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Episode Description

The world of finding an automotive repair shop and getting vehicles serviced is going through major changes. With the introduction of digital technologies, motorists today evaluate their vehicle’s repair needs by actively seeking information and educational content online before even looking for your shop.

Shops that have a motorist-centric educational experience, that focus on providing insights into their services or the market itself, see increased interest in the services they provide. These shops are trusted as the top reputable shop in the area.

This week, Wayne Trimble (Auburn Auto Doctors) joins the Digital ShopTalk Radio to talk about how motorists are making decisions about their vehicle repair needs. We explain how shops can position themselves in the motorists’ path as they navigate the decision journey: from consideration to coming to your shop.

In this short but intensive 30-minute episode, you’ll learn:
– How technology has changed the motorist decision-making process
– Why it’s important to implement a motorist-centric educational experience that provides answers instantly
– What strategies you can use, across multiple channels, to deliver a better customer experience throughout the entire motorist journey

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