some on the fuel injection side.
Matt Fowler (28:31):
Jamey Whitlock (28:32):
I mean, I have my pros and cons on the tray. I mean, I’m not saying that you don’t use it well, it never was really my style, but I do like it better than a rag and I do. So I think that no way could I raise my flag to the top of the pole here because I don’t really like them doing it on a rag or something we’ve been, and the BG tray is probably going to be the way we go unless I find something amazing.
Tom Dorsey (29:02):
And it’s just because the BG shows what the fluid should look like. I mean that comparison, the, because I got to tell you, it works for the weight loss industry, right? Show the skinny guy. If you show the dark one, show the clean one bang
Jamey Whitlock (29:16):
Tom Dorsey (29:18):
Exactly. And send me some weight loss pills while you’re at it.
Jamey Whitlock (29:21):
Yeah, touchdown.
Tom Dorsey (29:23):
Right. So what about from an education perspective? We’re seeing some videos, but some of these things in here, it looks like just additional notes versus So for windshield washer fluid top up, I mean that’s the recommended action. I
Jamey Whitlock (29:39):
Think those are the actions that are actually in my tablet right now. And this particular technician is probably one of the better guys I have at doing inspections. And those are the actions that are available to him. So my hat’s off to him for actually picking an action. I have a lot of inspections where there are no actions, there’s nothing, it’s blank. The only one that does it now, what’s available to him really isn’t that great. So something I need to work on and maybe it was a little bit of Bill’s help. I can polish those up.
Tom Dorsey (30:12):
Yeah, yeah, definitely. It sounds like you guys got to roll your sleeves up a little bit. And like I said, if you look at it from a funnel, use mats as a template to go through, even if you just emulate and copied it directly and just see if you’re, because the biggest thing that we want to do right now, Jamey, is get that motorist research time up. Am I right? I mean, what are you guys averaging now?
Jamey Whitlock (30:36):
I should know that. And I looked at it a while back. I don’t know what it is, but
Tom Dorsey (30:40):
Bill should know it too. I’ll
Jamey Whitlock (30:41):
Tell you, by trying to save myself by not knowing that stat, that when the number is high and when it’s in the four or five hundreds, the closing rates usually a hundred percent. Everything on the inspection is,
Tom Dorsey (30:58):
Yep. That’s the
Jamey Whitlock (30:59):
Secret sauce. And I usually don’t have to answer a lot of questions. So I myself on that. If I get somebody looking at inspection for very long, I just go ahead and put a check mark next to myself and say, I did not do a very good inspection. I didn’t give ’em enough information. If I see somebody spend 3, 4, 500 seconds on an inspection, then I go back and look at that inspection and go, okay, what did I do? Well, because obviously that one hit home somewhere.
Tom Dorsey (31:27):
Yeah, yeah. It’s great to keep a note, kind of self-assess yourself and then just develop it out as you go. I got to tell you guys, we’re out of time. I mean, we could probably go on another hour. I know we’re going to have to have you back. And actually what the game plan is is we’re going to get Jamey and Matt back, hopefully, I know we’ll get Jamey back, get Bill in because Bill has no choice. And then what we’re going to do is about how many weeks are we going to wait? Maybe he’s about six weeks from now. Come back on and then see the new inspection sheet that Jamey’s put together and we’ll look at his metrics, see how that motorist research time has increased and the effect on his ARO. So make sure you follow along and of course, get into the Facebook form, ask ’em some questions if we want to continue the conversation online and let’s keep that conversation going and we’ll look forward to seeing Jamey back in about six weeks and see the results.
Jamey Whitlock (32:24):
Sounds great.
Tom Dorsey (32:25):
Yes, it does. So I want to thank you guys for coming on. It was really, really great. I hope a lot of people learn stuff. Again, keep that conversation going on Facebook and tune back in and see the results. If you want to get onto the show, email us. Hit us up on Facebook if you got something specific that you want to talk about. This was great. I know this helped a lot of people that are out there in the same boat as Jamey, let us know. We’re always looking for great topics and great guests to come on and we’ll take care of you. So until next week, next Wednesday, 10:00 AM Pacific, 1:00 PM Eastern Standard time, get out there and make some more money. Thanks a lot guys. All right. Thank you.